View Full Version : Thank you for today

08-28-2016, 09:56 AM
Lord thank you for this day . Help all here to have another day of worship on this day of rest . Put upon us what you would have done through us in the coming week . If we listen we will hear . Bring us even more into your light . Put your presence in our mind and your name on our lips that we may know your plan for us to serve you . Many here have trouble Lord , be close to them and comfort them . Thank you for all you give and withhold . Amen

Pine Baron
08-28-2016, 10:17 AM
Amen, brother.

08-28-2016, 01:19 PM
Amen. Just had on Fox this morning that 55% of Americans have fallen away from God....So Father give us the strength to bring them back into the fold so that we can serve you better and restore our country back into something pleasing to You....AMEN

Virginia John
08-28-2016, 01:23 PM
Thank you for a great prayer.

08-28-2016, 01:47 PM
Amen to all! A Christian coming back to faith after drifting away always reminds me of the story of the prodigal son. It probably causes more joy in Heaven than the steadfast keeping the faith, as was illustrated by the complaints of the prodigal's older brother. But anytime something was lost and is found again, it's always uplifting simply because it was once lost.

We don't see these things like God apparently does, which is often why we drift away. But if we're just open to it, and stop assuming our view is right at the outset, we can learn an awful lot of things that at first glance don't appear to make sense, really DO make sense upon further and deeper investigation and consideration.

And we can find examples of all these things in our own lives. Who among us has found something they thought was lost, and NOT been overjoyed, even though it might be a small and relatively inconsequential thing that was involved? It's the joy of discovery that is at the root of it, and merit has little to do with it at all, really. And who among us can't use a little more joy in our lives? From any and every source from which it can come?

And who hasn't noticed that the more we stick to OUR views, the less real joy there is in our lives, whereas when we submit to God's will, joys seem to multiply, IF we're really looking with open eyes and not eyes closed by our own wills' influence.

Many would call it a paradox, but in reality, it's just a matter of what perspective we choose to view it from. And God's view ALWAYS is the right way, so when we view something from our more worldly perspective, it's no wonder we often get conclusions that differ from God's will.

Following His will may be difficult sometimes, especially when our own wills are looming large upon us, but it's always worth it, if we'll but give ourselves a chance to learn to do it more consistently. And the proof is always in the pudding, and I'm sure all of us can look back and see places where we followed our will and intellect, rather than God's will, and can see how our own wills so often lead us astray.

We can't stop being human and therefore imperfect, but we CAN do a whole lot better! And when we get better, and see the results, we can then get even better yet. We humans can be awfully hard-headed, but seeing is believing, even for us!

And all we really have to do is give it a try and prove it out for ourselves. Sure makes me feel rather sheepish when I relearn these old lessons! And humbles me. And the humble man CAN see so much better than when he's haughty and focused on his own will! So it just keeps getting better, if we just let it. Amazing how it all works, isn't it?

08-28-2016, 08:25 PM
Amen. Just had on Fox this morning that 55% of Americans have fallen away from God....So Father give us the strength to bring them back into the fold so that we can serve you better and restore our country back into something pleasing to You....AMEN

As Jim has been telling . Churches have failed delivering the gospel , we have failed as believers . Older 'Christians' as our self have gone to seed , not spreading his word . The young are lost , the old are spoiled with gifts from him . It will not maintain , We must care and fix this ...whatever that means .

08-29-2016, 05:09 AM
I am afraid it will take quite a shock to straighten all this out. It usually takes hard times to make good people..... Mercy to us all....

08-29-2016, 06:16 AM
Very regretfully I agree castalott . It's only in the last 5 or so years I have realized how truly bad it has become and the speed of it quickens . Yes I believe it will take a reckoning .

Virginia John
08-29-2016, 06:38 AM
It is hard to find a church today that preaches the gospel. They are all trying to be politically correct. Politically correct will not get you saved.

square butte
08-29-2016, 06:44 AM
Vermont has been identified as the least religious state in the country. We truly feel as if we are behind enemy lines here now.

08-29-2016, 07:05 AM
It is hard to find a church today that preaches the gospel. They are all trying to be politically correct. Politically correct will not get you saved.

I understand and agree John . Most churches have adopted trendy doctrine and put on an entertaining show on Sunday. But there are churches that refuse to give in if you search .

Preacher Jim
08-29-2016, 09:23 AM
the word of God is sharper than a two edged sword. Pastors need to put away the world and get the sword out and preach the truth, not feel good theology. the word Theology Theos- Logos means the study of the word of God.The power to divide sin and righteousness. the problem i read on here are long winded quotes of what some fool said instead of what the Bible says.
Put the books away and see what God has to say, if He isn't revealing things from His word then you need to find Jesus as your savior and let the Holy Spirit teach you.
now some will get mad at this old preacher but before you do examine your heart, have you had a personal relationship with the Savior. Can you give a testimony of the moment you accepted Jesus as your savior. if not go back and do it because i don't want you to be religous and go to hell.

Pine Baron
08-29-2016, 09:36 AM
Amen, Jim, AMEN.

08-29-2016, 10:55 AM
Agreed Jim . Commitment and conviction .

08-29-2016, 11:09 AM
Amen, Jim! Great post!