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View Full Version : involved in serious martial arts again

08-25-2016, 11:31 AM
didn't know we're to put this, it's been a while since the move and full gut of the house and getting the farm up and running but I've gotten involved in martial art again, last night went 3 the minute rounds for the first time in a few years, my eye is black, my hips hurt, my left hand is swollen and I haven't felt so good in years! working the heavy bag and shadow boxing doesn't keep you in fighting form like sparring does as I found out in the last few weeks, and a few full. intact rounds really gets off the rust and helps you to get fluid again!
anyone out there doing or heard of Ho Jitsu, a Japanese martial.art that incorporates firearms?

08-25-2016, 01:16 PM
Haven't heard of Ho Jitsu. What kind of firearms do they use in it? A friend of a friend is an instructor locally, and pretty good at it from what I understand. I may have to ask him about this one! If I can get new hips, I may try dabbling in it. My best life-long friend takes classes, and at 67, his instructor uses him as an example often to motivate the much younger kids. When they do laps, he's always at or near the head of the group. But he's been a runner all his life until his doc advised him to just walk due to developing problems in his ankles and a little in his knees. He's still working 40+ hrs./wk. at Daniel Defense, and taking care of his farm, and other property. He can't lift his legs as high as he used to, but he's found that balance between determination and discretion that's so hard to balance out. If the doc says it's OK, I may have to try some. Been an awfully long time now since I had any hand to hand training, and the exercise would be VERY welcome! Let us know if you can how and what kind of firearms are used in it. The Japanese and other orientals put more study into fight theories than anybody, I think, and I love the grace and underlying philosophies of most of it. Very appealing in many ways. I have Musashi's Book of 5 Rings, but there's no way to get the "goody" out of just reading about it, though even so, it's still a good read.

08-25-2016, 01:23 PM
Due to blood borne pathogens I try not to pummel my adversaries. Now a days you can get flesh eating disease, HIV, hepatitis, etc..., from trading blood with thugs. If you are close enough to punch them they are within handgun range.

08-25-2016, 01:35 PM
yes Harry I agree totally this is not for street fighting not even rally self defense, I can run i can shoot the bad guys, it's a nice addition to the tool Box and the fighting is why I got.involved in the first place as a boy but now it's for fitness, toughness and to keep my martial mind sharpened and fed. the only person I'm really fighting is me, it's great to get ride of the lag time between thought and action and just do, it translates well to shooting, lift shirt draw fire doing faster than you can say the words. I'm not a bully nor a masochistic but I am.a big strong guy whom likes martial things, my main training partner right. own is one of the deadliest men I've known, and a talented gentalman, warrior for Christ and all around great guy, great control so the beatings only hurt a little but he outweighs me by 40 pounds(solid not fat) and has 20 years experience on me, if I can hold my own against him I have nothing to fear.
I don't encourage street fighting in my gun classes, but everyone should have some hand to hand/self defense skills, for the confidence and the fitness it offers, wolves look.for.sheep, someone grabs you and you break the wrist, poke the eye and knock them.down than your not a sheep and they will probably run away, hopefully the opposite direction you are going!

08-25-2016, 04:00 PM
Nagantguy, I really enjoy your comments on this matter.

08-26-2016, 01:59 AM
The only martial arts I ever practiced was mexican yudo, which only involves putting your hand in or around your back pocket.

Yudo know if I have a gun or yudo know if I have a knife. lol

08-26-2016, 08:53 AM
I like the Yudo bit,but I keep mine in my overall bib pocket,Real easy to get to and retrieve.Never had to pull it but it is always there if I need it.

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