View Full Version : Prayers for Gray Wolf's dog Sophie

Wise Owl
08-23-2016, 04:48 PM
Most of you know my hubby Sam. His best friend is in need of prayers. Below is a copy of what I posted on another forum about our girl. Please read.

Our youngest dog Sophie is in need of your prayers. She has a lump/mass in her neck right beside the esophagus. I took her to our traveling vet this morning and she referred her to our other vet who is about 85 miles away that we use for serious stuff. She has an appointment for Sept 7th for a pre-surgery evaluation.

The vet this morning said it could be a fatty tumor (she has a couple others that are not in need of surgery. They are just there and doing no harm or are getting larger) or it could be some sort of cancer. It is not near any glands. Just beside the esophagus and if it grows could make it hard for her to breathe. She is a VERY active dog and loves to chase the local red squirrels and make them run for the woodpile or shed.......lol.

Sophie is my husband's dog. He loves her more than me sometimes, I think. It would devastate him if anything bad happened to her. She is smart and very loving. She loves him to pieces. He is a mess about this but then so am I)

I am currently working on getting funds together to pay for the pre-eval which will probably include an x-ray or two. And then the surgery. Together it will run about $900 to $1000 total.
We are seniors and on SS which I know a lot of you are so you can understand stuff like this is a large issue so prayers that we can get help with the funds and that this is only a fatty tumor or something similar......(abscess or something)

Please help our baby girl....... She is 7 years old and still a life of love to give.

Oh, she is a 1/4 miniature poodle, 1/4 yorkie and 1/2 Old English Lab..........yeah, she looks like a labradoodle.......

Below are a couple of pics of favorite things to do. Sleep on the couch and hunt snakes or red squirrels in the wood pile.....

Thank you so much.



08-23-2016, 05:02 PM
I will pray and hope everything works out well for everyone . Thank you for asking .

08-23-2016, 05:12 PM
prayers sent and our dog had the very same condition, vet put him on antibiotics and it cleared up. he still has a small lump and we keep a eye on it but for over a year now there has been no problem. if he is eating good thats a good sign.

Wise Owl
08-23-2016, 05:17 PM
rancher, eating has NEVER been a problem for Sophie. Thank you for the encouraging words tho.

I have started a fundraising page for our girl on a site that acually doesn't take a cut of the money raised. And they use PayPal as one of the ways for people to help. When Ashly had to have nodules removed from her mammory gland 3 years ago, all the was, was Go Fund me and they charged plus the money taking place charged for using them.

Anyway, it's here.......

I also left a message with a place that helps in things like this with dogs/cats.

Thank you both for your prayers.


08-23-2016, 06:37 PM
Julie and Sam, In our home our dogs are our children and they do run our household! I will pray for comfort for you two as well as comfort and healing for Sophie. She is important to you two so she is important to me as well......Paul

08-23-2016, 07:44 PM
Julie, I lost one of the greatest dogs I've ever had about a year ago now, and I've had quite a few really great ones. I know what you three are going though. No other animal has ever been able to relate to man like the dog has, or at least the really good ones have. Similarly, man relates to those great ones in a manner unlike our relations with any other person or animal on earth. I think God gave them to us so we'd have an example of agape love - the way God loves.

My heart goes out to you all, and my prayers will be up for all three of you. Sounds like it's not too terribly threatening, but I'm no vet, so prayers will be up, just in case you all need them. I have NO problem praying for a dog, and have done so more times than I'd like to remember sometimes. The great people and great dogs in our lives are irreplacable.

gray wolf
08-23-2016, 11:04 PM
Sam here,
I want to thank each and every one for the prayers and well wishes for my
Dog Sophia, She is my friend, and my companion, She is a rag tag mixed breed squirrel hunting
Black ball of fun loving fur.

We have to drive over 100 miles round trip in our truck that you folks bought for us a few years ago.
She needs a tail pipe but we have managed to keep the old girl on the road.

I am praying that she will not need any serious kind of surgery.

Thank you all again for your prayers and kind words of support.


Old Scribe
08-23-2016, 11:53 PM
Several years ago we had a great little dog on the Ranch that got into some rat poison.
We prayed for her and the doctor who treated her. She survived and lived several more years. Prayers always help!

08-24-2016, 12:05 AM
Prayers sent.

08-24-2016, 01:47 AM
Prayers for Sophie!

Pine Baron
08-24-2016, 08:17 AM
Prayers sent for a good outcome.

08-25-2016, 10:11 AM
Prayer offered for Sophie

gray wolf
08-25-2016, 10:13 AM
Thank you for your prayers.

Sam and Julie

Wise Owl
08-26-2016, 03:28 PM
Well, now we really need prayers. I just went to the PO to get the mail and some gas form the lawnmower. I shut off the Ford, go in, come back and it won't start again. Luckily the garage we use is right next door. In the meantime I have both dogs in the back and it was supposed to be in to town and home. Right.
Mechanic looks and brings out his other guy, they check a couple things and yup, it's the starter. I bring the dogs home and head back to town without shutting off the engine cause it wouldn't have started again if I did.

Dogs dropped off so I head back to town and mechanic/owner says it will get fixed this afternoon by 5. Gonna have to post date a check for next week. That is ok, I think. Done it before, but the $270 will take the money we need to pay for Sophie's exam on the 7th.........

So now, Sam and I are in a real problem area with that rock/hard place, yet again......only worse.

Please pray that God hears our prayers and solves what is a really bad thing.

Do we get the car fixed and not Sophie? Can't get Sophie to vet or do stuff like groceries without it. Can't not take care of Sophie either.

Lord have mercy on us.....

(sorry for the long story but I am wrung dry at this moment.)

08-26-2016, 10:44 PM
Had some similar problems today. I'm dog tired. Heat really gets to me these days. Remember that verse in the Bible, "This too shall pass." It's a big help when we get challenged.

Pine Baron
08-27-2016, 08:15 AM
Prayer sent for a clear path and a good outcome. The Lord works in mysterious ways.

08-27-2016, 08:21 AM
My heart goes out to you. Sometimes dogs are closer friends than human friends can be. I will pray for you and your canine companion that you find the strength to overcome.

Wise Owl
08-27-2016, 10:12 AM
Had some similar problems today. I'm dog tired. Heat really gets to me these days. Remember that verse in the Bible, "This too shall pass." It's a big help when we get challenged.

I agree about the heat thing. I think it's because of the hypothyroid issue I have. I'm supposed to stay out of the sun.......(yeah, right)

We appreciate your prayers about our stuff. Sometimes life just gets overwhelming for old folks. It's nice to have a place to come to and just pray. Seems I do a lot more of that these days. For ourselves, our country, family members, and the list goes on and on.

God bless you all.

08-27-2016, 01:14 PM
And God bless you, young lady! Thanks for another opportunity to pray for a real need. And anyone who loves a dog as you do most certainly knows the real value and lesson in life our good dogs teach us - that of unabashed and unlimited love. And a gal like you is my kind'a folks! Only humble folks can love like that, just like only humble folks can really receive many of the messages Christ has laid out for us in the Bible and in life. Please be a regular here. Folks like you two really matter.

Wise Owl
08-27-2016, 01:35 PM
Blackwater, you are a sweet guy. Thank you. Sophie thanks you also. AND SAM......

You just can't not love this girl..