View Full Version : Dillon customer service

08-22-2016, 06:26 PM
I bought my Dillon 550 back in the late 1980's, maybe early 1990's. Had it set up to load the 4 different handgun calibers that I shoot, 38-357, 45ACP, and 45LC. Just recently I decided to set it up for 223 blasting ammo so I found a set of carbide dies and the caliber conversion kit rather cheap on local Armslist. Called Dillon and ordered the "Quick change kit" which consists of the toolhead, powder die and powder measure, and a toolhead stand. Sunday I finally had some time to set up the toolhead with the dies and much to my dismay the design on the failsafe rod had changed sometime in the last 25 years. Tried to call Dillon customer service on Sunday, but they were not open. Today as soon as I got home from work I gave the nice people at Dillon a call and explained my situation, the representative said that a complete failsafe rod assembly would be on the way tomorrow, no charge. Now I can just swap out the assembly when I switch from old style toolheads to new style.

THANKS DILLON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

08-23-2016, 03:03 PM
I just bought a used 650 and it arrived with a broken plastic primer chute. The gorillas at UPS must have been mad the day my press came through because the box was badly damaged and ripped open. I suspect the box was dropped from a few feet and that is when the chute broke. Monday I called Dillon and told the nice guy on the phone exactly what happened and that I would like to buy a replacement chute. After confirming my address, he said that he would ship a replacement out free of charge. Now this is for a second hand press that was slightly damaged in shipping, absolutely no fault of Dillon or the original purchaser.

THANKS DILLON (too)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Alvarez Kelly
08-23-2016, 06:59 PM
Stories like these are the norm. Dillon's customer service is just amazing.

08-23-2016, 08:20 PM
Their no BS warranty is just that!

08-24-2016, 02:17 PM
Only thing that Dillon does that rattles me is...

If you buy anything the shipping is very costly ( at least to the UK) but if they send a replacement part (and they are very good at that) it's stuck in a padded envelope and posted cheapest...

I'd like a cheaper shipping option if I'm buying.....