View Full Version : Zinc ww's not worst-MUST READ!!

05-29-2008, 07:29 PM
Hi guys, A friend brought me a 5 gallon bucket of ww's and as usual I was sorting out the cigarette butts, sunflower seeds, valve stems, nasty zinc ww's. Now comes the good part a used hypodermic syringe. Well to say I was surprised is an understatement. I always use some type of glove, usually nitrile, but if that needle had stuck me, I would have been furious and scared at the same time. Just thought I would pass this along to all. Dump them out, scatter with something other than your hand and carefully sort them. Mac

05-29-2008, 08:04 PM
Totally Nasty, definitly any eye opener.


05-29-2008, 08:11 PM
i always dump mine on the tailgate of my truck wash them and scoop into another bucket
i have found a few razor blades but never a syringe

05-29-2008, 08:56 PM
Wow! Good tip, thanks!

05-29-2008, 10:38 PM
That's why I don't go NOODLE-N! Don't stick your hand where you can't see... well, for the most part anyway.

05-30-2008, 02:01 AM
I got a nasty cut from a razor blade in WW a tire shop gave me recently. DALE

05-30-2008, 05:34 AM
I melt it all. Anything that floats gets skimmed and all the junk makes flux.

BTW- In farm country needles are common. One of the things all the baby Troopers have to learn is that the 63 year old lady with the 300cc syringe and 16ga needle isn't a mainline heroin user, shes got sick cows!

05-30-2008, 06:15 AM
yeah Thanks for the tip hadn't thought about that

05-30-2008, 07:06 AM
I can appreciate your situation,as a mailman ,I have found everything in boxes.To name a few,diapers-used,tampon's-used,a catfish,snakes and yes-needles.I have gotten so that if I cannot see all of the inside of the box,my hand don't go there!

05-30-2008, 01:33 PM
I've found spiders, wasps and zillions of earwigs inside my own mailbox.

05-30-2008, 01:49 PM

I totally understand the fear of being stuck by a used hypodermic needle. I work in a waste water treatment plant.

It took awhile to get used to the thought of what I was actually working with/in. You'd be AMAZED at what can make it thru miles of sewer line.

Ocassionally pumps get plugged up and have to be torn down and cleaned out. This requires runing your hand and arm up and into places you can't see.

My worst nightmare? You got it......a Hypodermic needle.

And yeah, you can find all kinds of things you feel like 'cheated' you on a bucket of WW"s.......chuckle.


05-30-2008, 02:20 PM
Nasty, but could have been nastier.

A lesson for us all methinks.

05-31-2008, 12:30 AM
Like Trooper4207 says, 'Needles are quite common in farm country' and they're also quite usefull. Its been a while since I bought one but they used to sell for about a quarter a piece in the feed stores. When we still had the dogs the only vaccine I couldn't buy was rabbies, the rest I could get from the feed store and took care of myself.
I still have one in my tackle box. Put a slip sinker above a swivel and a short leader with a hook below. When the worm goes on the hook give him a shot of air with the needle and it will float off of the bottom how ever long your leader is. When I lived in Wisconsin this nailed the coho big time fishing from the pier and the school came in.
I also have one in my tool box. Its the perfect tool for getting that drop of oil exactly where it needs to go, like when its time service those fans in the wood stoves.
And my favorite but I've kind of outgrown this one. When I was a young and foolish juvenile still going to school. We'd take the needles off and fill the syringe with water and have water fights in class. With a little practice you'd be surprised at how far and how accurate those things will throw a few cc's of water. Come to think about it that was probably my first concealed carry.

Take Care

05-31-2008, 02:02 AM
I can beat all of you guys. Thirty years ago I bought some stuff from a local gunshop when the owner was going out of business. I couldn't afford much, going to school, and two kids in college also, but I made a deal for a SAECO furnace, a beat-up H&G 6-cavity mold (still have it), and a box full of solder snippets, about 5 pounds worth, great for adding tin to the alloy.
For once (maybe the last time) I was smart, and poured the solder snippets out to check them out - and found about 8-10 small rifle primers! Think what would have happened if I had dumped them into the pot...

NRA Patron

05-31-2008, 06:30 AM
BTW- In farm country needles are common. One of the things all the baby Troopers have to learn is that the 63 year old lady with the 300cc syringe and 16ga needle isn't a mainline heroin user, shes got sick cows!

My wife is only a 34 year old lady and at any given time in her truck or mine a Trooper or a County Mountie can find a various assortment of syringes, needles, and as in the case last night, a 30 cc bottle of epinephrine, three 10 cc bottles of Clostridium Perferingens Toxiod, and a 100 cc bottle of Pen G.

I don't worry about the State Troopers so much and have never been bothered by one. Missouri expects a lot from the Troopers, and the professional standards are quite high. Many a young person has been dismissed for being rude. I wish I could say the same about our county deputies. There are a lot go good folks working for the Sheriff's Dept, but there are also a few that are worthless.

Best Wishes from the Boer Ranch,


05-31-2008, 06:44 AM
I dump mine out of their buckets into the bed of the truck and leave them until I get around to emptying them out. I have some now that have been in there awhile. I bet it kills the gas mileage! I have found razors, tobacco, valve stems, a part to their balance machine (returned it and they were very thankful) and bunches of cigs. A lot of folks who see the bed of the truck say "I didn't know you smoked". I don't!

05-31-2008, 11:53 AM
Thanks for the heads-up encoreman..
I will remember this !
Never even crossed my mind about razor blades or needles.
Guess what I been doing ?
Yup ...
digging with my bare hands..:roll:
Lucky I only found valve stems, nuts, bolts etc...


05-31-2008, 01:57 PM
yeppers, bad stuff in them buckets:


05-31-2008, 02:08 PM
Holy smokes and I thought I had a lot after a weekend of smelting- maybe a halfgal bucket full.
:( I feel so smalltime.:(

06-03-2008, 12:41 AM
Some tweekers shoot up. A guy that worked for me back in the 80's was driving my sweeper truck.

I took it out one night, and found what I thought was a pen stuck in the in the ripped seat cover. Imagine my shock when I pulled it out, and saw what it was. How I didn't get stuck only heaven knows. Damn drug addicts.. :roll:

06-03-2008, 01:34 AM
NO NEED to ever touch that crap! Just dump it all in the dutch oven and let the fire clean up all the nasties. Skim the crap and zincs and never look back.:Fire:

Not to mention you never get that dog piss smell off your hand if you start handling the weights.:mrgreen: