View Full Version : Friday at the range......

08-20-2016, 10:00 PM
Well it went below 100 degrees yesterday so I took "Sweet Lips", my latest under hammer project out for so more testing and after 5 or 6 shots a young Philippine couple setup two tables to my left. I gave them a glance and saw the young lady was not wearing much clothing, mainly yoga shorts and a loose tank top with nothing under it! So I cleaned the rifle and got ready for another shot and as I sat down and set the barrel on the cross sticks I noted 4 of the RP's were at the right side of the table so I asked if they had come to help me or learn about muzzle loaders but they just laughed.............stayed there for about 15 minutes or so and finally some new shooters came in so they had to leave! Poor guys.

08-21-2016, 04:29 AM
Distractions. This is why there used to be such things as men's clubs; so serious men could get together and, hopefully, accomplish serious things without distractions. Now that everything is "co-ed" we have far more distractions to contend with and civilization is suffering as a result. Some people see that as a good thing.

I recall, for example, many years ago, I and a friend were sitting in a local pub discussing the physics of his invention for scraping oboe reeds or some such, when a woman we both knew came to our table, sat down, listened for a few seconds and said, "BORIIING!"

Well of course that blew the whole conversation, derailing it from serious problem solving and plunging it into utter meaninglessness. It might be that the technology of musical instruments was set back decades by that one interruption, because, being men, we changed the subject to suit the woman. In hindsight we should have, well, what? There's no getting out of that situation unscathed....which is the whole point.

Today, with our hyper-inclusive culture, this concept is totally forgotten. The very idea of letting a man alone so that he can do what he does, for the benefit not only of himself but of others, seems to have been lost.

The flip side to this argument of course is that we men must be able to control ourselves, including maintaining the ability to focus. This almost never actually happens.

The flip side to the flip side is that some, many, most women enjoy having the ability to put men off their work (they then judge us for being so easily manipulated, and rightly so). Nonetheless it is all our fault as men, see. It really is.

Who even talks about this stuff anymore?

One of the cultural traps that's been set for us (and this is relatively very recent) is that, when we want to get away from the women, for just a few (blankety blank) minutes here and there, for God's sake, and have some peace, and who knows maybe accomplish something, the women feel their rights or some such are being violated if they can't follow us and intrude on our business. We've been looking at it all wrong for several decades now.

Still and all, and I repeat; it's all our fault as men. If civilization is to be saved, we must realize that.

08-21-2016, 12:07 PM
Since we are in the land of wacky laws and wackier governor if I were to suggest a "men only" shooting day for our club.......jeeez the **** would hit the fan so hard it would not come down until it got to Maine!