View Full Version : 22RF case failure?

08-20-2016, 06:26 PM

The other day my son and I were knocking over the RF "Falling Plates" at our club.

I was shooting my old 1967 - vintage Ruger Mk I target pistol. A function-perfect veteran of many 10's of thousands of rounds.

I ran off two 50-round boxes at the plates and was into the third when "Bang!" - an unusual report. I looked and the gun was firmly jammed - an unfired case locked partially in the chamber.

I cleared the jam and looked it over. - The extracter was gone, blown out of the pistol. I noted a battered case-base on the bench-top. I knew a case had failed for some reason and the case body must still be in the chamber.

We went home.

There I dis-assembled the pistol and ran a patch through the barrel. Sure-enough there was something very rough and sticky in the chamber area even if I couldn't readily see anything. ~ All I could (not) see was the origin of rifling.

I'm no genius but that case body HAD to come outa there!

I got a bran-new 22 bore brush and jammed it into the chamber. It stuck tight. I could not move it in or out with all my (marginal) strength.

I called my son. With me holding and him pulling "pop!" the brush came out - with the separated case body firmly stuck onto the stiff bronze bristles.

I ordered and installed a new extracter and today I function-tested the rugged old Ruger. It worked perfectly once more.

Good afternoon, Forrest

08-20-2016, 07:31 PM
Just out of curiosity, what brand and type of 22lr ammo were you using?

lefty o
08-20-2016, 09:02 PM
it can happen, though not super common. usually the result of the firearm firing with it slightly out of battery.

08-20-2016, 09:06 PM
GONRA sez if yer shootin' one of the longer .22 LR rimfire case versions (CCL Stinger, etc.)
this is not a "Big Suprise."

08-21-2016, 12:44 PM
It happens once in awhile. You did the right thing to clear the case body but next time put a little hoppies or other solvent in the chamber if its stuck that hard. When I shot competition I had a spare extractor set just in case. 10/22's will do the same thing.

08-21-2016, 10:22 PM
I had the same thing happen today to my 10/22 takedown, I broke it down, and thankfully it came out with a pocketknife, wee hoo!

08-22-2016, 10:29 AM

Thanks for the comments.

I'm interested semi-shocked that this apparently happens fairly frequently!


08-22-2016, 11:50 AM
I have shot over 150,000 rounds of .22 and have never had something like that happen. I doubt it is a common thing but you handled it well.