View Full Version : Gunsmithing now under ITAR Peiition to the Whitehouse to remove

08-14-2016, 09:28 AM
https://petitions.whitehouse.gov//pe...nsmithing-itar (https://petitions.whitehouse.gov//petition/remove-gunsmithing-itar)

Recently the White house (Pres. Obama) through Executive action added anyone in the business of manufacturing ammunition or firearms, to include gunsmiths previously not included, to register with the State department at a price of $2250.00 per year for the license.

This is (in my opinion) a side maneuver to close smaller businesses. Please sign the petition and pass on to anyone else you may know.

08-14-2016, 03:54 PM
Thanks, Reed. Done, and gladly! I know it'll probably put my name on some sort of "subversive list," but it's probably there multiple times anyway, so ... no loss, really. Great post, sir!

DerekP Houston
08-14-2016, 04:34 PM
Signed! Hopefully it gets resolved satisfactorily.

08-14-2016, 04:40 PM
Contact your representatives. They are the ones that can have this changed.

08-14-2016, 05:06 PM
A prime example of Government Overreach. Just incredible, the Government is no longer "For The People".

08-14-2016, 06:51 PM

Tar Heel
08-14-2016, 09:23 PM
Executive Order
Assigns previous presidential powers over to the State Dept.
https://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2016/07/22/executive-order-delegation-certain-authorities-and-assignment-certain (https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.whitehouse.gov_the-2Dpress-2Doffice_2016_07_22_executive-2Dorder-2Ddelegation-2Dcertain-2Dauthorities-2Dand-2Dassignment-2Dcertain&d=CwMFAg&c=_mDkRWzOLjoVDgT8Mi46Yw&r=PDqPRhyiJ_-ugH0opRkUKu6_bbdJKP3zf-evyINKdRg&m=eSMyi1KMeHa66DzLL_bvSvgMaqyKS1TP403P_N5o8XU&s=iqHqFDN6R8WRXrFSWS5sPwJMc17mtjTzf0IrURdf8tE&e=)

State Dept. Document
Released on the same day as Executive Order. This had been planned for months in secret.
http://pmddtc.state.gov/compliance/Applicability%20of%20the%20ITAR%20Registration%20R equirement%20to%20Firearms%20Manufacturers%20%28Pu blish%29.pdf (https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__pmddtc.state.gov_compliance_Applicability-2520of-2520the-2520ITAR-2520Registration-2520Requirement-2520to-2520Firearms-2520Manufacturers-2520-2528Publish-2529.pdf&d=CwMFAg&c=_mDkRWzOLjoVDgT8Mi46Yw&r=PDqPRhyiJ_-ugH0opRkUKu6_bbdJKP3zf-evyINKdRg&m=eSMyi1KMeHa66DzLL_bvSvgMaqyKS1TP403P_N5o8XU&s=rw_Mwk8Wa2s5_E7uhqP4K1NERcKnuFSmVUWApxMV1t0&e=)

08-15-2016, 01:35 AM
Done and will send E-mail to congress critters as well, but after my last experience with something done by bureaucrats I don't hold much hope of change.

Tar Heel
08-16-2016, 07:33 AM
We are witnessing the end.

08-16-2016, 11:10 AM
Don't expect much with liberals and liberal judges that make law against the constitution.
Maybe the worst are RINO'S.

08-16-2016, 12:00 PM
It will hurt small smiths who don't make a lot of money and make it harder for new smiths to begin a business especially if done part time. My suggestion is the shooting community understand these folks' increase in expenses to stay in business and accept a slightly higher price for the work the smith provides. Either we all understand and pay a bit more or forget about may of the smiths currently in business and accept that only larger shops will continue and the wait time will increase and the choice of smiths will decrease. One has to ponder how many gang bangers using already using weapons they are not legally allowed to own send their firearms to gunsmiths to be worked on.

If you don't like the law send some money to your favorite small smith and help him survive. Otherwise you will soon be complaining about how there are no longer any smiths to work on your equipment other than large smiths without the same variety of services or quality control previously obtainable.

08-16-2016, 04:33 PM
It will hurt everyone! Maybe you can donate but most find it hard to make dinner. All are here, poor to rich. You see it all the time, get a custom such and such, only $150 to $4000 for whatever. I feel for the man with $5 and will give all my time to him. He is our people. We will lose the little shops and friends and maybe the large too.
The EPA has caused the lead company to close so ore will go to China and lead will come back at a high cost so your bullets will double or triple in cost. Ammo makers will close. Nobody will pay $3 a shot. The police and army will not be able to shoot enough.
Fun has gone away. Seen a 550 round box of .22's at a flea market for $44 when I used to buy them for $8.
It is not funny anymore and they will stop us from even talking guns.

08-16-2016, 10:16 PM
44, understand that at times I also was without and remember very well, but at least I was young and had a dream. When I go past a person who is really down and out living on the street it is clear that but by the grace of God there go I. This law will be very bad for smiths who are just getting by or want to start. Even so I suggest it will be ineffective. Smiths will group together to form business entities and work for the entity which will be the entity paying for the new license. Get half a dozen smiths together and the cost per year is about $400 each which if they are billing for 400 hours of labor just increases their rate by a dollar an hour. Of course there would be organizational costs and it takes different skills than being a smith, but likely manageable.

I don't shoot 22 much anymore which is a shame as it is an enjoyable cartridge and firearms. The price of 22s makes it a bit hard to accept and so I am concentrating on center fire which is cheaper than 22LR when reloaded.

Last week I had dinner with a person I thought was far left liberal and works with poor Black people as a social worker trying to help them survive. It amazed me that he was a supported of Trump. He understood that our country has been gutted of industry and the jobs and opportunity that goes with a job. It is not coming back soon. Sure there are kids working tech jobs making a fortune representing the lucky few and the lucky few are getting fewer overall. Look at a Youtube video of a Tesla production plant and where are all the people building cars? Technology and robotics and international trade are changing the world. Most of us will be left behind. A small minority will prosper greatly. Isn't this a interesting thing to say on a board that is very conservative? Another person was from W Virginia coal country and also appreciated how people have been destroyed by the changing economy and understanding they are not going to get a break.

I am old and on my way out. When I look at a child it is concerning how they will make a living. Just be thankful for the time you have had and the enjoyment of your memories. There is nothing you can do other than try and that isn't going to make much difference. Perhaps we lived in the Golden Age of the USA, but then again the future might be wonderful. Be thankful for being alive and surviving able to take some pleasure where you can. Maybe we will all be taking up sewing.

08-17-2016, 12:54 AM
I'll be throwing some cash in if this goes to a lawsuit. I had an FFL after I left the Marine Corps to make side money, and I'd like to do it again someday

08-17-2016, 01:42 PM
What next? Auto mechanics? After all without them drugs would not be able to run down people in the streets and bank robbers would not be able to speed away away and avoid the law.

08-17-2016, 03:35 PM
Here is more I just got.
Obama couldn’t pass gun control, so he signed onto the UN Arms Trade Treaty without Congressional approval. Now, we are seeing export regulations being applied to American gunsmiths who don’t do business abroad at all.
Obama couldn’t pass his environmental package and Congress refused to fund the UN Climate Fund. So, Obama took $500 million of YOUR money out of an account that could be used to fight the Zika virus or other infectious diseases and just gave the money to the United Nations anyway.
Now, we have arrived at another opportunity for Obama to surrender our sovereignty without Congressional authorization: the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty.

08-17-2016, 05:10 PM
Everything, and I mean everything, has a breaking point. We are getting incrementally closer every minute.

08-18-2016, 07:33 PM
Or you can put aside any problems you have with Trump and vote for him as he WILL resend every Executive Order Bamas made in the first few days.

I am hoping after he gets most of his promises underway that he gets Congress to re write the laws governing what a President can and can not do. Enough of this Gray Area BS. It needs to be set in stone!

Next they need to make it so that when Congress Subpoenas or Requests Documents from an agency that those documents are delivered with in 48 hours. Not allowing slow walking until it is convenient or when some judge forces them to.

Also The DOJ MUST prosecute when recommended by the FBI or other Law Enforcement Agency. Political Protection in this country has got to end, as there is too much corruption taking place that goes unanswered. Lets face it both the Clintons should be in jail as they have done too many things and have gotten away Scot Free, simply because our justice system favors the rich and famous.

The only answer that we as the smaller people have is Trump. Better not forget that on election day. And if you decide to not vote for him because of your "principals," or some other BS reason, then move to Mexico because you suck!

Ask me how I really feel?


Geezer in NH
08-19-2016, 05:08 PM

08-21-2016, 12:30 AM
edited due to typo

08-21-2016, 01:06 AM
Screw them. Hard to be an outlaw, if you aren't one.

08-21-2016, 01:21 PM
Screw them. Hard to be an outlaw, if you aren't one.

An honest man can be a criminal or a criminal can be an honest man.


08-21-2016, 04:22 PM
Done. Only a little over 8000 signatures so far. I'm wondering if maybe people who ordinarily would sign are feeling a little intimidated given todays political atmosphere. I know I do.


08-21-2016, 06:59 PM
Or you can put aside any problems you have with Trump and vote for him as he WILL resend every Executive Order Bamas made in the first few days.

I am hoping after he gets most of his promises underway that he gets Congress to re write the laws governing what a President can and can not do. Enough of this Gray Area BS. It needs to be set in stone!

Next they need to make it so that when Congress Subpoenas or Requests Documents from an agency that those documents are delivered with in 48 hours. Not allowing slow walking until it is convenient or when some judge forces them to.

Also The DOJ MUST prosecute when recommended by the FBI or other Law Enforcement Agency. Political Protection in this country has got to end, as there is too much corruption taking place that goes unanswered. Lets face it both the Clintons should be in jail as they have done too many things and have gotten away Scot Free, simply because our justice system favors the rich and famous.

The only answer that we as the smaller people have is Trump. Better not forget that on election day. And if you decide to not vote for him because of your "principals," or some other BS reason, then move to Mexico because you suck!

Ask me how I really feel?


I agree with you 100%. The only problem is, he is not going in, any other way but by a landslide. The Electoral College desided that, 8 years ago. About the time HRC and Bama met on that train during his first run and she conceded the next day.

08-22-2016, 04:18 AM

Gaseous Maximus
08-24-2016, 08:04 PM
Thanks, Reed. Done, and gladly! I know it'll probably put my name on some sort of "subversive list," but it's probably there multiple times anyway, so ... no loss, really. Great post, sir!
Me too, and thanks.

08-28-2016, 12:05 AM
What next? Auto mechanics?

If you hadn't heard, the tractor companies wont allow a farmer to work on their own tractors any more, they have to take them to a dealer.

08-29-2016, 05:21 AM
Just got off that petition site- looks like we are about 82,260 signatures SHORT as of this entry. Can shooeters really be this ignorant?

08-29-2016, 06:59 AM
You've successfully signed the petition below. Your signature has been verified and counted. Remove Gunsmithing from ITAR. (https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/remove-gunsmithing-itar) Help the petition reach its goal, share with others:
Short URL: https://wh.gov/iFvaU

08-29-2016, 09:15 AM
Just got off that petition site- looks like we are about 82,260 signatures SHORT as of this entry. Can shooeters really be this ignorant?

Not ignorant. Petitions do absolutely nothing. You can have millions of signatures and this administration will ignore it. Your time is better spent contacting your representatives and making them aware of this issue. They are the ones that have the power to effect change.

08-29-2016, 09:39 AM
From an administration that ignores the rule of law and the constitution yes they will ignore it.

On the other hand if we don't show OUR disgust with this are we not also ignoring it !! .
Not ignorant. Petitions do absolutely nothing. You can have millions of signatures and this administration will ignore it. Your time is better spent contacting your representatives and making them aware of this issue. They are the ones that have the power to effect change.

DerekP Houston
08-29-2016, 09:44 AM
Not ignorant. Petitions do absolutely nothing. You can have millions of signatures and this administration will ignore it. Your time is better spent contacting your representatives and making them aware of this issue. They are the ones that have the power to effect change.

Even the petitions that passed previously were just politely ignored. I sign them still, I'm on enough lists and frankly don't give 2c any more. They know where I live and can come get me whenever at this point. I'll keep writing and signing though...

Lead Fred
08-29-2016, 09:54 AM
Been reloading since JFK took office. Been building firearms for decades now. They dont need to know who I am.


08-29-2016, 09:59 AM
At 65 years that's about the limit of my civil disobedience.But I do find a small amount of PRIDE in doing so.
Chances are they would probably S.W.A.T. the wrong house anyway Derek P [smilie=w:.
Even the petitions that passed previously were just politely ignored. I sign them still, I'm on enough lists and frankly don't give 2c any more. They know where I live and can come get me whenever at this point. I'll keep writing and signing though...