View Full Version : Win 77, problem gun

08-13-2016, 02:12 PM
Friend got this as a free one when his brother in law passed. The bolt will not go back far enough to cock or feed the next shell. The last 1/4" is hard to cock the striker.
I took it apart and cleaned, checked all parts. Only thing I found was the circlip on the timing rod broken, replaced it with no luck.
No burrs and any rough spots.
Anyone have an idea?

08-13-2016, 11:56 PM
I've got one of those.
Picked it up because the cocking handle in on the left side. Kind of different.
Is yours magazine out tube fed???
It's a pain to reassemble.
I have a book someplace that shows how to do it.
This may help.

08-14-2016, 08:01 AM
It is a tube fed and I think I know the problem. Have to take it apart again. I think the piece of the circlip is in the timing rod hole.
The collar on the rod should go in the sear to prevent the gun from firing unless closed all the way.
The added pressure to cock is the timing rod spring. I will know soon.

08-14-2016, 10:17 AM
I was a little wrong, the collar just holds the spring back. Just the end of the timing rod.It's only that rod end blocks the sear.
The broken circlip parts I found in the gun were too large and sheared. That little thing has to go through the hole to the sear. I found the smallest one I had and after snapping it on I had to file it until it fit through. It's only purpose is to hold things together so the bolt can be installed.
Took some thinking in bed to figure out how it works.
I loaded 5 rounds and rattled them off fast as I could, works perfect.
It was far easier to assemble this time. I have a pair of snap ring pliers that open when you squeeze the handle. Made it east to spread the ends to drop in the feed parts. Fingers don't work well there.