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View Full Version : Lee R.E.A.L bullets in a muzzle loading revolver?

08-11-2016, 04:43 PM
I own a Pietta muzzle loading .44 revolver (Cattleman, I think). It's a sweet pistol and my shooting skills are such that I doubt I could hit a barn if I was standing inside it! Never mind. It has a trigger and will go 'bang' if handled correctly, so I want it. In the UK the only pistols we are allowed now are muzzle loaders (except for the obscenity of the 'long barrelled pistols and revolvers')

One of the things I want to do is to try shooting proper pointy type bullets from it. The problem is, ordinary bullets will not load in the cylinder as they persist in tilting when you try to load them. I have obtained some commercial bullets from someone who supplies at exorbitant rates but I can't find an acceptably priced mould here. OTOH, I have seem, and can get at a good price, moulds for the Lee R.E.A.L. 200 grain bullets for .45 calibre. They look like they could be persuaded to at least fit into the cylinder, but I'm uncertain as to whether to use them. Has anyone here tried them out in a revolver?

08-11-2016, 05:32 PM
You can have the cylinder turned slightly to accept flat base bullets. A gunsmith can take out just enough at the lip of the cylinder to allow the bullet to start.

08-11-2016, 06:09 PM
UKS, Ask Outpost 75 about this here or via a personal message.

08-11-2016, 06:31 PM
I have shot the lee 200 1R made for the 44. The round ball shoots better than the pointed bullet and is a lot easier to load.i still have the lee mold but still like the round ball mold better

08-12-2016, 08:40 AM
I never got great results with conicals vs round ball thats so much easier to load. And was not impressed with the R.E.A.L bullet in a rifle.

08-16-2016, 09:15 PM
Been a long while since I played with it, but my 1858 Rem. repro. likes them just fine. (45/200 R.E.A.L) Haven't put them on paper to any great extent, but clanging steel plates they seem to do just as well as round balls, and whack them with a bit more authority. Took a bit of tinkering with the front sight height, but I've got them pretty close.

08-17-2016, 01:23 PM
I have the REAL made for .44 cal which is no longer available and it works well in C&B revolvers. Don't know about the .45 REAL's.

08-17-2016, 01:46 PM

I use and prefer the Lee R.E.A.L. bullets in my Ruger Old Army. Never tried them in a Pietta, but if the base band is small enough to hand start into the chambers, the loading lever will finish the job. With the fixed sights I would recommend the lighter 200-grain bullet as being likely to shoot reasonably close to point of aim. I used mine for heavy hunting loads, but there is no reason why they shouldn't work splendidly with lighter target loads using a wad under the bullet to achieve powder compression.