View Full Version : Music for the soul

08-11-2016, 09:00 AM
I am going to share here. I have been starting and ending my day with Gospel music.

Today's offering is one of my favorites, it could be my story that it tells.


08-11-2016, 09:27 AM
Thank you GhostHawk !

Preacher Jim
08-11-2016, 11:16 AM
the need to get back to the basics of our faith has led me to start bluegrass music sunday evening services. they have doubled in 3 weeks. music is important part of worship and a great way to open and close a day. great post Ghosthawk

Pine Baron
08-11-2016, 12:17 PM
Thanks Ghost, gotta love ole Tennessee Ernie Ford.

08-11-2016, 01:25 PM
Grew up listening to Tennessee Ernie Ford....thanks for the trip down his hymns .... Paul

08-11-2016, 01:48 PM
Thanks, Ghost. Great post. "Music hath power to soothe the savage beast." In today's world, the "beast" within us all is heartily encouraged to come out. Music can help us contain all that, and dispel it from our lives, IF we simply just let it, and give it a chance to do so. And ol' Ernie was always one who you simply felt the earnestness of his words whenever he sang Gospel. There are others, of course, but Ernie was a real pearl. And maybe that's why we don't hear him much any more? He surely doesn't "enhance" the "modern ethics!"

08-11-2016, 08:35 PM
Blackwater I certainly agree with you about ol TE Ford.

He may have been a simple country boy but he had a voice that is so honest. Deep, strong, pure.

I grew up listening to him every sunday. We would come home from church and dad would start the record player. I think that he had every TE Ford gospel record that he ever made.

Some of those songs still get me all choked up inside, lots of good memories, a little pain, some heartache.

I think I am going to do this regularly. I will be back with Tennessee soon, but a bit of a change of pace for tomorrow is I think in order.

Maybe play a little music, tell a little story will reach someone.

The "lower lights" are left in our care. I'm lighting it LORD.


08-12-2016, 08:54 AM
Ghost, you've got me wanting to go get or send off for some of his gospel albums. Thanks! I don't see how anyone can listen to him and NOT be moved! He just had that "something" that was so powerful within him, that it simply couldn't NOT come out in his voice and music. I think it was pure love and respect for our Lord, and our place in the grand scheme of things? And probably a lot more, too. He was simply filled with love, fear, respect, admiration and awe for our Lord. You could even see it in his eyes much of the time. Thank you for a great post and a great reminder of something that really can "soothe the savage beat" within us all today, in all the turmoil and threats that surround us.

Things like this are NOT "little things," but essentials. A friend of mine who now lives in NC near his boyhood home sent me 2 CD's of his own music. He is a radiologist, and a truly great one. He works weekends in a nearby hospital that really needs someone like him, and flys in via his little Piper plane, replete with WWI issue leather "flight helmet," and silk scarf! He plays wonderful bass guitar and alto sax, and has a great voice. His earnestness really comes through, kind'a like Ernie's did. One is entitled "Songs My Mother Loved" and the other i "Boy from Lindale." I was just plain enrapt when I listened to them, and stopped or delayed everything else while I simply listened to his songs. THIS is what keeps them from being "little things!"

Thanks for a wonderful reminder. Ol' Ernie was the true "real deal."

08-12-2016, 09:17 AM
Blackwater sir, can I make a humble recommendation? Advice if you will?

Go to www.youtube.com

After it loads a search bar will be visible at the top.

Type in Tennessee Ernie Ford Gospel or some variant of same.

It will bring up a long list of songs and playlists. If you choose a playlist it can be saved to be reused later.

The easy way to watch these on a daily bases is to either create or use an existing playlist.
Or save these video's to be watched later.

If you hover your mouse over the lower right corner of the picture where the numbers show a small black window will pop up that says "watch later" at that point left click once.

To get to your "watch later video's may vary some based on operating system.

On the upper left hand corner of the Youtube page where you see the Youtube insignia just to the left are 3 horizontal bars. Left click once, scroll down to "watch later" or if it says "Library" (Same thing)

I have to admit, I would not be here where I am today without Youtube and Tennessee Ernie Ford.
He looms large in my faith. I would actually like to start a new church.

The First United Church of Gospel.
It would be a solid hour of him singing his best gospel every Sunday. With perhaps a short story and a few bible verses thrown in.

When I am down, troubled, doubting, confused, or just not feeling right or wanting to be closer to my God.
I listen to T E Ford. Always it seems to bring my Lord close.

From my heart, to T E Fords Lips to Gods Ears. Amen.

Trying to post my saved playlist for you here Blackwater. Hope this works.


08-12-2016, 09:27 AM
Those of you who click on that playlist will also find in the #1 position my song for today.

Holy holy holy.


I have no comments to make about the Mormon's except that man they can sure make some music.

This is my personal favorite for starting the day. I start my coffee brewing, feed the dog, and start this video playing on the big screen TV with the good sound system. I feel like it just gets me started in the right groove.

Enjoy, feel free to use my playlist in any good way. Somehow I feel like I can see the LORD Smile down at me when I start and end my day with this kind of music and prayer. I feel that perhaps a some adoration is important.

Have a blessed day!

08-12-2016, 12:53 PM
Amen, Ghost! Mustic DOES have a power that simple sermons just don't, though good sermons have their definite place, too. I'm a Baptist, but I'm never unimpressed or unmoved when I enter a Catholic church, and they're singing. I get a real emotional response from it every time. The combination of the architecture, the stained glass windows, the atmosphere and the music is, for me, a very moving experience. What can a man do in life but take all the good he can, wherever he can find it? And as to the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, indeed they DO give a marvelous inspiration if one simply allows it.

I've yet to meet anyone I couldn't learn something from, even the near destitute, who live so willfully and squalidly that it's hard to understand how they can allow themselves to exist as they do. And all it really involves is simply seeing them in a light that Christ would have us see them! So simple, and yet, so hard to do! But isn't that always the way, though? It's the simplest things that stymie us the most sometimes, and trip us up so that we diminish ourselves instead of edifying and expanding our understanding of all around us. But music? All we need to do is turn it on and let it do its magic within us. Even I can do that! Thanks for a really great post!

08-13-2016, 01:52 PM
For today we are back to that "Pea Pickin country boy"
This one had tears rolling down my face the first few times I watched it.



08-14-2016, 02:41 PM
Great one, Ghost! Thanks! One can even hear in his voice, all the sincerity and depth of his belief. What a marvelous combination of talent, belief, and "magic!"

08-17-2016, 11:27 AM
Busy for a couple of days, but here is the latest installment.



08-17-2016, 11:47 AM
This one always grabs me...........


08-17-2016, 07:38 PM
Wow! Another great one, Claude. I'm not sure if it's wishful thinking or an actual recall from the misty past, but I believe I remember Ernie doing that one when he had an evening TV show when I was pretty young. Nobody in the family spoke when he was singing. Powerful stuff! And great song! Ernie was unique. Just plain unique.

08-18-2016, 05:52 AM
You have put up a lot of good music GhostHawk ...thank you !

Preacher Jim
08-18-2016, 06:29 AM
I was having a rough day at the ministry center, put and old Tennessee Ernie Ford album on out front in a short time things slowed down and kids were playing quietly. You are right it does have a great effect on folks.

09-08-2016, 08:58 AM
Been a little busy here guys, mostly med's not working quite as well as they used to.
But I have not forgotten you.

Today I have for you a jewel. There is something about innocence and the faith of children.


And for you T E Ford fans I have this one.
It has become my rock in many ways. When I doubt, when I fail, this reminds me to put my trust in HIM.


You all have a blessed day. Love you all.
Hope to meet you all "Over Jordon" someday.

09-08-2016, 10:23 AM
Remember him on our black & white TV as a child.

09-08-2016, 10:28 AM
Thank you GhostHawk !

Bob in St. Louis
09-08-2016, 12:38 PM
"Music for the soul"?
While it isn't "Christian" (it's instrumental), this is what I listen to.
Might be a bit "odd" compared to music by Mr. Ford, but in case y'all are interested, I've got a long list of music like this. It's music that allows my brain to focus on tasks at hand without concentrating on the lyrics, if that makes sense.


09-08-2016, 03:54 PM
Bob, that's what's often called "elevator" music, but it's definitely useful. Tends to open the mind so that thoughts can drift in and .... bingo! ..... suddenly, you've got a great idea .... or at least an idea anyway. Spiritual music can be that way, as well as giving us a "track to run on" with words. It's been said that "music hath power to soothe the savage beast," and this has proven to at least be so at times. Works on us the same way, especially when we start to resemble those "savage beasts."

I know when the world gets to be too much with me, some good, down home bluegrass, blues, southern rock or smoky jazz can truly alter my mood, and it's not slow in so doing. Gospel does also, especially when sung by folks with a good, bluesy, country, jazzy manner. One of my best friends' wives has a VERY powerful voice, and sounds reminiscent of Patsy Cline in a way, and when she sings at any church function, I always forget whatever was on my mind before she began.

It's amazing the power music truly can have, if we just open up to it. Very powerful!

Bob in St. Louis
09-08-2016, 03:57 PM
Amen to that!
I'd hate to think of that as elevator music. haha But I understand.
My musical horizons are pretty wide. Like you, I enjoy jazz, blues, rock, etc..etc..
I've been on a blues binge recently. Keb' Mo', Tab Benoit, Warren Haynes, the list goes on.

09-09-2016, 11:01 AM
To me, blues is at its best in its long, sustained, excruciatingly poignant solos, a' la' Allman Bros., etc. The Brothers tend to mix blues with jazz and country and rock, and even a bit of classical music, and they had a sound all their own. I've seen them in concert a number of times, including their New Year's Eve concert at the Municipal Auditorium in Macon, when they reformed and were in the process of coming back again with Warren Haynes and Alan Woody. That was the most magical night of absolutely great music I've ever heard. Also saw Bob Dylan in Savannah with the Louisianna boys, and that was jaw-dropping! From the very first note, Dylan and the guys just awed everyone, and they even came back for an encore. The spirit of joy was there in spades. The guy on the lap steel was breathing fire! But it was the GOOD kind! Passion is amazing when used properly! Clapton's 24 Nights Tour in Atlanta was great, as was the Rolling Stones' "comeback" concert. Good music is good music, and a lot of rock, especially "southern rock," tends to be inspiring and motivating, even though you sometimes have to ignore or re-think the words at times.

Blues, it may be noted, isn't about being "down and out." It's much more about being down and out, but STILL keeping on keeping on, to the end, with faith, courage and hope, even in the darkest situations. This is the part that comes from black gospel singing, from which the blues originally sprang. It's that element of being "down but not out" that always inspires me. REAL courage in action, and with little at stake but one's sanity and salvation. Not many today really understand blues, or why it's so poignant, because they've never really been where those old bluesmen have been.

I knew an old non-famous bluesman personally for some time who had played the old "Chitlin' circuit" way back when. He was a notoriously bad credit risk, but I loaned him some money, but only after discussing it with him very plain and straightforward. We really kind'a clicked with each other, and he always paid me well, even when he'd stiff so many others out of sheer cussedness. He was rumored to have over 20 children, and who knows how many grandkids. I took my old ES-347 with me one day and got him to play it. He loved that guitar, and I took it for him to play several more times. He didn't love the guitar as much as I loved the music and song he made with it. He was the real deal, and kept is a secret, ironically.

If he missed paying me, I always knew it was because he'd given the money to one of his kids or grandkids for some reason. His wife was a real queen in her realm. As faithful in church as anyone you'd ever find. Very simple and basic in her beliefs, due to lack of much education, but as earnest and honest as anyone you'll ever meet. I haven't usually made that much money, but I've surely had one more interesting life! Anyone who puts down the blues does so mainly because they just don't understand it, or the folks who gave it to us. It's about being defiant in the face of overwhelming odds, and just simply holding one's head high, even when our spirits are gravely low. That ain't no small thing!

Bob in St. Louis
09-09-2016, 11:48 AM
Well said Brother. Well said!

Pine Baron
09-09-2016, 03:37 PM
Payin your dues for singin da blues...rock n roll hootchie coo.:violin:

09-09-2016, 05:38 PM
Been a little busy here guys, mostly med's not working quite as well as they used to.
But I have not forgotten you.

Today I have for you a jewel. There is something about innocence and the faith of children.


And for you T E Ford fans I have this one.
It has become my rock in many ways. When I doubt, when I fail, this reminds me to put my trust in HIM.


You all have a blessed day. Love you all.
Hope to meet you all "Over Jordon" someday.

9years old ! This girl is blessed by GOD with an amazing voice ! Thank you GhostHawk .

09-09-2016, 08:20 PM
Lots of folks have great voices, Boaz, and the very young ones have that innocence you describe in your post on Matthew, that makes their songs so eloquent and excruciatingly poignant. A little kid singing "I'm Gonna' Let it Shine" with a big ol' smile and loud voice, even if off key a bit, always touches me greatly. If only we could retain that child-like innocence! But we CAN get at least much of it back simply by being humbled enough to realize our position in the grand scheme of things. Bluegrass gospel is also some of the finest specimens to instill and reaffirm our faith too. And bluegrass is always best when it's live. Just a bunch of music and fun and food lovin' folks havin' a great time and sharing their voices, stories and laughter. Ain't much better'n that!

09-09-2016, 09:10 PM
Here is another favorite of mine, one of the newer ones.

(Kicks clod, looks bashful, glances around) Aw shucks guys. You make a guy feel special.


09-10-2016, 12:55 PM
Amen, Ghost. Who among us, in these perilous and divisive times, doesn't yearn for peace? And who better to sing about it than Ernie? Earnestness and sincerity that runs down to the marrow of one's bones always comes through in song, when it's really there to be displayed. What a perso is, deep down inside, really comes through when singing gospel, and Ernie was always one of the very best. Thanks for a great reminder of a very inspiring man and singer.

09-11-2016, 04:54 PM
One I revert to many times these days.


09-11-2016, 11:22 PM
Thank you for sharing kmw1954. I can't have my old buddy Gord brought up without bringing up another old friend.

I just discovered this song tonight.
I miss you John!


And when you have those two singing you just have to invite James to join in. Those three have got me through lots of hard times and lonely times.

I don't think James ever really did straight up Gospel music. He brushed close to that line several times but I'm not sure he just stepped clean into it.


09-12-2016, 07:50 AM
Thank you GhostHawk , hadn't heard the John Denver one . Good music to start the day !

09-13-2016, 12:59 PM
The family and I saw Lauren Daigle at the Knoxville Fair (TN Valley Fair) last night and it definitely stirred our souls. She sang a few of the older hymns as well.

09-24-2016, 11:24 AM
Sorry I have not been adding to this as I should have. Been very "flat" just laying back and watching the days go by faster and faster.

Anyway I have your listening pleasure this day 2 T E Ford classics.


This last one holds a special place in my heart. The lyrics are on the screen, and they remind me of a few things.

"Heir of salvation, purchase of GOD, born of HIS spirit, washed in his blood."


It somehow reminds me that all I need to do is stay humble, praise my lord, try my best to stay in HIS will, and all will be well.

Bless you brothers, be well, be truly blessed by God, and I look forward to seeing you on the other side.

09-24-2016, 06:29 PM
All this makes me remember an older lady in our church when I was a kid, long gone now, who used to sing in our choir in what was then our little church. She didn't exactly have "perfect pitch," and could slide a little off key sometimes, but watching her sing was an absolute inspiration! Nobody ever put more into a song than she did. Nobody! She'd lean her head back, and literally get lost in her thoughts and devotion to our Master. Occasionally, you'd see tears of joy run down her cheeks.

She was far from pretty, and her husband would get drunk and occasionally decide to try to beat on her, but she was bigger than he was and when she'd endured enough, she'd retalliate and throw him out of the house! She was far from smart, and wasn't much on reding, writing and cyphering, but got pretty good at reading because she read her Bible so much. Her whole life, it seemed, hinged on her simple, trusting faith in God, and she never faltered in her devotion to Him. Never. She raised two sons and a daughter, and the daughter is still a member in our church today, and is very much like her Mom, except that she had a chance at a good education, and married a very fine man who recently widowed her with his death. And her daughter was a great competitor on the basketball court. You did NOT want to get her riled! She was a true force of nature, and one of the sweetest women you'd ever want to meet. She and her husband did very well in the world, and were model citizens any way you'd want to measure them. The two boys apparently took after their dad, and one died early in, IIRC, a car accident (drunk, of course) and the other wound up getting himself pretty much straight after years of dissipation.

I'll always remember Miss Annie Laura, though, and how much her singing meant to me, and impressed me, even when it was a little off key. I've never seen a person sing any more expressively than she did, even if they had perfect pitch.

Also, one of my best friends' wife has a really awesome voice. At our Seniors dinner at my church Thursday, she sang 3 songs, and I just sat enraptured at it all. Most there didn't know how much pain she was in when she sang, due to spinal problems and some other aggrevations to it, but she could shake the rafters with her voice without a mike, but she still always uses it. I'd really love to hear her sometime really belt one out, and she definitely CAN when and if she had a venue big enough that it wouldn't overpower those close to her. Some of us old folks don't like that much volume, so she's always trying to rein her voice in. But there's nothing like hearing someone live, with that kind of voice.

Recorded music can be great and very inspiring with the right choices, but I really think music was always mainly intended to be a live thing. And it really doesn't matter how badly someone sings (up to a point of course), I still like live music better than recorded ANY day. I'll never forget the first and only time I heard a live symphony orchestra! What a difference! NO type of recording can really capture that sound, no matter how technical we get with our technologies. It just can't have the same timbre, testure and complexity of real, live music. And singing isn't all about being on key. It's about sharing our love, joy, pain, and whatever else is going on within us. And live is SO much better at doing that than recorded!

Y'all go out to any fall festivals you may have in your area and see if there's not some singing. Here, our county fair is all about the money generated for the Kiwanis club and the charities and projects they sponsor, and some poor folks go and borrow as much as $5,000 just to spend at the fair every year, and then spend the next year paying it all off! I can't understand folks like that, but fortunately they're pretty rare. The only thing that really appeals to me is their usually great pancake suppers they have, and I can't have pancakes now, so .... I havne't been in a long time. If there were good singing, I'd probably go. Wish they did. But there's a lot available elsewhere, though. If you have singing at your country fairs, I'd like to hear about it, if you will. And folks in your life whose singing have meant a lot to you.

10-28-2016, 10:29 PM
Brothers, fear not! I have not forsaken you. Just been wallowing in my own problems and neglecting you.

Someone reminded me tonight that it has been way too long since I gave you a new song.

I have been well enough, just "flat" by the time the minimal chores I have are done I am looking for a chair and a nap. But this too shall pass.
This song for some reason seems to speak straight to my soul. I hope it will do the same for you.
Bless you faithful of the flock. You know who you are. Bless you, and thank you.


10-29-2016, 05:51 AM
Thank you ! Starting the day with inspiration is certainly a good thing !

10-29-2016, 06:18 AM
Just a funny story, but I sang "How Great Thou Art" at Boys' State when I was in high school, for our school's Boy's solo. I was so nervous I had no problem hitting the high notes! Got 2nd place, beat out by a fellow who was really good. I was just relieved to survive it back then! Now, since some throat surgery, I can't even stand hearing myself sing in the shower! But that song will always be one of my favorites, even if it DOES bring back those traumatic memories of having to sing it and be judged by a bunch of folks I didn't even know, who knew SO much more about music and performing than I ever did! Those memories of that event always make me laugh now.

Would that we could follow the lyrics in that song more perfectly! But we have to have a goal, if we're to get anywhere near where we want to be. Love that song! Always will.

10-29-2016, 09:27 AM
How Great Thou Art was the theme for a 2 week revival back in the 50s at a little Presbyterian Church in the coal camp where I was raised. It was during this revival God first spoke to my heart. This was my Mother's favorite song & was sung at her funeral.

Charlie Daniels came to Beckley for the Coal Fair & was asked by a local DJ what his favorite Gospel Song was. He said his favorite & the greatest Gospel Song is How Great Thou Art.