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DerekP Houston
08-07-2016, 11:57 AM
Whoops, got a bit behind and feeling quite sunburned. Here's something a friend shared and I thought might be relevant.

1. Focus on the Person. (When we discover the best in others, God brings out the best in us.)
2. Focus on the Positive.
3. Focus on the Potential. (See what is not-quite there...yet.)
4. Focus on their Purpose. -Ephesians 2:10
5. Focus on the Process. (Give and you will receive.)
@Pastor Lane Schranz

Pine Baron
08-07-2016, 12:09 PM
Thanks Derek. Got the sand out between the toes yet?

DerekP Houston
08-07-2016, 12:17 PM
Thanks Derek. Got the sand out between the toes yet?

Nope, sand everywhere still. In my effort to keep it out of the house I left it all in the entry way. My wife decided to help me carry the bags on to the bed......

08-07-2016, 03:10 PM
Thanks, Derek. Not a Bible verse, but based VERY deeply on what the Bible teaches. I like that. It's the practical application of all the principles we're taught to display as Christians. Would that we did a better and more uniform and consistent job of it. And for the sun burn, anything with a lot of lanolin tends to help greatly in my rather extensive experience with it. And nothing but pain killers help ease the pain. Aspercreme kind'a helps. And sand between the toes really CAN be nice!