View Full Version : Aguila Match or Aguila Target as good as Wolf Match or Wolf Extra Match?

07-30-2016, 10:34 AM
Wondering if Agulia is as good as Wolf and asking for others' experiences.


07-30-2016, 10:53 AM
Aguila is made in Mexico at a plant owned and managed by Eley. They produce good ammo, fully equal, if not better than Wolf, which is not bad ammo.

We shoot allot of it in our pistol matches down here and find it to be very good stuff.

Chill Wills
07-30-2016, 12:18 PM
I shoot Eley Match in the 200 meter 22 BPCR silhouette game.

Two months ago I saw some Aguila Rifle Match for sale by the case - about $500 to my door.
We do stuff on impulse sometimes. I ordered a case and then thought ooops! I should not have done that.

After receiving it I took some along to a fulll size 500 BPCR meter BPCR Silhouette match and after shooting the match a friend and I put the Aguila to the test. In very windy Wyoming winds - like you read about - I was knocked out with the accuracy of this Mexican 22 ammo! It had no bad habits and held elevation like the best ammo I used.

I've had it on paper at 110yds (100M) on clam days and it shoots very well! I got it to have something to practice with but now I want more and I am thinking about hording some if I can't find that case lot. I will try a second case as soon as I can get it.

The 50BR guys may have their own ideas about its accuracy but it was good for me. I am not ready to say it is as good as Eley or any other top brands. I just do not have enough experience with it yet. But, for sure, I do not need much experience with poor ammo to know its limits in a big hurry!

I say, give it a try.

Doc Highwall
07-30-2016, 10:16 PM
I have not tried it, but I have been using Norma TAC-22 and Norma Match a lot this summer, and they both shoot great.

I have been training two shooters this summer and I have them both shooting the Norma TAC-22, check out the post I made about them shooting their firsts match. Gary just shot a 400-35X last Tuesday.
