View Full Version : A true story of Faith

07-30-2016, 09:30 AM
True story of Desmond Doss who saved 75 men

We owe so much to men like this.

Who among us will stand alone if need be?



Search your soul. Who among us will stand alone if need be?

07-30-2016, 09:40 AM
Ezeceuel 22:30

"I looked for someone among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it, but I found no one.

07-30-2016, 09:47 AM
Please lord let me save one more !!!! A prayer we should all be praying. ( not that we can save anyone )

a true man of God.

07-30-2016, 10:57 AM
I have to admit, I question the man's interpretation of the scriptures, but neither of us really KNOWS the absolute, unaltered Truth, and he certainly had the courage of his convictions ... in spades. I think he earned that medal, and maybe God gives us guys like him who disagree with us, just to make us think more and more deeply, and to appreciate the wonder of it all. And who knows what God's plan is for any of us? He seemed to, and simply and humbly accepted it, and God protected him.

In the end, it seems most everything God does is really simple and elemental. What could be more simple than offering us salvation, that we can only either accept or turn away from? I have some sense that usually, when we see a man and are awed by what he has done, it's just another example of a man fulfilling God's will for himself. Would that we all could do that better than we often do!

Thanks for the story, RL. Another great post.

07-30-2016, 11:03 AM
I have to admit, I question the man's interpretation of the scriptures, but neither of us really KNOWS the absolute, unaltered Truth, and he certainly had the courage of his convictions ... in spades. I think he earned that medal, and maybe God gives us guys like him who disagree with us, just to make us think more and more deeply, and to appreciate the wonder of it all. And who knows what God's plan is for any of us? He seemed to, and simply and humbly accepted it, and God protected him.

In the end, it seems most everything God does is really simple and elemental. What could be more simple than offering us salvation, that we can only either accept or turn away from? I have some sense that usually, when we see a man and are awed by what he has done, it's just another example of a man fulfilling God's will for himself. Would that we all could do that better than we often do!

Thanks for the story, RL. Another great post.

and maybe God gives us guys like him who disagree with us, just to make us think more and more deeply, and to appreciate the wonder of it all. And who knows what God's plan is for any of us? He seemed to, and simply and humbly accepted it, and God protected him.

Amen to that. GODS will be done

07-30-2016, 11:34 AM
I would like to add another story of Faith...

When I was young, we lived 300 feet off of a state route. Several times the destitute ( some say Bums) would knock on the door and say "I'm Hungry". Mom would drop whatever she was doing and say, " Go sit in the shade." She would fix him a really nice sandwich with all the trimmings and a big glass of cold milk. I asked her why she did this. She replied , " I was so hungry one time in the Depression and I asked God to feed me. He Did and I promised I would never let anyone be hungry. As long as I have food I will share it."

She kept Her Promise until the day She Died....

08-03-2016, 07:14 AM
Only 4 men of faith can be found in the CHAPEL.
As the world goes so does the chapel

Dear heavenly father thank you for man like Desmond Doss.

Maybe stories like this will give other good men, the courage to stand up for you.

08-03-2016, 04:52 PM
Castalot, your Mom and mine both illustrate that old adage that if you're ever down and out, and need a helping hand, don't go to the Country Club, but cross the tracks into the "tough" side of town. Those folks know from experience what it is to be down and out and in need, and can't seem to let a stranger pass by without providing what they can to ease his circumstances. And it's a very consistent truism, too, that's proven out quite consistently. There ARE some great folks in those nice country clubs, but they often have guards posted to keep the itinerant out nowadays, so they don't get the chance to help them out. Many, though, are too suspicious to allow themselves to help. It's amazing how that works, isn't it?

Watched an episode of "FAther Spitzer's Universe" I'd DVR'd last night, and in it, he observed very much the same thing - that it's those who've known pain that really feel that of others the most, and do the most to alleviate another's pain in this world. He went on to expand that into why God lets bad thing happen to good, righteous people, but we'll leave that for another discussion. Suffering ourselves naturally makes us all more in tune with, and allows us to empathize more, when it's others who are having the hard time. This can, if we let it, bind us together more securely than if God just gave us everything we ever wanted, like parents who "spoil" their children.

And real faith is truly only displayed in spades when we're in adversity, and STILL worship and believe. THAT is when it means the most, even when our lives may be on the line. This has been a great post, IMO. Thanks for starting it!

08-07-2016, 08:52 AM
To deny the miracles leaves the Bible as a secular book, which gives one the option of ignoring it. Like folks here in the Chapel are doing. If you start throwing out the miracles, you will likely begin picking and choosing among other things you like or don’t like in the Bible.

Speaking now to those professing Christians who want to dismiss the miracle accounts, you do so at the risk of making Christianity devoid of its power. Why not dismiss anything you don’t like or find difficult to believe or to do? What about Jesus’ other extraordinary teachings?

If we don’t like to love our enemies, let’s just ignore that one! Or if we don’t believe in God’s wrath, let’s just toss that idea too. Or what about the afterlife—that one is difficult to swallow for some, so why not dismiss that idea as unscientific as well? It seems, that the Christian faith does not leave room for picking and choosing doctrines without emasculating the faith.

Further, if God does not intervene in history, he does not intervene in your life either—and your prayers are empty petitions to a God who does not care or is impotent to act. And your hope of eternal life is not much more than a psychological crutch.

The lack of response to this thread, is extremely disappointing. Maybe there are just to many folks, just feeling sorry for them self again in the Chapel.

They just dont see, a real miracle that Christ gave us to us to reinforce our faith in him

08-07-2016, 10:36 AM
I would like to add another story of Faith...

When I was young, we lived 300 feet off of a state route. Several times the destitute ( some say Bums) would knock on the door and say "I'm Hungry". Mom would drop whatever she was doing and say, " Go sit in the shade." She would fix him a really nice sandwich with all the trimmings and a big glass of cold milk. I asked her why she did this. She replied , " I was so hungry one time in the Depression and I asked God to feed me. He Did and I promised I would never let anyone be hungry. As long as I have food I will share it."

She kept Her Promise until the day She Died....
Amen. Great reminder of true human devotion to one another.

08-07-2016, 10:46 AM
True story of Desmond Doss who saved 75 men

We owe so much to men like this.

Who among us will stand alone if need be?



Search your soul. Who among us will stand alone if need be?

I'd never heard of this story, and I've seen ads for the movie. I believe that all men should strive to be a beacon for God to lead one more to Him.

Excellent post. Thanks for sharing.

08-07-2016, 03:36 PM
What an excellent post and good questions, DCP! It took me a long time to break free of the sing-songy version of Christianity, that had given in so much to PC theology, rather than the true words of God. And I'm still working on it all, and always will be 'till my dying day, I'm sure. I make no pretense to being any model for theology, but what I CAN do is say in forums like this, what I really think, so that maybe, anyone who knows more than I can comment and led me to further, brighter light. It's how we all must learn, I think, and there are a lot of really great and knowledgeable Christians here, who know the scriptures better than I do, and though I know them pretty well, I can't quote chapter and verse anywhere near like some here can. I've always focused on the words, and those things have eluded me, typically.

But you're right about real study. PC theology has provided us with all sorts of excuses and "explanations" for not doing our due diligence. Back in the 60's, it was said, "Let it all hang out," and "Do it if it feels good," and so much of that has, surreptitiously crept into our Christian theology, and it's done it so stealthily that most haven't noticed it.

I believe all criticisms should come from within any organization or group, and so many resent ANY and ALL questioning of Christians, and what they do, but the Bible itself in several places admonishes us to correct and lift up each other, not just allow them to continue believing what the Bible says is the "same" as what PC theology says, because it's just not true in any instance I know of.

Being free from PC thinking is almost impossible for all of us now! Even the least PC here will, occasionally at the very least, give in to PC thinking and tenets simply because we can't deal with every little thing that comes to us, so we slough some off with some PC comment.

It's tough being a real Christian, and at least TRYING to do what we're REALLY supposed to, according to the actual words and thoughts within the Bible. And too, some can't bear hearing that they're using the Bible willfully, and try to bully their way loudly through it all, and offer nothing that can be used for correction. All they deal out is condemnation. What a great loss it is to encounter people like that! But we each must decide what we will do with the Bible and all that's in it. Mankind has many foibles, and Satan will use them all or any one of them to ensnare us and lead us away from the true Light. I mess up regularly, and have to constantly curtail my natural reactions. It's at least getting a little easier, and I'm getting a little better and more consistent with it, but I never will reach perfection, and I've found when I err, the only good thing to do is admit it, correct my path yet again, and move on and leave it behind. If God forgives us, we HAVE to put it behind us. Holding on to it makes no sense at all, and just weakens and disenheartens us, and that is NOT what God ever intended for us.

Miracles DO occur! There is NO doubt about it. If some choose to deny it, that's their choice, but it has NO effect on the real Truth of it. The Truth is always going to be the Truth, for that's all it CAN be. It does NOT change just to please our delicate sensibilities. Many try to bend the truth to fit their narratives, instead of bending their narritives to fit the truth. What willful creatures we humans can be! And how easily and readily we fool ourselves in these modern times, where we can fool ourselves, or at least try to, and STILL survive, and have all the food, shelter and clothing we need, PLUS all the acclaim among men that so many seek. In the end, it's all about "Who do you serve?" And the answer to that WILL one day be explained definitively to us by the One who set it all in motion, and does NOT fool Himself in the least sort of way. What greater justice could there ever be?

08-09-2016, 08:09 AM
Please LORD help me get one more!

Help me get one more!

08-12-2016, 11:08 AM
Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do

08-13-2016, 09:55 PM
My FATHER taught me this, and you must always try to walk this walk. When you fall or fail, and you will, you must pray for forgiveness
The only thing a person can truly keep is his word. Only a man's honor still belongs to him after his death.
When a man breaks his word, he breaks all credibility with that party.
If you say you will do something, you do it.
If you make a date or meeting for five o’clock, you close to that time.
If you make a promise, you keep it.
If you start a project, you finish it.
Men of their word are known to be trusted, superior, and reliable. A man who breaks his word is known to be weak, unreliable, and inferior.
All of your actions have consequences.
Being a man of your word will allow you to rise above your station, to achieve great power, and mastery over others and yourself. It will grant you access to powerful people, and lift you to the realms of epic greatness.
Not only should a man keep his word to others, but keep his word to himself.
Good bye, good luck, and may GOD BLESS