View Full Version : Problem today in American is accountability

07-29-2016, 09:40 AM
Problem today in American is accountability
Nobody will admit their wrong, always pointing their finger at someone else.
Everyone just wants to wake up and have the issue resolved, and no one is doing anything that makes that issue change.

So with Christs help. I have asked and prayed for forgiveness, for the things I have done, people I have wronged.

I am truly sorry.

We must seek reconciliation, find common ground, we must talk or we will continue on the same path to nowhere.

With Jesus Christ all things are possible

07-29-2016, 10:06 AM
Every day my friend every day , Lord please help me be a better man today then I was yesterday .

07-29-2016, 12:22 PM
Great post, DCP. This is something we all, or just about all of us do today. How could we not, when it's all around us as an integral part of PC theology, and with our propensity to act and think like the vast majority of those around us? It's a daily battle I think we all fight, and as it says, "For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God." We limp along as best we can and know how, and can keep ourselves motivated to do. It's that motivation to do better that comes once we come to the light. It makes all the difference, and the more time we spend with like-minded Christians, the easier it tends to get, but even then, it's always a struggle to some degree.

I think your post addresses what Christ so consistently tried to get us to understand better, and do better. Thanks.