View Full Version : Ribs in Two Separate Smoking Session

07-28-2016, 05:50 PM
I did this last Saturday. Two hours low and slow with a direct heat sear to add some color and seal them up. I was going to go three hours, but the cloudburst (minor flooding the basement, 2" in 45 min.) prevented that.
They went into the fridge for four hours. They were covered in a foil turkey pan and went into the oven for 2 1/2 hours at 250.

Came out GREAT.

Question is to you smoker/griller/shooters out there is, could they go overnight in the fridge and then back on the grill to finish low and slow?? If not, why not??


07-28-2016, 06:12 PM
I usually find that ribs to me taste better the second day, the smoke flavor is more pronounced and seasonings and smoke are better distributed through the meat, also as an added bonus they are usually even more tender, I think smoking them for a few hours and then wrapping them and putting in the fridge and then finish cooking them later should work great, I see no reason why it wouldnt

07-29-2016, 01:25 AM
Long as the initial cook takes them past 165 degrees... out of the food danger zone...

07-30-2016, 12:37 PM
Well, had them on for 2 1/2 hours yesterday, took them off the smoker after I seared them for a few minutes. I figure less than two hours at 250˚
and then 45 minutes under low smoke will crisp up the surface.

I'll report back.

I can find two three hour blocks of time rather than one 5 1/2-6 hour block.


07-30-2016, 01:07 PM
I cook professionally part time at a private club, fwiw, here goes...
I like spare ribs, St Louis cut. peel and season with salt and pepper. Don't cook over direct coals, but hotter than average smoker, it's ok if temp gets to 350 or so for a while as coals burn down. Heat settles to 275* or so, I cook them to just before they break if you pick up with tongs, about 2 hours. Immediately put in large pan on a rack that holds them just off the bottom, with about 1/2 cup water in pan. Apply generous amount of my sauce to ribs and seal tightly with foil. Put in 300* oven for about 20 minute and remove without opening. Let them stand about 30 minutes and they're perfect to me....just a little "tooth", not falling apart. Alternately do all above but if you want them tomorrow, place sealed pan in refrigerator instead of oven after you take them off smoker; when you're ready to eat them take pan out of refrigerator and place in 325* oven for about 30 minutes, let stand sealed for 30 minutes and you can't tell the difference. Cooked a bunch yesterday in fact for use Sunday. 173342Or you could use this method!

Iowa Fox
07-31-2016, 02:09 AM
We have a long time family restaurant in town that is known for their ribs. I've tried to pry it out of more than one waitress just how they do it. They start them one day, refrigerate, and finish them up the second day just like you are talking about.