View Full Version : The big load has begun....

05-25-2008, 02:03 PM
I'm finally getting my stuff together. I lubed 600 bullets. I have cases to deburr and I don't know how many have been done so I'll have to check all 600. The problem with not keeping track of new cases. I picked up some other components, wads, primers and some news print wads.

By the end of this week I should have all 600 loaded and ready to go to the Quigley shoot. I plan on taking 2 rifles which happen to like the same load. I'd hate to drive 800 miles and find a gun problem, however unlikely.

It's kind of like Xmas. Making a list and checking it twice. Since my first trip there I have kept a list. A couple of years back, I didn't cross check it well enough and had to stop and pick up forgotten stuff which I now have 2 of!!

So who else is going from the CB crowd??

05-25-2008, 06:39 PM
Gussy good luck and may all your holes touch in the bullseye!!!!!!

05-26-2008, 03:10 AM
Wouldn't miss the Quigley for almost anything. I get to visit you and the Sages and Powderburner and a whole big bunch of nice folks. John Klein has my damascus bowie knife done and I talked to the leather guy (Cregger Custom Orange CA) about the sheath....the knife and sheath I got last year are first class.

The little gray Impala is getting a work out. Down to Atlanta (from St Louis) to drop the VAQUEROS/BISLEY VAQUEROS at ALPHA PRECISION for tuning two weeks ago and going back this week end to pick them up...about 650 miles each way. Then head for Forsyth, via Big Timber, on the 7th....1600 miles or so each way plus side trips. I did stop and look at the white buffalo at BEAR COUNTRY south of Rapid City SD on the way home last year.

There's about 200 rounds of ammo for the Big 50 loaded and more boolits cast and ready. I'll try to get in some practice over the next week and some, and load up everything I can. I may not place very high shooting, but there's d--- few who have a better time there than me!

See you on the 10th or 11th


05-26-2008, 09:36 AM
It seems you have an added opportunity in your travel plans. Most everyone just jumps on the interstate when heading west. If you are going west from St. Louis, consider driving the northern tier of Nebraska when headed west. Doc Carlsons' Upper Missouri Trading Co is in Crofton. Not a huge shop, but one that always has something unique along the line of firearms, and good prices on case lots of BP.
Continue west, and you would find the Museum of the Fur Trade in Chadron. Defintely one of the finest privately held museums in the country,
with one of the largest trade gun collections extant.

Wouldn't miss the Quigley for almost anything. I get to visit you and the Sages and Powderburner and a whole big bunch of nice folks. John Klein has my damascus bowie knife done and I talked to the leather guy (Cregger Custom Orange CA) about the sheath....the knife and sheath I got last year are first class.

The little gray Impala is getting a work out. Down to Atlanta (from St Louis) to drop the VAQUEROS/BISLEY VAQUEROS at ALPHA PRECISION for tuning two weeks ago and going back this week end to pick them up...about 650 miles each way. Then head for Forsyth, via Big Timber, on the 7th....1600 miles or so each way plus side trips. I did stop and look at the white buffalo at BEAR COUNTRY south of Rapid City SD on the way home last year.

There's about 200 rounds of ammo for the Big 50 loaded and more boolits cast and ready. I'll try to get in some practice over the next week and some, and load up everything I can. I may not place very high shooting, but there's d--- few who have a better time there than me!

See you on the 10th or 11th


05-26-2008, 10:18 AM
Gussy, thanks for the sprue plates. If all continues to go well, there will be three of us there. Looking forward to meeting you and others. Will be a red explorer with NM plates.

MT Gianni
05-26-2008, 10:27 AM
Good luck shooters and there is a whole world out there off of the interstate. Gianni

Jon K
05-26-2008, 11:43 AM
Have Fun Shooting..............


Black Prince
05-26-2008, 12:04 PM

I live 50 miles north of Atlanta in the mountains. If you drive from St. Louis to have them do your work, they are somebody I need to know about. Who are those guys, and where are they located? What kind of work do they do?

05-26-2008, 12:22 PM
Who are those guys, and where are they located? What kind of work do they do?


I have heard of them primarily as a custom sixgun outfit. Something on the order of Linebaugh or Bowen.

I suspect Lloyd Smale has had revolver work done at all three of them.


05-26-2008, 01:29 PM
ALPHA PRECISION is Jim Stroh, American Pistolsmiths Guild pistolsmith of the year in 1996. He does extremely high end revolver and auto pistol work. He is located near Comer, east and north of Athens GA. He has done major work for me on S&Ws and Rugers. You know how you can pick out the best mechanic in a shop by the quiet air of confidence and competentcy....that's Jim. The man is an artist and a true gentleman. I took the proverbial "suitcase full of guns" to be tuned; aboput $150 for gas and $100 for food and lodging on each round trip...beat the rip off prices for UPS/FEDEX to ship pistols AND I got to meet someone in person that I've known and liked for years. "Set the cruise control on the speed limit and get on down the interstate."

When you go to Quigley from St Louis, it's simple. Go interstate to Lincoln or Grand Island and then jump off into the sand hills. (Look for a road atlas with the scenic routes marked at Wal-Mart.) I haven't been to Crofton, but I vary my route each time I go west. Beautful country. The only problem is that CINGULAR cell phones don't work in most of Nebraska...you could be up the creek if you have car trouble, etc! The entire northwest corner of Nebraska is wonderful country and up in the corner is the southern end of the Black Hills plus a lot of historical sites.

There was a young WHITE BUFFALO at a drive through animal park, BEAR COUNTRY, between Mt Rushmore and Rapid City SD last year.

There's a lot to see up there. Take plenty of time...and take notes on what you have to miss so you can go there next year. AND going further west from Forsyth is even better! I can bend your ear for hours on places to see.

See you at the Q


05-26-2008, 02:26 PM
The only problem is that CINGULAR cell phones don't work in most of Nebraska...you could be up the creek if you have car trouble, etc!
Yikes! That is something I never considered!
You mean that if I want to drive cross country...for the umpteenth time...I should actually consider buying a cellphone?

05-26-2008, 08:13 PM
You will find that cell phones don't work in much of Montana, or the Dakotas, either!

05-26-2008, 10:57 PM
Not having cell phone service is terrible when your wife calls you about 6 times a day on the Quigley trip. Can you say "electronic leash?" I managed to screw the voice mail up on the 2005 trip...took a telephone geek in Boise an hour to get it working. That's a good excuse for ignoring the phone.

One year, I went to Quigley and then on to the brother's place in Nampa. She flew in to Boise, was supposed to stay 4 days and fly back to St Louis. Saw I was having "too much fun" by myself and ended up riding back with me...and no refund on the unused ticket!

A couple of places to visit. Fetterman Massacre site and Wagon Box Fight site, both near Sheridan WY. Custer site in Montana. All three right off the interstate. Also, west of Sheridan WY, the Medicine Wheel...Native American version of Stonehege at 10,000 feet on a mountain top. Stop at Kaycee WY...Johnson County War and Hole In The Wall...I stayed at the Cassidy Inn there. The bar/restaraunt next door is 'THE INVASION GRILL"....still holding a grudge from the Johnson County War!

Lots of things to see and do in the area. Look around and enjoy the trip.

:Fire: :redneck:

05-27-2008, 12:23 PM
2 weeks from today, I will be shooting!! This time of day, I should have the table up, everything set up and be out trying out the Creedmoor Winchester. I'd like to take about a dozen guns with me but it looks like 2 or 3 to shoot (maybe 4 counting a low wall .22) and 2 to sell.

This year I hope to have previous "problems" behind me. I want a lot more trigger time and sight settings in various conditions. I will have a spotter that I've worked with before. All the things needed to get my best score.

If you're there, stop by CabineTree's table. Blue sign hanging on the front of the table.

06-02-2008, 02:17 PM
Loading is done!!

Don McDowell
06-02-2008, 02:33 PM
We're not going to go this year. The Q's alright, but with the cost of going places now, there's other shoots the wife and I both enjoy a bunch better,sort of like gettting the most bang for the buck.....:-D
Do have contingency plans to do Merv and Kathy's Peabody Pass shoot the following week tho.
You folks have fun and drive careful.

They're put new cell towers up allover the place, there's getting to be cell service in lots of previuosly uncovered territory.

06-03-2008, 10:21 PM

Good luck with the Winchester Creedmoor.

aka TexasMac

06-04-2008, 01:35 PM
Tmac, It was shooting good off the bench. Sub 1 1/2" 10 shot groups @ 100 yds. I'm just getting my home range finished and will also have a 200 and 300 yd paper targets for testing. Also gongs out to 500 yds. Last test of the three loads in the boxes this weekend to see which I'll save for the match.
We shall see!!! I plan on shooting it a lot more this year and will be even better prepared for next year.


Good luck with the Winchester Creedmoor.

aka TexasMac

Idaho Sharpshooter
07-27-2008, 01:07 AM
I'm the other "K", the one that lives in Nampa, Idaho. This year was the best since I started going seven years ago. Shot my best score with my rebarreled Shiloh Sharps 38-90, and only had one major problem: that sassy temptress Carmen Axtell seduced me! One of her JP Lauer Sporting Rifles in 45-70. I have wanted a model of 1877 since I first saw one, but the price and the wait were a bit disconcerting (short attention span!) before 2008. The woman brought two rifles for sale and made me a great offer on the Sporting Rifle. Long range sights, spirit level windgauge front, and knockout wood! My wife did not quite decide to kill me, I think my retirement checks saved my life...

What a country, cheap breast implants, 8-second Harleys, and Sharps rifles!!
