View Full Version : Whittington BPCR Match Report

07-23-2016, 10:09 AM
See? I CAN spell "Whittington". ;-)
Hope everyone had a great match and a safe trip home. I'd like to hear how CB members did. If you don't want to brag on yourself then feel free to brag on somebody else.

Lead pot
07-23-2016, 10:58 AM
You might look here, but it might take a year of two before you see the results. :) http://compete.nra.org/championship-results/nra-national-silhouette-championships-results.aspx

07-23-2016, 12:19 PM
Nobade and I shot "A" class in the scoped silhouette division. I wound up in the middle of the class, but Nobade won the 2nd day individual and was overall winner in "A" class. A pretty good showing for our 2nd match ever and only shooting there 2 months ago to get a classification and sight settings.

I wish I had the presence of mind to have taken pictures of the match results for the silhouette and bulleye matches, but I wasn't feeling so well.

I will say that Jim Kidwell and the rest of the people did a fine job of running the match. While we were there, the matches ran smoothly without any hitches. At the award ceremony they gave us a good meal complete with adult beverages (which unfortunately I had to pass on ) and passed out a ton of free merchandise. I think I might have been the only person that didn't get any of the goodies and there were a lot of very nice ones too!

07-23-2016, 12:33 PM
Thanks for the report, LynC2. Hope you're feeling better. There have been years when the air in Raton was a bit too thin for me. Glad to hear Nobade did well, didn't realize either of you had planned on attending.
Merchandise prizes are one sign of a good match; in my long competitive career my most successful endeavor was door prizes, lol. I think it's only right to serve adult beverages in the Coors Pavilion but I generally have to pass, a rather unfortunate (?) allergy to beer reared it's head almost 30 yrs ago and my doc would prefer I didn't imbibe at all.
Hope you are planning a return trip next year. Seems like a good bunch of people and the venue is simply awesome.

Lead pot
07-23-2016, 12:44 PM
What was the attendance count at the Nationals?

07-23-2016, 01:33 PM
I recall they said there was a much better turn out than last years, but I don't recall the numbers.
I am feeling somewhat better, but still dragging my butt. I had a serious infection a few weeks ago and almost didn't go. The antibiotics the Dr. prescribed inflamed my liver before he changed them; therefore I only drank the ice tea.
We are both planning on going next year also, "God willing and the creek don't rise"! :razz:

Chill Wills
07-23-2016, 02:25 PM
Nobade and I shot "A" class in the scoped silhouette division. I wound up in the middle of the class, but Nobade won the 2nd day individual and was overall winner in "A" class. A pretty good showing for our 2nd match ever and only shooting there 2 months ago to get a classification and sight settings.

I sure wish I had your names to go on. I would have looked you two up.
Wayne - AKA TexasMac found me and introduced himself and that was great to put the face to the name I have done business with and shared Browning information with going back to maybe 2001 or 2002. Nice man!

LynC2 - I am glad you made the match even tho not feeling too well! Maybe we can meet next year.

Besides you two (who I did not know to look for)I only know of BrentD, Don McDowell and myself, Michael Rix that both attend and are regulars on here. Kenny W is always at the nationals but is not on here often.

BTW - The numbers were about 120 For Scope this year and about 90 for Iron. It is a little up from last year but I do not remember last years numbers.

Lead pot
07-23-2016, 02:39 PM
Sounds good Lyn. I was hoping it would grow. Maybe I will turn south west instead of north west next year. :)
This year I put on close to 7000 miles already on the gypsy wagon going east to Michigan and to Pennsylvania, north to Wisconsin then two trips to Montana and Washington. My butt is also dragging. The caper is still loaded and ready to take off again for Nebraska for the Alliance shoot and maybe Colorado if something is still going on by that time.
So far I only shot up 1100 rounds but it has been a great season so far.

07-23-2016, 03:55 PM
It would definitely be nice to put some faces and names to the people on here. Nobade and I both talked about that same subject while there. Perhaps next year we could find out who all will be there and agree to meet at a predetermined spot. Being new there we didn't know anyone, unlike when I shot high power and Palma.
Kurt, I hope you can make it next year. I am sure you won't be disappointed if it is anything like this years match. We had a good time in spite of me not feeling so well. I never heard anyone complain about anything other than the switching winds and those &%$# chickens. LOL Also it looks like next year they are looking at running the target rifle and silhouette on different weeks in August which might make it a bit cooler too.

Don McDowell
07-23-2016, 10:58 PM
A lot of low s ores posted today at 1000..

07-24-2016, 12:45 AM
A lot of low s ores posted today at 1000..

Let me guess, winds? That high power range looks tricky on a calm day. Have a lot of respect for shooters who know how to read it. I was in the pits in Raton when the BPCR guys were trying the 1000 yard range as an experimental match. Very interesting.

Don McDowell
07-24-2016, 07:30 AM
Yup the winds. The only time they were really readable wad during the rain showers.

Sent from my VS985 4G using Tapatalk

07-24-2016, 08:51 AM
Don I heard that Jason Porter did some pretty excellent shooting in Creedmoor with a 270 on day one though. I would like that score on a calm day :-)Chris.

Chill Wills
07-24-2016, 12:00 PM
Daytime temperatures hit the mid 90's each day so I decided not to stay for the Creedmoor match. I just can not take the heat so high and for so many days in a row. My partner Richard Wood (Woody) and I just shot silhouette this year.

I am glad to hear Jason did so well - Klaus S is his partner and spotter and the way the NRA championships work, you can have a spotter/coach giving you corrections for each shot. 270 is a great score! Jason was part of our small bunch that shot at the silhouette match in Rifle, Colorado for a dozen years or so while that range offered BPCR silhouette.

I hold a Master in Iron and AAA in scope. I am not shooting as well as I used to but this year had some modest success in the scope match.
I shot two classes below my Master class in Irons - poor shooting or poor seeing or both:sad:.

At least Scope went better...

07-24-2016, 12:25 PM
Did you shoot midrange Michael?Chris.

07-24-2016, 02:20 PM
Congrats, nothing comes easy at Raton. We won AAA irons team last year and may be my last time with iron sight.

Lead pot
07-24-2016, 04:24 PM
Don't they have sighter shots before going for record for the Creedmoor and Midrange? or are they not allowed?

07-24-2016, 06:36 PM
Looks like Scope went well indeed, Chill Wills. Congrats, well done!

Don McDowell
07-24-2016, 11:14 PM
Don I heard that Jason Porter did some pretty excellent shooting in Creedmoor with a 270 on day one though. I would like that score on a calm day :-)Chris.
Jason did shoot a great score. Dave Gullo ended up winning the Castle trophy again.

Don McDowell
07-24-2016, 11:17 PM
Don't they have sighter shots before going for record for the Creedmoor and Midrange? or are they not allowed?
Midrange is 4 sighters and 10 record shots. Creedmoor is unlimted sighters and 10 record, in a 30 minute time limit.

Chill Wills
07-24-2016, 11:54 PM
Chris, I wish I could have shot Mid-range! Woody and I had to make a choice this year based on the NRA holding two Championship matches on the same day:roll:
We opted to shoot the three Silhouette championships in the shade rather than fight the heat and the direct sun.
The mid-range 3-P match is about my favorite of all BPTR matches but sadly, it is the one least shot or even put on.

Don, Thanks for the Creedmoor report! Can you report the outcome of the two mid-range matches and or the first three places for the events. If not - no problem. I often can not remember even when I am at the match:shock:.

BTW - Jack Odor and I will be going to the State Silhouette match in Perry, Utah the first week in September. Might see you there if not sooner.

Don McDowell
07-25-2016, 08:34 AM
Michael , Mark s, and Terry York pretty much tore things up in Midrange.
Handed Carol and my entry to Eric yesterday so will see you at Perry.
carols new hiwall is supposed to ship today so we will be at Smithmoor, and I am planning on the Rocky Mtn regional.

07-27-2016, 08:14 AM
I shot long range next to Jason and Klaus. Man, do they ever shoot fast and get their scores down in a hurry! They certainly shot well too.

Gullo's score on day two was well beyond simply amazing, but then, that is why he is the king of the long range.

07-27-2016, 09:04 AM
It sounds like a good time. I'll have to seriously consider it for next year. Two days of midrange and two days of long range would definitely make the trip worth while.

I don't suppose anyone has photos of the scoreboards that they could post?


Don McDowell
07-27-2016, 09:25 AM
Chris, it's actually 2 days of midrange position, 2 days of midrange prone and then 2 days of the creedmoor. 180 shots for score to shoot the Iron Man.
The date is tentatively the week of Aug. 14 next year, and probably until 2023 or some such.

07-27-2016, 09:49 AM
I wonder if those dates will cause Eron to move his match. I probably wouldn't do the midrange position Don, just the prone stuff. I'd probably have my wife with me and she'd want to do some hiking trips in there somewhere.


Don McDowell
07-27-2016, 09:57 AM
Don't know what those dates will do to other matches, but it will likely cause some shuffling, but supposedly that basic week will be locked in place for the next several years so it will make it easier for folks to schedule vacations, and possibly bring a rise in attendance.
There are hiking trails and such at the Whittington, and the non shooting/spotter wives do get together and do tourista things around the nearby area.

07-27-2016, 10:40 AM
One of these days I need to get there - when work will allow me to take multiple weeks off (or I retire, but hopefully I wont have to wait another 10 years).

Of all the silhouette shooting I do - BPCR, all the levergun disciples, smallbore and military bolt - I perform the worst at BPCR. I nor my spotting partner have not mastered reading the wind which is so critical in this game, so I consider it a good day when I can break a 20. Bummer is, my very first match they paired me up with a pro, who directed me quite excellently with wind corrections - put me into AA class. I have never shot in my class since. But even so, I have the most fun hauling the CPA out and shooting BPCR matches...

Don McDowell
07-27-2016, 02:49 PM
Unless they have a change of mindset, the bpcr and bptr matches will both be held the same week. So one week off should catch parts of both matches.

07-27-2016, 04:01 PM
Don't know what those dates will do to other matches, but it will likely cause some shuffling, but supposedly that basic week will be locked in place for the next several years so it will make it easier for folks to schedule vacations, and possibly bring a rise in attendance.
There are hiking trails and such at the Whittington, and the non shooting/spotter wives do get together and do tourista things around the nearby area.

Thanks Don, that is good to know.
