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07-20-2016, 10:16 PM
She would have been one hundred years old today.
She had eighty eight very good years, so you can't really ask for much more than that.

07-20-2016, 11:36 PM
Nice thought. Mine's was on the 12th. She would have been 78. Passed at 71, way to young. Damn Alzheimers.

07-21-2016, 06:48 AM
Great post and proof that as long as someone remembers our departed are still with us.....happy birthday nvbirdman's mother!

07-21-2016, 08:28 AM
Amen,God bless and keep you in his arms.

07-21-2016, 08:48 AM
They are always with us and watching over us. My mother would've been 95 this coming September. My Mother-In-Law would have been 95 as well. They were born one day apart and were friends from the time they were in the 2nd grade. We lost my M-in-Law this past May 2 - she was like a second mother to me. I don't think you will ever forget your parents no matter how long they've been gone. I especially miss mine on their birthdays .. . . but the good memories are what put a smile on your face and they live on in us.

A bit "Big Happy Birthday" to your mother nvbirdman . . . if thee is cake and ice cream in heaven, I'm sure she is having a big piece and looking down on you with a big smile on her face and thinking . . . "job well done".

mold maker
07-21-2016, 09:28 AM
Special remembrance of the day they passed is to sadden their memories. I don't put any emphasis on it, but rather the example of a life they led.
Mom was born of sturdy stock and all lived long lives. Mom made 92 years mostly with MS and type 1 diabetes. She never complained except for being a burden having to be in a wheelchair.
She spent her life teaching and helping all those she had contact with. She taught cake decorating and drapery making even after her legs gave out. She was professionally and taught interior decorating, but most of all she was a Mom.
She always led by example and helped instill patients, respect and tolerance.
Thanks Mom for all you unselfishly gave me and all you knew. Your example is still a guiding light for many. Years may have passed, but your memories remain.

07-21-2016, 11:40 AM
Mine would have been 87 this year. Been gone now for 44 years. Doesn't seem like that long. I remember the day like it was yesterday.

For all of you that still have your Mothers, give them a hug.

07-21-2016, 02:27 PM
Mine would be 101 come 9/1/16. It's good to see others remember and revere their Moms even though they've gone from among us. Not everybody gets a good Mom in this world. Look at how many abort their precious new lives before they even have a chance to learn and grow! I think it's unconscionable. And I've known all too many whose parents, Mom or Dad or both, abused them. Leaves scars like no other thing that can happen to us in life.

A good Mom and Dad are the greatest blessings we can have here in this physical realm. I am humbled every time I think of how lucky I was to have the parents I did. I couldn't have been luckier or more blessed. Mom, I still love ya', maybe even more than ever now that you're not here, and I finally realize how much you meant to me and taught me, and how crucial it all was. Same with Dad, too. He'd have been 103 in January. I miss them both.