View Full Version : Crazy happenings

07-17-2016, 08:49 AM
Carol heard a huge bang on the front door that also hit the door bell. 3 AM this morning. She looked out and nobody was there, got me up, didn't find anyone so I went out side the garage door, checked the yard and front , nothing.
My little dog in the kitchen was standing up on the gate but the dogs in the garage did not bark.
The dogs in the garage will not go out at night when I walk my little one before bed. They look out the door and run back under the boat, then mess the floor.

07-17-2016, 08:54 AM
Sonic boom perhaps?

07-17-2016, 08:56 AM
Strange, especially since the dogs gave no alarm.

mold maker
07-17-2016, 08:58 AM

07-17-2016, 09:07 AM
Birds and large bugs hit my windows and glass doors day and night. The doves are the loudest, like a Chris Evert serve against the glass. I don't even circle the house any more. Usually, the only evidence left is a smudge on the glass and a few gray feathers. Occasionally, a dove body.

07-17-2016, 09:18 AM
No, nothing like any of that. She demonstrated what she heard on the kitchen door. and the doorbell rang too. Whatever it was scared the dogs in the garage. They bark at a neighbor walking the road 1/4 mile away or a deer 200 yards in the woods. No person could walk near without them barking.

07-17-2016, 09:23 AM
Who do you call?...Ghost Busters

Seriously, I had something strange happen a number of weeks ago. Had two eye witnesses. Got nothing but ridicule from others who did not see it when I described what happened. Sometimes strange things happen. There is always a reason but we may not know it.

07-17-2016, 09:24 AM
large cat or a coyote.
when they bark it's a warning for you to come take care of the intruder.
when they cower like that they know they are the prey.

DerekP Houston
07-17-2016, 09:30 AM
Who do you call?...Ghost Busters

Seriously, I had something strange happen a number of weeks ago. Had two eye witnesses. Got nothing but ridicule from others who did not see it when I described what happened. Sometimes strange things happen. There is always a reason but we may not know it.

I swear I heard a revolver being shot off the other night and took a lap around the block. Never saw or heard anything after but sure woke me up. Who times fire crackers in a 6 shot sequence?!?! best excuse I could find...

07-17-2016, 09:48 AM
Weird gust of wind? Speaking of Ghost Busters, I really did see one once. Sounds like the start of a bad joke but it was my Mother-in-law, swear it is true.

07-17-2016, 10:31 AM
Who do you call?...Ghost Busters

Seriously, I had something strange happen a number of weeks ago. Had two eye witnesses. Got nothing but ridicule from others who did not see it when I described what happened. Sometimes strange things happen. There is always a reason but we may not know it.

I for one would like to hear that story...ParaNormal is on the rise, I suppose that you'd have to follow things like that to realize this, but I do.
I could care less what some Goof pulling a wisecrack out of his butt has to say.

07-17-2016, 12:13 PM
We have no large animals here. I have seen, heard and been touched by ghosts and had an experience with the grass man in Ohio.
Carol has heard dog nails clicking on the garage floor behind her when ours were out and has heard her name called at night and something whispering in her ear.
I used to smell cigarette smoke when I watched TV, only dead person I know that smoked heavy was the previous owner. I told John to smoke outside, not allowed in the house and it went away.
I don't rule anything out.

07-17-2016, 12:21 PM
http://s2.quickmeme.com/img/12/12e1364326d16ac3ad8557e5b30fc44f6bd6a8dd4d776bf2e6 88545ed328ef30.jpg

07-17-2016, 12:45 PM
I still tend to think birds flying at night. If the windows are clean, they'll fly into them a lot more than most realize. They seem to see the panes in daylight, but not so at night, and we've had a number of incidents where birds seemed to fly into our glass dominant back door. Always seems to be after we clean them.

But in the end, who knows? I don't get too spooked out, but I did do a walk through with my .45 recently, when I heard something at the fully wooden front door that I couldn't readily identify.

07-17-2016, 12:58 PM
Either Lucius Clay, or the Chupacabra!

07-17-2016, 06:39 PM
The bird that hit the door and bell, NO WINDOW THERE would have to be 200#. Carol said it shook the whole side of the house.

07-17-2016, 08:53 PM
Check the transformer to your doorbell..... I had one go bad at 1AM in the morning one time. It would just sporadically ring. I didn't figure that out at first. Took a day or two. I spent the first night on the couch with a pistol very close.

country gent
07-17-2016, 09:07 PM
44man How close are you to Toledo express airport? They have the airshow this weekend and have been flying over my place low and loud the past week and a half. May have been one of their displays practicing or coming in to it. Also the opening shot cerimonies for Camp Perry were monday and they fired some artillery and had a fly over there to. Or "John" may not like being bannished to outside LOL

07-18-2016, 09:43 AM
44man How close are you to Toledo express airport? They have the airshow this weekend and have been flying over my place low and loud the past week and a half. May have been one of their displays practicing or coming in to it. Also the opening shot cerimonies for Camp Perry were monday and they fired some artillery and had a fly over there to. Or "John" may not like being bannished to outside LOL
I am in the eastern panhandle of WV, right near Harpers Ferry, much civil war happenings.
I took my little one out at 11 last night but the two in the garage would not go out. We were in the back yard and I heard two large bangs at my metal barn. We went to see if a coon was in one side, I opened both doors and walked around outside the barn and there was nothing. It sounded like the barn side was beat on.
I used to hear stories of confederate troops marching Bakerton road. We are close to Antietam too. Not far from Shepardstown, most haunted town in the US.
Just about dark every night the two in the garage want out but look out the door and run back. If it is still light they go out. They have a 40'X70' fenced area with a gate that swings to one side of the side garage door and a swinging gate at the other side to make a chute so they can't get past me. They look to the back fence and run back. What do they fear?
Here is a picture my game camera caught in my yard one morning.
172488 Dogs are buried past that barn.

07-18-2016, 10:39 AM
I can only imagine all the logical explanations you have been given regarding this picture, prolly a lot given with intent to insult you. It's hard to discuss these matters within earshot of the shallow minded.
I watched a ball of 'luminescent something' that came through a plate glass window from the front porch, passed within 2 feet of me and electrically shorted out on the wall next to me. It was the size of a soccer ball and it moved very slowly at about 30 inches off the floor. Two kittens were in my lap and it had their attention also, when it came through the glass and towards us they simultaneously dug their claws into my thighs and took off for parts unknown...that made me realize that I wasn't hallucinating.
It wasn't a frightening experience, more the qurious one for me, I didn't feel threatened, just fascinated with something I never saw before, even had the strangest urge to reach out and touch it. When it shorted out on the wall, it made an electrical sound, hissing and sparking sound and the ball of light turned instantly into what looked like a root ball of a small tree as viewed from above.
This was an old mining town here in the Gold rush area, Ophir, the old house was a miners cabin that had been added onto twice. There was an old grave under one portion of the kitchen, you could see it from outside the house as that part of the cabin was about 3 feet off the sloping ground.
I just this past week have been made aware of Shepardstown...an entire haunted town, that goes over the top indeed.

07-18-2016, 02:59 PM
large cat or a coyote.
when they bark it's a warning for you to come take care of the intruder.
when they cower like that they know they are the prey.

large cat - my 170lb malamute slept in the truck one camping trip to the south side of Mt Hood, the camp site it self was spookier than anything. So it was either bigfoot or a big cat, as he was not intimidated by pack of coyotes. Ive seen him handle close to 8. Those guys wanted no part of him, yet this camping trip that guy would not get out of the truck and he loved to camp there.

Set up a game camera.

07-18-2016, 06:06 PM
Someone trying to draw you out? May be nothing but where we live in a rural area, i would be "prepared" when checking it out regardless of the time of day.

07-18-2016, 06:19 PM
If it shook the walls, maybe that Grassman got lonesome for ya'? ;-) Seriously, one has to wonder just what was going on sometimes, particularly in the middle of the night, when we're not at our sharpest, though strange things DO tend to wake us up pretty quickly. Distant sonic boom? 99% of them can probably be explained, but that still leaves that last 1%, and who knows about those? We like to think we know everything worth knowing today, and we have truly learned a lot. The only thing we seem to have trouble learning is the humility to accept that we don't know it all, and that some things can't be satisfactorily explained. But then, what's life without a good mystery?

Geezer in NH
07-18-2016, 08:47 PM
Rem sleep and spider in the smoke alarm system perhaps???

Note garage dogs need a kennel of their own. They will be happier.

07-18-2016, 09:10 PM
A sonic boom would not ring the bell and it is still OK and working.
It is too hot for my fat dogs outside. I even have a window unit in the garage to keep them cool.

07-18-2016, 09:20 PM
I'll bet they are having a great life cooped up in the garage...fence the area and let them decide where they want to hang out. They get their cooling from the ground, they know enough to find the coolest spot, at least they don't have to hang out in an enclosure full of excrement and pee everywhere...yeah I know you always clean the pooh...what about the pee that has soaked the ground for who knows how long...dogs have a more sensitive nose than you do by multiple times!

If their fur is too long ... shear them in the summer.

DerekP Houston
07-18-2016, 09:38 PM
I'll bet they are having a great life cooped up in the garage...fence the area and let them decide where they want to hang out. They get their cooling from the ground, they know enough to find the coolest spot, at least they don't have to hang out in an enclosure full of excrement and pee everywhere...yeah I know you always clean the pooh...what about the pee that has soaked the ground for who knows how long...dogs have a more sensitive nose than you do by multiple times!

If their fur is too long ... shear them in the summer.

We keep ours indoors most of the time or they just go nuts up and down the fence lines with all the others dogs. I prefer mine quiet and calm instead of leaving them running around. Wish my neighbors had indoor dogs so mine could enjoy our yard for more than 10 minutes but that's what walks are for. My best friend setup a kennel in his garage for their dogs, just has a doggy door that goes out to a fenced in yard area. Works great for him and the dogs it seems.

07-18-2016, 09:55 PM
We keep ours indoors most of the time or they just go nuts up and down the fence lines with all the others dogs. I prefer mine quiet and calm instead of leaving them running around. Wish my neighbors had indoor dogs so mine could enjoy our yard for more than 10 minutes but that's what walks are for. My best friend setup a kennel in his garage for their dogs, just has a doggy door that goes out to a fenced in yard area. Works great for him and the dogs it seems.

Thanks for that Derek...I keep relating to the world around me from where I live...closest neighbor 1/4 mile or so, and, that's too close.
I apologize to 44man...for that rude assumption and comment. I lived in the city surrounded by homes when in So. Cal. and had to deal with neighbors that didn't keep things comfy for others...44man...you have my permission to bust me in the mouth!


07-19-2016, 11:32 AM
No need at all my friend. My dogs live with comfort. No little coop or cage and a large outside area that I clean every morning. Now my little one has about 3 acres I walk her on and I clean up after her too. I toss the bucket into deep weeds. Nothing worse then a friend walking in feces. I remember old timers I hunted with with beagles that stunk so bad I don't know how they could smell a rabbit. Small enclosure full of poop. No dog should live that way.

07-19-2016, 12:03 PM
Put up another cam.

07-19-2016, 12:08 PM
Once in a while my little one gets poop on her butt. She goes in the laundry tub to get washed. I keep her clean. She has tail feathers and is so pretty I will not cut them but they do get in the way.
She is a leaf and grass mop too.
To put my dog out in heat and weather will never happen, she belongs on my lap and in my arms. We are never more then a few feet apart.
I can't pen a dog. I give them a lot of room so they are safe.

07-19-2016, 12:28 PM
Used to have two dogs but now only one. We have a doggie door, they lived inside but let themselves in and out of our good (not huge) sized fenced back yard. They liked to lay in the sun even on some hot days but mostly stayed inside. The young one lost her old friend and now has to be with one of us most of the time. If I am sitting in my chair she wants to be by my side. She doesn't get enough walks because I don't walk enough we both should get out more. She is getting older now.


07-19-2016, 02:23 PM
I've had a few crazy experiences. One night at my grandparent's house I got a whiff of pipe smoke. Their home is way out in the country and none of their neighbors for a few miles smokes. My great grandfather did though, and he used to live on that same piece of land. The house is actually built almost right on top of where my great grandparents house used to be. Some might say that the wind carried that smell in from somewhere. Does anyone want to guess what the chances of pipe smoke traveling several miles and getting into a pretty well insulated house, while still smelling relatively strong would be? How about that happening multiple times? It's happened to my grandmother a few times.

I also once had the displeasure of spending the night at an asylum (not as a patient). Most of the buildings were old, worn down and abandoned, full of asbestos, and had that stereotypical "haunted hospital" look. The place was as creepy as it could possibly be, and even know the (office/guest) building I stayed in was modern and clean, I did not sleep well at all. I felt like I was constantly being watched by something very very bad. Many of the nurses there said they've seen stuff. Like people in paintings moving, and other creepy things.

My mother is an RN, and she's seen some weird stuff at hospitals. Like stuff just flying across the room as if someone had thrown it, and things being moved around in a room when no one was in there. There was one room at a hospital she worked at that was right across the nurses station in the ICU. Stuff would always end up being moved around in that room mysteriously.

07-19-2016, 04:28 PM
There are things we will never understand in this mortal life.

Ive had weird things happen to me too, you either believe that there is another superhuman possibility or you don't.

07-19-2016, 06:33 PM
Amen to that last. I honestly think that many who don't believe really know better, inside, but just don't want to give voice to it. But, I've been wrong before, and might be in this. But put a cynic in a scary and unexplainable situation, the hair on the backs of their necks tend to stand up just like everyone else's. Funny how that works, ain't it?

07-20-2016, 02:08 AM
SpaceX had a launch around then, sonic boom all up and down the east coast... they landed the first stage again!

07-20-2016, 02:56 AM
At first I thought possibly a Bear but since you do,nt have any near you it certainly is a mystery.At our House every now and then usually in the middle of the night we hear a loud bang emanating from within the house.I put it down to the property cooling down and the flooring moving a fraction to cause the bang.Things that go bump in the night can be very disconcerting,I would not discount anything.The Door Bell thing is scary.We had a faulty Burglar alarm that would go off on its own usualy during the Witching hours.

07-20-2016, 09:10 AM
Twice the wife complained of a very loud bang, right in the center of the living room wall on the back side of an old miners cabin we lived in 25 years ago. Both times I was away but would go around back and look, lots of cobwebs back there and no disturbance of them or the dirt, no man tracks or large animal. I told her it was probably large pine cones hitting the roof but that didn't appease her so I spread 6 sacks of play sand across the entire length of the back wall wide enough to catch the prints of anything that could stand there and physically reach the wall.
Several weeks passed before anything happened but when it did, I was home and sitting in the room about 8 feet from where the loud heavy bang occurred, loud and heavy didn't really describe it...it sounded like someone had a brick in their hand and hit it squarely, so much so that it disturbed a large framed picture...As I looked up startled I actually saw the bottom of the frame bounce off the wall.
In a fraction of a second I was out there with pistol in hand and guess what I found?
Nothing...no footprints in the sand, no handprints on the cabin wall, no disturbed cobwebs, no big rock someone might have thrown...nothing.
To this day it remains a mystery and it happened several more times in the years that followed before we moved.
Behind the cabin was a high almost vertical canyon wall with only the mine entrance visible from the back of the cabin and about 30 feet distant, everything else was covered in old growth blackberries...man nor animal runs away through those buggers.
I am of the mindset that things happen we cannot explain because we don't understand the world around us...we think we do, especially the academics...but we don't.

mold maker
07-20-2016, 10:42 AM
Can't say I don't believe in the supernatural, just haven't personally encountered any, At least none that I was aware of at the time.
I have however felt the presence and warnings or directions from my Dad who passed in 97. Just figured he was looking out for me as always.
Noises in the night that wake you always seem much louder than actuality, and if in a strange situation can un-nerve you.
Faith and trust always allow continued calm sleep.

07-20-2016, 10:56 AM
Can't say I don't believe in the supernatural, just haven't personally encountered any, At least none that I was aware of at the time.
I have however felt the presence and warnings or directions from my Dad who passed in 97. Just figured he was looking out for me as always.
Noises in the night that wake you always seem much louder than actuality, and if in a strange situation can un-nerve you.
Faith and trust always allow continued calm sleep.

A big loud bump in the night woke me about about a month or so back...I always investigate as I don't have much faith in the physical realm. It was a big ole black bear trying to make off with a trash can, haven't seen him in years...a quick string into the dirt out of the 1911 got him off in the right direction...I'm sure he'll be back, that's the way it works out here in nature.

Ballistics in Scotland
07-20-2016, 11:10 AM
I think a sonic boom might be the most likely thing, although whatever the regulations about making them over inhabited areas, they should go double at that hour. People don't always obey the rules. Dogs might not give the alarm for a single bang with nothing once they were awake.

I once heard a loud bang in Saudi Arabia, accompanied by flashes of light at the top and bottom of my front door. It wasn't a pyrotechnic flash, for I was able to duplicate that amount of sunlight entry by flexing the rather flimsy door with a metal hook. It was later announced that it was an accident in an industrial explosives plant several miles away.

It was the early stages of the Iran-Iraq war, and much later, when a missile hit the Kuwaiti oil terminal, they and the Kuwaitis carefully avoided thinking about its being within the range of known missiles from Iraq alone. It was very close to the site of the US barracks Scud many years later. But the Iraqis had no Scuds that could have made the distance at the time, and an explosives factory, which they could hardly have hit other than by chance, certainly did explode.

It would be worth a look for any scorched earth or asphalt. It would have been a good time for someone to test some amateur pyrotechnics and run off fast with the debris.

07-20-2016, 12:07 PM
Clear skies. My house and all buildings have lightning rods. Lightning does not strike them. They dissipate energy to prevent the leader to the clouds for lightening strikes. I would not live in a house without rods.
We have the Martinsburg detachment but all they fly are the big cargo planes. We have no jet fighters near. The big planes are amazing, can't think of the designation but they go by so slow I don't know how they stay up, lots of air drag noise is all.
Rule out sonic booms. They don't ring the bell either.

07-20-2016, 12:17 PM

I saw this brute one evening while walking guard duty in San Diego, couldn't imagine how it could fly but, it was gone the next day. Don't suppose it could break the sound barrier either.

07-20-2016, 12:27 PM
Being in Texas I'm not familiar with the Grassman.

But Seinfeld fans are familiar with this guy:

EDITED: Post a link to it! No Swearing allowed!

07-20-2016, 12:47 PM
Grass man is the Ohio Bigfoot. Nasty critter.
I love that plate. Perfect for NY!

mold maker
07-21-2016, 10:26 AM
Ding dong in the night, but no one there.
I once had a doorbell button that would ring once every couple minutes if the temp dropped below 16 degrees. The metal contact arms would contract until it passed current, which rang the bell. The current flow would heat the metal arm relaxing the contact till it re-cooled and rang again. Several sleepless nights and even a police investigation couldn't find the problem.
Warmer weather and much examination + a new switch finally solved it, after I rigged it up in the freezer and duplicated what was going on.

07-21-2016, 04:56 PM
Several years ago the doorbell rang. It was a cow moose with her rear end pushed against the doorbell button. It was a -35 F morning and I believe she was sheltering from the wind and catching the heat from the sunshine reflected by the siding

07-21-2016, 07:09 PM
At first I thought possibly a Bear but since you do,nt have any near you it certainly is a mystery.At our House every now and then usually in the middle of the night we hear a loud bang emanating from within the house.I put it down to the property cooling down and the flooring moving a fraction to cause the bang.Things that go bump in the night can be very disconcerting,I would not discount anything.The Door Bell thing is scary.We had a faulty Burglar alarm that would go off on its own usualy during the Witching hours.

We live in a 536 Sq Ft cabin that was 1st built as a 160 Sq Ft'r in 1943, it has been added onto twice ( 1963 for INDOOR plumbing to about 400 & again in 1995 to the present 536 ). Most nights we also hear banging or knocking, been here 16 years and have attributed the noise to the cabin settling as it cools at night. We have Bears also, they sometimes make noise while rummaging around & trying to ride my ATV's .... [smilie=s:

07-21-2016, 09:27 PM
Any building makes some amount of noise as it heats and cools, not just buildings but everything there is, including dirt, just some more noticable than others. It is also psooible that over time a building or anything else due to moving from temp changes builds pressure in an area and gives a loud pop as something settles.

I stayed a tear or two in an rv park down at Orange Texas right on I 10. I ws awakened one night by an explosion. The next morning I saw where the concrete roadway itself on the off ramp had literally exploded.

07-22-2016, 10:26 AM
I hear siding change with the sun but I allowed for movement. Not the same. Sun never hits my front door except real early when cool. It is dark at 3 AM. I built my addition and it has not changed in many years because I did it right. Solid as the day is long. I over built. Not the house at all.
Late at night I hear a big crack in the upper corner of the bedroom, like a board dropped in the attic. Attic is full of junk and Christmas boxes. No cracks in the walls. Siding has cooled. Makes me jump.
One night I woke up at 3, had to pee bad. I heard heavy, heavy creaking on the floor at the bottom of the bed. Three times more then my fat butt does. Came up the other side and I felt 2 hands on my shoulders that forced me deep into the bed so I bounced. Did not scare me at all. Could have been my dad, his ashes are in my woods or John the previous owner or a confederate soldier.
I have been here in the basement and heard heavy footsteps above but the spare bedroom is full of Carols junk and sewing machine. Tiny spot open in the center of the room. Can't walk in there.
When I hunted Ohio I parked my pickup on a coal haul rd, gravel. I had an old interior door across the cap ledge I slept on. Hunting stuff under it. First night the truck was rammed hard, Thought stupid deer with a silver truck. next night I was bounced off the door to the bed of the truck. No tracks or damage.
We took a camper to in front of an old graveyard across the road. Had permission as long as we kept it clean. First night we got woke up by the trailer shaking and with a full moon I seen the front go down. Heavy old Blazon trailer 5 guys could not lift the tongue. I went out at 2 to pee and the wheel was on the 4x4 I put it on. We stayed up the next night and heard running down the hill behind and something slammed the side next to me. Went around and ran into the steel steps pulled out, tripped it to hear a loud yowl as it fell past the side. Went up the hill and came back to ram the side again. My daughter found brown hair on the step but we lost it.
Ken said "lets go see" I said **** you.
Now we also camped there with tents and never had a problem. Seems vehicles are the problem.
This was near Cadiz Ohio, not far from Salt Fork. Old strip mine areas. Off route 22.
I have seen stuff here, hunting a neighbors. I went in when dark to sit under a tree. Looked toward his driveway and seen a white figure walking the drive to go behind a big tree and not come out the other side.
When a kid in bed, it was hot so I had my legs sticking out the covers, Something took hold of a leg. Covers over my head, great fear but now it does not bother me. Feel cold fingers as a kid and lose it! I seen crazy stuff in the old houses.
You need to experience the stuff.

07-22-2016, 10:48 AM
When my dad was a kid, they went to a house to play cards and drink. Kids went upstairs to bed. You know the fun, can't sleep. They heard someone say "let me out" so went to tell the others, they said "back to bed" but after a while they heard it. The old house could be walked under so a guy took a lantern and went under. He came back white as a sheet, heard it under his feet. When they tore the house down to build more, they found a skeleton under the ground.
My dad worked at a slaughter house for pigs. had to crawl into the machine that peeled hair with sharp blades to sharpen them. Went to go in and someone said "don't go in there", he didn't see any one but was warned more times. The machine started up. Seems the maintenance man was arguing with the boss and went up the stairs. Pushed the button.
Dad delivered ice cream and they did not load trucks, dock workers did. Drivers sat in a corner eating sugar cones. You know, eat them and toss the bottom in your mouth. Dad was ready for the last and someone said STOP. he looked inside to see a huge black spider inside.
Do we know what is going on?

07-22-2016, 01:32 PM
In today's cynical atmosphere, it's "fashionable" to poo poo things like this, and claim they're all just "in the head." But they've been going on for centuries, so .... who's to say, really? I've had sensations that were strange and stood the hair up on the back of my neck, but never heard voices. But just because I haven't heard them doesn't mean someone else may have, and I'm comfortable accepting sane men's accounts of such. There are many, many things in this world that we still don't understand, and why it should be so "out of fashion" to accept that there are still many things we don't understand just doesn't seem to me to be fully rational. I think it's MORE rational, comparatively, to accept the testimony of sane men, than to discount it ALL as a simple act of will and negligence. I suspect we'll all understand many things we now can't, one day.

And as far as "haints" goes, I was standing in the yard of a buddy's house once, and this ol' boy has been cut and shot a number of times, and is basically scared of nobody. But as we stood and talked, after a late fishing trip, I believe, his face suddenly went ashen and he showed obviously very strong fear! He said, "You're not going to believe what I just seen!" I turned of course, and looked in the direction he'd been looking. "I just seen a haint about 50 yards out in that field!" I looked. It was a very dark night with just enough moonlight to illuminate the field enough to see out in it a fair ways. I knew him very much well enough to know he doesn't make things up, even if I sometimes wondered about what he'd report. He always came out truthful. Always. So I was excited too. No hair standing up on my neck yet. Just excited and I peered into the field where he'd said he'd seen whatever it was, and suddenly, a shimmering blue-green and yellow image apeared about the size and height of a man. It took a second, but he'd said they'd just fertilized the field, and putting two and two together, I realized that what we'd seen was methane gas rising from the ground. Then we saw the phenomena a couple more times in different places in the field. This finally got his hair to lay down on his neck, but he was still keyed up. You can't just turn that off instantly. IIRC, we went inside and had a cup of coffee, and puddled out after the event. Great cup of coffee, that one! We even laughed about it all before we finished that coffee.

But other things? Who knows? Certainly not me! I take sane people at their word, and don't have a problem accepting that maybe there are things that we just don't understand. They made a movie recently about a young boy who died on the hospital operating table, and was revived, and he came back telling a pretty classic story of seeing Heaven and Christ. This kind of thing is rare, but it has happened too many times with too much consistency to accept the strictly scientific commentary of the docs.

Who are we to claim we understand everything worth knowing??? Especially when we continue, even now, discovering how things we could never have imagined COULD be true, have now proven to be paradoxically true? What's that old line from Shakespeare? "There are things in this life, Horatio, that we know not of!" Or something like that???

07-22-2016, 05:44 PM
I believe in Angels but might be too rotten to have one. But I look at my little dog and thank God for her. He gave me her to take care of. I will keep that pledge.
God might have steered me here to you good friends.

07-22-2016, 06:58 PM
I've been following UFO stories since I was 8 back in 58...there weren't so many reported as now, but they have been witnessed by accredited people you would not normally question regarding honesty and such. Cops, Doctors and Airlines Pilots, these types, but people still say CGI doings when it comes to pictures and that someone really didn't see what they thought they said they saw...their eyes work fine all the time until it comes to UFO reports. It gets tiring listening to the nay sayers, I don't think they have the capacity to wrap their minds around it, or, are too lazy to really look into these occurrences for themselves.
Meanwhile these objects make high speed turns and outrun our military jets when sent to investigate the matter and all the time NASA tells us that we have the technology to go to the stars, yeah right, we cant even get past the radiation belt and we really went to the moon?...men loaded to the front of a big bottle rocket...that's the big laugh! Think of all the people who have died pursuing this rocket business BS.
Looking back...I think we have been lied to all of our lives about all of these things.

mold maker
07-23-2016, 11:13 AM
Are you really serious?

07-23-2016, 11:43 PM
I remember back in the 70's MN had a rash of UFO sightings including a squad car that had the antenna bent back at a 90 degree angle... if you have ever tried to bend a stainless antenna mast you would discover they do not bend 90 degrees easily or without cracking and fracturing. Deputy reported something skimming the top of his car at a very high rate of speed... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Val_Johnson_incident

07-23-2016, 11:54 PM
In the 60's and 70'sthe whole country had a rash of ufo sightings. lol

07-24-2016, 09:36 AM
I've been following UFO stories since I was 8 back in 58...there weren't so many reported as now, but they have been witnessed by accredited people you would not normally question regarding honesty and such. Cops, Doctors and Airlines Pilots, these types, but people still say CGI doings when it comes to pictures and that someone really didn't see what they thought they said they saw...their eyes work fine all the time until it comes to UFO reports. It gets tiring listening to the nay sayers, I don't think they have the capacity to wrap their minds around it, or, are too lazy to really look into these occurrences for themselves.
Meanwhile these objects make high speed turns and outrun our military jets when sent to investigate the matter and all the time NASA tells us that we have the technology to go to the stars, yeah right, we cant even get past the radiation belt and we really went to the moon?...men loaded to the front of a big bottle rocket...that's the big laugh! Think of all the people who have died pursuing this rocket business BS.
Looking back...I think we have been lied to all of our lives about all of these things.

Do you honestly think the moon landing was faked?

DerekP Houston
07-24-2016, 09:39 AM
Do you honestly think the moon landing was faked?

That's one I don't believe.....I have a relative that worked at Johnson Space Center and is still part of the civilian projects handled by various companies around town. I could buy that we haven't seen the full footage, but that is how promotional videos were made. Those massive rockets were awe inspiring to me at a young age when we visited.

There's plenty of unexplainable things that still happen and we could have no idea what is outside our field of view.

07-24-2016, 11:17 AM
Never seen a UFO but read a story of gunboats on the river in Nam where they encountered one and the boats open fire on it to no affect. Then they came under heavy fire and found the bullets were the same ones they shot at the thing.
I don't think I will be shooting my .500 at one!

07-24-2016, 01:14 PM
Do you honestly think the moon landing was faked?

Yes...too many questions arise that can't be answered.
Light and shadows running at different angles, the flag waiving in a no atmosphere environment, no hole under the lander where the jet engine would have blown it 360* at landing, many points I don't recall off the top of my head...If you look at both sides of the argument you'll see that the facts make you wonder seriously.

David S. Percy – TV producer, expert in audiovisual technologies, and member of the Royal Photographic Society. He is co-author, along with Mary Bennett, of Dark Moon: Apollo and the Whistle-Blowers[34] and co-producer of What Happened On the Moon? He is the main proponent of the 'whistle-blower' accusation, arguing that mistakes in the NASA photos are so obvious that they are evidence that insiders are trying to 'blow the whistle' on the hoax by knowingly adding mistakes that they know will be seen.[35]

At least read the Wikipedia article, it gives a fair account...https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moon_landing_conspiracy_theories

07-24-2016, 01:40 PM
44man, I'm 5 counties west of you and strange happenings be darned I would be metal detecting everywhere around you.
I've seen and heard things all my life and no explanation to most but I just rule it out as we don't know everything.
Gotta admit, I'm jealous of your geographic location.

DerekP Houston
07-24-2016, 01:41 PM
Yes...too many questions arise that can't be answered.
Light and shadows running at different angles, the flag waiving in a no atmosphere environment, no hole under the lander where the jet engine would have blown it 360* at landing, many points I don't recall off the top of my head...If you look at both sides of the argument you'll see that the facts make you wonder seriously.

David S. Percy – TV producer, expert in audiovisual technologies, and member of the Royal Photographic Society. He is co-author, along with Mary Bennett, of Dark Moon: Apollo and the Whistle-Blowers[34] and co-producer of What Happened On the Moon? He is the main proponent of the 'whistle-blower' accusation, arguing that mistakes in the NASA photos are so obvious that they are evidence that insiders are trying to 'blow the whistle' on the hoax by knowingly adding mistakes that they know will be seen.[35]

At least read the Wikipedia article, it gives a fair account...https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moon_landing_conspiracy_theories

I read the article, I think this is one we'll just have to agree to disagree on buddy. Anything is possible though. Hopefully our tech will get to the point where we can all just zoom in with a camera and take a look ourselves.

07-24-2016, 04:48 PM
I personally have never experienced anything wierd, but I try to keep an open mind about aliens, bigfoots, ghosts, etc.

A good friend of mine told me a story - his parents lived on a farm in the country, nobody around for miles. He and his brothers were visiting, and were getting ready to leave. They were standing outside talking to their dad, at night, pitch dark out, only the yard light on. He said suddenly the entire property lit up with a bright flash of light from above, like something had just taken a photo with a gigantic flash strobe. Freaked them all right out. Said they were discussing wth just happened, then they saw another bright flash a few hundred yards away out in one of the nearby fields. May have been a third flash too, I can't recall for sure.

But these guys were all ex-Marines, Dad was a WWII vet, all no BS guys. But that's all that happened, and Mark was dead serious when he talked about it.

mold maker
07-24-2016, 07:02 PM
I feel cheated. Here I am an old man and have never seen or experienced anything I couldn't easily explain.
Close as I ever came was a 2:00 AM sonic boom that scared the bejeebers out of me one night in March of "62.
Being a newly wed, and having just set up housekeeping, with a 250 gal. fuel oil drum outside the bedroom window, I literally didn't know whether to poo or go blind. Next morning it was the talking point of the day, on radio and TV.
Apparently, I wasn't alone.

07-24-2016, 10:03 PM
Rondog, you reminded me of a time when I was much younger, and I, my wife and her two cousins were walking around the pond in the dark, shooting frogs with a 6v. light.

The elder cousin, Sharon, was a big instigator, and in the dark, began telling horror stories, thinking it was big fun, while her younger brother and my wife were starting to get spooked. Suddenly, the night lit up like daylight with a yellowish green flickering light, like from a fire.

I looked up and saw what appeared to be a large meteor streaking across the night sky, and it seemed to disappear just before hitting the horizon. It was a kind'a breath-taking event! Sharon's horror stories didn't help a bit, even for me, even though I kind'a expected her to start something like that.

I think this time, she scared herself, because at her insistence, we suddenly stopped short of getting as many frogs as I thought we needed. I was going to let them go home alone, but we had only one care for us all, so shrugged, figured maybe this wasn't such a great night to hunt frogs after all, and we went home and made something good to eat, I think mostly for them to get over their shock.

I was the only one who thought to look up, and saw the meteor. They kept asking me if I was SURE it was a meteor! Seems so funny now, but they were quite spooked at the time. I like the stories like these that have a "happy ending," and don't leave us hanging like so many seem to. My thinker doesn't work as well as it used to, and it makes it hurt to tax it with the stuff that there's really no good answer for.

MT Chambers
07-24-2016, 11:15 PM
It's the ghost of Freedom Arms coming to get you for dissing their revolvers, at 200 lbs. it could be Baker himself. Very bad mojo!!!

07-25-2016, 10:17 AM
It's the ghost of Freedom Arms coming to get you for dissing their revolvers, at 200 lbs. it could be Baker himself. Very bad mojo!!!
You might be right, DARN!
I don't diss all. Just some not right. I am just as harsh on S&W and Ruger. DW used to drive me nuts and even a few Seville guns had problems.
Ask how I feel about GE, Maytag, Sears and MTD? Much has to do with how you are treated.