View Full Version : Dual prayer request

07-14-2016, 05:21 PM
My sil passed this morning losing to cancer and chromes disease. Please pray for my brother, his son, mentally challenged daughter, and grandchildren.
My employee's girlfriend was bitten by a rattlesnake last evening in 106* weather while weedeating. The local hospital did not have antivennin and she was life flighted to a larger hospital and Dr. said she is not responding well and may not make it.

07-14-2016, 06:29 PM
Father, I come to You to ask that You comfort DLCTEX's brother and his children with the passing of his wife. Father help them to concentrate on the good times and help them to remember that her passing is just a temporary period before they will all be together again. Father the passing of a loved one is an awful thing ... but You can comfort them and help them through this death. AMEN

Father I would like to pray for the restoration of health from the lady that was snake bitten yesterday. Please allow her to regain her health and not suffer any permanent disability. Father, all is possible through You and I ask that You grant this prayer. AMEN

07-14-2016, 09:18 PM
Wow, DLC! Prayers up here right now! Many believe antivenin is a panacea, just like they believe antibiotics cure viruses, like flu, but it just isn't so. Alergies to the horse serum in it CAN and DOES cause anafalaxis sometimes, and other difficulties, and the only way to know is AFTER it'll do any good! If she's in a good, large hospital, though, she's got a real fighting chance, and that's really all any of us get in this world. Will be praying every time I think of it for at least several days, or you report she no longer seems to need them. Will be praying for the brother and family also. None of us ever knows when our time will come, and it often comes suddenly, and unanticipated. Praise the name of our Lord, for giving us so much opportunity in these lives we live, and so much grace.

07-14-2016, 09:51 PM
DLCTEX I'm truly sorry to hear about you losing your sister in law . The personal loss of family is hard but you have your memories of the good times . The memories are left to us to look forward to the day we will be reunited with the ones gone before . You will see her again .

Lord help this family through their loss of a loved family member . Be with and comfort them as they readjust their lives without her . Please provide the reassurance and strength they need . Be near to them Lord . In Jesus name I pray . Amen

Half Dog
07-14-2016, 09:53 PM
Father, I come to You to ask that You comfort DLCTEX's brother and his children with the passing of his wife. Father help them to concentrate on the good times and help them to remember that her passing is just a temporary period before they will all be together again. Father the passing of a loved one is an awful thing ... but You can comfort them and help them through this death. AMEN

Father I would like to pray for the restoration of health from the lady that was snake bitten yesterday. Please allow her to regain her health and not suffer any permanent disability. Father, all is possible through You and I ask that You grant this prayer. AMEN

Thank you for voicing a prayer. In Jesus name, Amen

07-14-2016, 10:49 PM
I am saddened to hear of all the bad news for you, May GOD look in upon your family during this loss and comfort beyond measure. Also we ask that the lady bitten by the rattler have a favorable outcome with no side effects, In Jesus name amen.

07-14-2016, 10:58 PM
Prayers sent

07-15-2016, 07:44 AM
Prayers sent

Pine Baron
07-15-2016, 08:13 AM
Father, I come to You to ask that You comfort DLCTEX's brother and his children with the passing of his wife. Father help them to concentrate on the good times and help them to remember that her passing is just a temporary period before they will all be together again. Father the passing of a loved one is an awful thing ... but You can comfort them and help them through this death. AMEN

Father I would like to pray for the restoration of health from the lady that was snake bitten yesterday. Please allow her to regain her health and not suffer any permanent disability. Father, all is possible through You and I ask that You grant this prayer. AMEN

Thank you Paul. Amen

Preacher Jim
07-15-2016, 08:22 AM
On my prayer list.
Lord pore your grace and mercy on this family in their days of greaving

07-15-2016, 08:52 AM
Prayers and condolences

07-15-2016, 11:29 PM
The funeral went well with one of my brothers officiating. I was impressed with my little brother ministering so well, giving comfort to grieving family.
Robert's girlfriend is improving after some changes in treatment. He is encouraged by the improvement. Thanks to all who prayed and offered encouragement. A great ministry takes place here. Lord bless you all.

07-15-2016, 11:39 PM
Prayer sent.

07-15-2016, 11:48 PM
I would be remiss not to share what happened last night as we were driving down for the funeral today. We encountered a strong thunderstorm as we got close to Guthrie, Tx and quiet a bit of hail. I was concerned for damage to our new car but had to drive miles to find shelter under an overpass ( this is sparsely settled ranch country)for about a half hour. No hail dents or cracks, thank the Lord. We drove about 20 miles farther and had just crossed the Salt Fork of the Brazos in pouring rain when I saw bouncing eye reflections a swerved sharply to the shoulder, missing a herd of black steers running head on to me. We came so close I could have touched one from the window. That is an adreniline rush I don't care to repeat. I thank my Lord for safety and no damage to body or the car from hail or beast.

07-16-2016, 07:02 AM
Sounds like one of those days? Sure glad ya'll missed the black cow , been there before . GOD is good .

07-19-2016, 08:03 PM
Update on the lady bitten by rattler. After being given more anti venom by more than twice of anyone the hospital had ever treated the hospital sent her home due to no insurance. The bill had surpassed $1,000,000. She is trying to get to another Dr. In Lubbock as her leg is horribly swollen and she is in fear of losing her leg. The bite was on her toe. Prayers still needed.

07-19-2016, 08:22 PM
Rattlesnake bites are bad if it takes to long to get the anti serum . The horrible swelling is typical , I have seen it a few times . May our Lord help her . I will pray , please update her condition if possible .

07-19-2016, 10:46 PM
Wow! Hate to hear about her being kicked out of the hospital. I and I assume all of us here will be praying for further treatment! And praying HARD for her!

Pine Baron
07-20-2016, 08:49 AM
Prayers continue.