View Full Version : St George and the Dragon!

07-12-2016, 10:17 PM
It all started innocently enough, this brass magnet fellow overheard me mention my desire for a roll crimper. Before you could say whizbangboom I had a PM in my inbox explaining the whole thing. Also mentioning that he was off on vacation the next morning.

That was a real break on my part. So when St George arrived in Fargo North Dakota he landed in a large box nailed to the floor of my front porch.
The box was covered in mystic signs, pentagrams, seals and other such esoteric stuff designed to keep St George sealed in the box and far far away from my Dragon's Horde. I had heard tales of him by this time and I was prepared.

St George twirled the antique ancient roll capper which he used as bait around his finger.

"So this is all I'm going to see huh?"

That is the idea.

"Where is the reloading room?"

LOL Nice try, not in this house, this street, this town. It is across the river in Minnesota in a town so small they will see you coming 6 miles away. Thus giving me time to lock up and escape.

"Humph, you play hardball dragon, but you know this is not the end!"

I let out a big sigh, including a large multicolored smoke ring just for effect.
Listen George, I know all about your Karmic balance gig. I know Brass Magnet made a point of saying I could just go get a cup of coffee and do nothing else.

I also know how the universe works. So I make you a deal.

When you leave, the roll capper stays here, and at some point in the future when you have an item that needs shipping, well you tell me and I take care of it. 15$ max expended, and looking at that roll capper I should go lower. But this has been entertaining.

Hope you had a good vacation St George, see ya out there, and good luck hunting for that reloading room. A dragon KEEPS his horde!

With that I left, a day later a camera showed the box empty except for the roll crimper. Box was folded down but saved against future need. Area and crimper thoughly checked for traps, tags, gps locators and other such devices.

I won't say I won, what is it about Saint's? Even when you don't need to you end up doing what they want anyway. It has to be the whole Sainthood package involved somehow.

Still, seems like maybe he's earning it. Who knows, maybe he has a deep dark secret past that needs atoning for. Or maybe, Gasp, choke, splutter, ptewy, shudder. He is just a really good decent guy with a strange penchant for helping people.

Dang Saints they always get ya in the end, one way or the other.
My proof? ROFLMAO you want proof? What is the name of the dragon St George killed?

No one knows, but EVERYONE knows the St's name and what he did, miliniums later.

Better call the Dwarves about another layer of security. Dang I won't sleep for a month.

Saint's (Blows a long blast of flame as he heads off for his reloading area)

Tain't fair McGee, tain't no way fair.

(and thanks for the roll crimper) :)

07-14-2016, 10:06 AM
He he he
George strikes again :)

07-14-2016, 10:14 AM
Wonderful story .