View Full Version : Realistic expectations of Lee ppm

07-08-2016, 12:12 AM
I'm not overly concerned with the leaking or anything aside from charge weight. I'd like to see it throw charges that are very accurate. Meaning +/- 1gn. Right now I'm throwing as much as +/- 3 gn with flake powder such as unique. With extruded such as h322 it was throwing what I had expected. Am I setting the bar to high for this type of powder? I also have bullseye but I haven't ran any through the measure yet.

07-08-2016, 07:30 AM
Good, fast or cheap. Pick any two.

The PPM I had was cheap. It was also fast in terms of changing powder (powder shutoff and detachable hopper) and settings (screw the charge bar in/out). It just wasn't very good with the powders I use (Bullseye, Unique, etc).

The PPM replaced a Hornady, the PPM was replaced by a Dillon.

07-08-2016, 11:32 AM
Okay. Well I may have to find a new powder then. It entered accurate #7 well enough. But I don't have load data for it and I'm not setup how I'd like to work up loads

07-08-2016, 12:10 PM
Mine handled Red Dot, Bullseye, IMR-4198, IMR-4064, and IMR-4895 better than my Uniflow, and Hornady LNL. I didn't try it with spherical powder though. The others handled them well. For fine powders like AA#7 my Lee AutoDisk is used. Oddly enough, my Uniflow leaks Red Dot. It isn't much, I just thought it was odd.

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07-08-2016, 12:29 PM
Powder measures in general do good with some powders (spherical) and not so good with others (extruded). My Lee PPM will hold less than +/- .05 with W231 and BLC-2. Other powders like IMR 4064 not as close, +/- .15 to .2 grain on a good day, with Unique somewhere in between. The key is to make every throw exactly the same; same speed, same "force", same "bump", each and every time. I have a highly rated (from the LASC site) C-H 502 powder measure and it is much the same; some powders as little as .05 grain to as much as .2 to .25 grain variations. My last session I loaded some 7.62x39 with BLC-2 and I got 80+% of the charges exactly the same by my Lyman/Ohaus beam scale, and the rest were within .15 grain...

07-08-2016, 12:49 PM
Unique is a pain, but mine drops within a 10th on everything except very small charges of red dot. I fixed that by taping a little shaker motor to the hopper when doing small charges of flake, eliminates bridging.