View Full Version : Well I am back

07-07-2016, 04:52 AM
I have not been doing much shooting , reloading or Casting the last few months ....well a number of months
As I was battling a nasty spell of Depression and a huge number of Migraines

But with the help of several Doc's and a Modern meds ...I am semi back to normal
I still have some work to do , but I am working on it

One of the bad parts , one of my "New" Doc's did some looking at my head and found a scar on the back of my head
Most likely for one of the opperations , after I fell and hit my head

Well the Doc's feel that the scar is rubbing on some nerves and causing some of my "Head" pain
They want to do nerve blocks
But Ohio Workmans Comp is not agreeing
So in a few weeks my Lawyer and 2 of the Doc's will be at a hearing to try and get the OK

Not that I want to have little to no feeling in much of my head , but the Head Pain is getting to be more than I can take , and I can't be chewing on pain pills all the time

So I am going to be doing a bunch of reading , what I have missed


07-07-2016, 05:38 AM
Just remember the longest journey begins with a single step.

07-07-2016, 05:42 AM
Glad you're on top of the situation. Wish you well.

mold maker
07-07-2016, 08:41 AM
You've been missed and we're sorry for the reason.
I know all about getting by on constant pain meds. They eventually cause worse problems than they fix.
Hopefully, the legal aspects are a way to a good end for you.
The inabilities of pain caused depression, which in turn causes one to need more meds in an ever increasing spiral are not the answer to an end. Finding and fixing the source is the only answer.
It's a shame we have to have lawyers involved to get the health care we need.Good luck, and keep us informed.

finding the source is the answer.

07-07-2016, 11:03 AM
Best of luck. I agree having to have lawyers involved in our medical care sucks. I actually switched insurance carriers once just to get an MRI approved. I also get migraines from my neck/back and understand some of the constant debilitating pain you are in. Good luck.

DerekP Houston
07-07-2016, 11:39 AM
I fight with that demon constantly, I wish you well in your endeavor but it is a hell of a burden I would wish on no one. All of us have different reactions and symptoms to it mine is anxiety and anger. I despise the current lawyer/medical situation but it is what we have to deal with. Hopefully they find at least a way of reducing the pain you are in.

white eagle
07-07-2016, 11:49 AM
glad to see you back
hope all goes well for the health care issues
enjoyed reading your posts

07-07-2016, 12:18 PM
Good to see you back here. Will be praying for success at the hearing and for a full recovery.

07-07-2016, 03:23 PM
Glad your back John, good luck.

07-07-2016, 07:35 PM
What jmort said. God's best blessings on you and your family.
Ole Jack

07-07-2016, 07:45 PM
Glad to see you back and better . Hope they get the surgery going as quick as possible to help out .

07-07-2016, 08:09 PM
John you push that lawyer to get all the medical services you need. Workmens comp. can be a real pain as bad as the migrains. They seem to like putting people under major stress for no reason. I was real lucky in my comp. case. I had a great case worker and the lady at W.C. I had to talk to was great at directing me. It was the officers on up that gave us the bad time.
Good luck and I hope you get the medical care you need. I had been wondering about you, good to see you back.

07-07-2016, 09:26 PM
Welcome back! Hope things get better for you.

07-08-2016, 01:44 PM
I hope things get better for you.
I see no one has mentioned it, so maybe I shouldn't either, but I would think twice (or more) before I mentioned severe depression on any open forum, especially one such as this. Luck to you on all fronts.

07-08-2016, 01:54 PM
Glad to see you,luck with wc I fought that fight 23 years ago got a little care but not what was right or needed. Hope better results from your claim.