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07-06-2016, 08:11 AM
Upon reflection, hypocrite was probably to strong and unwarranted, forgive me.

07-06-2016, 01:51 PM
No problem, Claude. I love a man with passion that he puts to work, even if it sometimes gets applied sometimes in the heat of passion in a bit too vociferous way. If I held that against you, I'd have to hold it against myself, and I know all too well whence these things come. Just keep your passions up and don't let your guard down. And besides, we're all hypocrites anyway, at some time or another, and fall from our intentions.

If the Saint said he was "Chief among sinners," where does that leave us? Personally, I don't much want to even think about it. As it says in the Lord's prayer, "Forgive us as we forgive those who trespass against us." You didn't even do anything but tell the truth! So it's not much, if anything, ,to forgive.

We Christians spend WAY too much time fighting among ourselves when we OUGHT to be fighting the evil that lies all around us. A man with real zeal and passion like yourself is very much NEEDED in this fight, and I'd be proud to stand shoulder to shoulder with you ANY day! I love a man of passion, and men of passion sometimes get a little carried away. I know I do, and I think we all do at times, but is that a "bad" thing in the end? I'd rather be passionate and err sometimes, than be meek
and ineffective ANY day! So go in peace, my friend.

I'll take a man of genuine passion any day, even if I disagree with him on some points, rather than someone who's more concerned with the feelings of others than in right and wrong. Other people's feelings ARE important, but not nearly so much as right and wrong, and how are we to find that if we don't discuss it passionately among ourselves, and hash it out? It's just part of being a good Christian. Look how the desciples sometimes argued and even quarreled among themselves sometimes! What did Christ do? He just sat and quietly watched and listened or overheard, and then settled it usually with a question for them all. I wish He were here today to clarify us all on just what's what and what's not. But we have only each other, and even when we nearly come to blows, it's good to have someone who's truly passionate about what he believes to discuss things with. These things really matter. Thanks for paying me the honor of letting me know EXACTLY what you think! And go in peace because there absolutely no hard feelings. Just thankfulness for a good, spirited argument, laced with passions appropriate to the subject. Who can ask for better than that?