View Full Version : 4 th of July

07-04-2016, 08:36 AM
Lord thank you for the blessings you have freely bestowed on our country . Thank you for the individual blessings you have given each of us . Thank you for guiding and working in our lives through your love and care you show us every day . We need your help Lord to restore our nation as one under GOD indivisible with you as the one we trust . Most of your people here think it's bad now but if the darkness keeps spreading over the land there will be true trial for us . Help those back to you who have been deceived , who have forgotten you . Deal with the churchs that use your name little and deny the blood that you shed to pay our debit . Please show us the way Lord and be with us . In your holy name I ask it . Amen

Preacher Jim
07-04-2016, 08:41 AM

07-04-2016, 08:48 AM
Amen !

07-04-2016, 08:59 AM
I read this this morning and wanted to repost it,this seams like a fine spot for it
thank you Charlie

America's only hope

"Will You not revive us again, that Your people may rejoice in You?"—Psalm 85:6

What is the future of the United States of America? Are we doomed to just go the way that so many other once-great nations have gone? Is America headed to the ash heap of history? Are our greatest days behind us, or could they still yet be ahead? Is there any hope for America?

No one can answer those questions with any certainty, but we know this much: America is not the superpower of the last days. The greatest nation on earth is conspicuous in her absence from the world stage in the end-times scenario given to us in the Bible. America is not the first, nor will it be the last, nation to rise and fall. Every nation's days are numbered; America is no exception.

Rome was once the mightiest empire on the face of the earth. But she collapsed internally before she was conquered externally. We as a country can be diligent to guard against enemies on the outside, but we would be wise to look within.

Historian Will Durant, in his book on Rome's history, Caesar and Christ, said, "A great civilization is not conquered from without until it has destroyed itself from within. The essential causes of Rome's decline lay in her people, her morals. . .."

The difference between Rome and the U.S. is that we were founded on Judeo-Christian values. We've strayed from the original vision of our founding fathers, the vision that produced "America."

What was once "freedom of religion" has now become "freedom from religion." We have succeeded in getting God out of our schools, sporting events, public venues, and workplaces. Instead of Christmas, when we should focus on Jesus, we have Happy Holidays and Winter Solstice. Instead of Good Friday and Easter, we have Spring Break. It seems to me that America has gone out her way of late to turn from God. But America needs God's intervention.

We saw many turn to the Lord after 9/11. Remember those prayer vigils on street corners and packed churches? Remember the members of Congress spontaneously singing "God Bless America"? These memories give me hope that there could be at least one more great revival in America's future.

If we do not have revival, I do believe that judgment is inevitable. Peter Marshall, former chaplain to the U.S. Senate once said, "The choice before us is plain: Christ or chaos, conviction or compromise, discipline or disintegration."

God was able to turn the very wicked nation of Nineveh around in the days of Jonah. We know there have been some great spiritual awakenings in our history as well. Let's pray that America will turn back to God in these last days.

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What is the future of the United States of America? Are we doomed to just go the way that so many other once-great nations have gone?

07-04-2016, 09:28 AM
Thank you rl69 ! We have to get the word out , all depends on it . We are in charge of the future of this country and the future of our children's children . We must light the way for them . The force of evil that guides our people can be stopped and we are the generation that must do the work , by the next it will be too late . 'WE' will answer to GOD for that failing . It's time to give Satan some hell back .

07-04-2016, 02:26 PM
Great post and prayer Charlie.....Happy 4th all!

Pine Baron
07-04-2016, 03:29 PM
rl, interesting tie in to your verse of the day. Thanks again. Please everyone have a blessed and safe 4th. God Bless America.

07-04-2016, 04:27 PM
Amen to all the above. We have plenty of good food, and can literally feast every day, while so many in the world go to bed hungry every night. We have easy access to good, clean water, while many die in other places from drinking whatever water they can find. We have near limitless entertainment diversions while so many have only the rumblings of their empty stomachs to listen to at night. We have so much, and have been so much more richly blessed than any civilization that has ever existed before us, and our lives have been so EASY, that we no longer appreciate what we have, and simply take it for granted. If there's a better and more sure recipe for a fall, I have no idea what it might be. I pray our Lord will intervene somehow, with His great wisdom, and lead us back to the path of righteousness, that we once, as a nation, tried to pursue. We may never have quite reached it, rightly, but it's always in the pursuit of good things that we leave our marks, and our forebears did a very workmanlike job, even if they were, like us, flawed. We seem to take being flawed as a license to do whatever we want. It's not. Never has been. Never will be.

We've had it so easy for so long in so many ways, that we now think it'll always be there by some sort of imagined "right" to that status. Nothing could ever be further from the truth. We've quit seeking, and started enjoying, and we don't replace what we take, or make compensations for what we destroy. We're like one huge, raving appetite, and if we're not VERY careful, we'll consume our own selves. RL's comments about Rome and many other nations is spot on. I pray we'll wake up before it's too late to stem the tide against us. I fear the upcoming election will be the deciding factor. Truly, that old Chinese curse, "May you live in interesting times," is fully upon us now.

All our forebears met with SO much greater dangers and difficulties than we have. Are we to trash the example they set for us all, and throw all that we've been so freely given, that was purchased at such great price, just because of our sinful neglect and foolhardiness? It's been done before, but only we, as a nation, can answer that question. It's a battle between principalities, and we get to choose which we'll serve. I pray we choose wisely!

Thanks for a great post and great commentary, guys! It matters.