View Full Version : Thank you for today

06-30-2016, 08:03 AM
Thank you for another day Lord . Please be with all here and show us what you would have us say and do to glorify you . Help us with our problems whatever they are . Bless all here that have physical needs Lord and provide the healing they need . Help steady us for the obstacles we will face today with your guidance and reassurance . Stay with us Lord . We thank you for your love , patience and opportunity to serve you . In your name I ask and give praise . Amen

Pine Baron
06-30-2016, 08:11 AM
In Jesus name. Amen.

06-30-2016, 11:10 AM
Amen. We walk this earth not knowing what's going to happen next, that will give us a chance to show our real love for Christ and all He's given us. That's why we have to carry our faith with us always, not in a case or holster or bag, but always right there in our hands, so we WILL be ready and any reaction we have is a proper one for our status as Christians. It's amazing the reaction many have when we just demonstrate an intelligent and unfearful faith, and a lack of fear and intimidation when evil meets us. Often, simply being unafraid is half the battle. Evil doesn't understand or know what to do when it meets unfearful faith. It tends to discombobulate evil! It causes evil to doubt itself, instead of our faith! And it's so obviously appropriate to us as Christians, too. It disarms evil of what seems to be its chief weapon these days.

Christ said He came into the world NOT to bring peace, but to bring a sword. Who knew, initially, what a great sword simple displays of real faith could be? I didn't until I saw it for myself, and it took a number of repetitions before it finally sank in fully. After all, if we know that no matter what happens, it's all going to be good in the end for us, what do we really HAVE to fear? Nothing. Not the opinions of other men. Not death. Not anything. Let us use this "sword" we've been given as it should be used, and as often as we have a chance to. It matters.

The current view of Christians is that we're weak and lacking in real faith. We don't even have the faith sufficient to conduct a simple argument! What have we EARNED but disrespect, for failing to show our faith so infrequently and so weakly? We've turned away from unpleasantness, instead of fighting evil where we found it. How could evil in our world NOT have grown to the level it is now???? Evil has always existed, but a more faithful and courageous people always addressed it much more readily, more determinedly, and more consistently, than we have in our generation. We've failed to demonstrate the value and depth of our faith, and evil has grown among us. How could it not have, when we've allowed it to?

We've snuck away to "read our Bibles," and revel in what WE have, and forsaken our duty to show, through the way we carry ourselves and behave and speak, what the real meaning and status of being a Christian really is. And for that, we're guilty of ALLOWING evil to flourish. And now, we have the intimidating duty to do what we can to reverse the tide of the growth of evil, lies and cynicism. And now, it's going to be harder and more frustrating than ever. But the longer we put off addressing our already awesome shortcomings, the MORE difficult and untennable it's going to become. It'll never be easier than it is today. The only question we have to answer, and we WILL answer it one way or another, is whether we'll put our shoulder to the task and give it our best, with prayer and courage and determination. It's the only "best shot" we have now, and it's of our own creation that it's the way it is today. Let's put our shoulders to the task and begin, one person or incident or opportunity at a time. This isn't one of those "one and done" situations, but like any great battle, a seemingly endless series of challenges and opportunities to learn as we go, how to do our best in a better and better way.

We'll all feel inadequate to the task, because we ARE. But if Christ is truly in us, He will make the difference, provided only that we are truly filled with real faith, and that we are unafraid and unintimidated by it. Nothing grows evil like weak displays of faith! It insults evil AND is like throwing gasoline on a fire! Let us be more faithful, more fearless, and more demonstrative in our daily meanderings of what Christ always intended for us to be. If we do that, God will bless us and our efforts, even if we're not the sharpest sword in the battle. Many a battle has been won by inferior weapons, if they were used in the proper way. And we're never alone in the battle, either. There are others, plus, there's ALWAYS God by our side and in our hearts and He can give us words and strength well past that of our own alone. And He does this every day, whether we notice it or not.

All we Christians really need in this world is the courage of our convictions, and a little more resistance to the temptations and allures of this world. And it's not all that difficult to do! Is that not amazing? All we've really got to do is just do it. That resistance to taking that first step has stymied many a worthy journey. Let it not be our lot.

06-30-2016, 04:59 PM
A lot of great thoughts and a wonderful prayer. Being a Christian does not mean you are perfect...it means that you are forgiven and that you will continue to try to come to God and give Him all the praise for the wonderful things that he gives us; steeling us so that we can serve You even when it seems hopeless; and giving us the grace that we want but do not deserve.

Father, Thank You for all You do for us and please help us to bring others onto You. Give us the strength to overcome our adversaries and to do it in Your name and not for our selfish desires. Father, I need Your help and love and I ask that You grant my prayer. Amen