View Full Version : Prayer request for my dad

06-27-2016, 07:37 PM
My dad had back surgery this morning and came through fine but has pain and some time ahead of healing and being inactive, Please say a prayer for his recovery and for my mom who will be his care giver.

06-27-2016, 07:46 PM
Yes, I thank you for asking prayers for your Dad
I have prayed for him and your Mom.

06-27-2016, 08:10 PM
My wife has had 5 back and neck surgeries....the last one took 6 months longer than the doctor thought it would take....but when she turned the corner she came on gang buster.......I wish him the best and please tell him that it will get better.....

Father, Please come to USMC87's father. Please bring peace and pain free healing to him. Walk with him and support him through this delicate surgery. Father, You are the ultimate healer and I ask that You hear my prayer and grant my request for peace and pain free healing. In Jesus name I pray! AMEN

06-27-2016, 08:21 PM
Thank you Lord for a successful surgery on USMC87's father . Please make his recovery as painless as possible and help him heal quickly . Stay with the family and provide for their needs . Thank you for all you do for us Lord . In Jesus Name I pray . Amen

Clay M
06-27-2016, 08:37 PM
I am happy to hear his surgery went well.
I pray for a speedy recovery, and that his pain will be diminished.
It is hard on the caregiver as well. I also pray for your mom.

06-27-2016, 10:00 PM
Prayers said for a quick recovery for your dad. Hopefully there are other family members or friends that can help your mom when she needs it.

My wife had back surgery about 1 1/2 years ago (L1-L5 fused) when she was 68. She was on some strong pain medication for the first week or so and then slowly tapered off over the next few weeks. She still had some residual pain for the following few months which the doc said was not unusual for her age. Thankfully, she did make a complete recovery.


06-27-2016, 10:10 PM
Prayer sent.

06-27-2016, 11:04 PM
Prayers sent and I know what he is going through! Best thing he can do is walk, walk, and walk some more! I made it half a block 5 days after surgery, at 2 weeks I was doing a mile...

06-28-2016, 12:13 AM
prayers sent

06-28-2016, 12:41 AM
Prayers sent

Preacher Jim
06-28-2016, 06:11 AM
Lord please heal usmc's father and be with him threw the recovery time also Lord pore a great amount of grace on those who care for him as the recovery is as important as the surgery.

square butte
06-28-2016, 07:05 AM
Prayer sent for your Father and Mother

Pine Baron
06-28-2016, 08:10 AM
Prayer sent.

06-28-2016, 08:11 AM
Prayers lifted in Jesus' name

Prairie Girl
06-28-2016, 01:06 PM
Lord I pray that USMC87's dad recovers from his surgery and that his mom can help his dad as much as possible. I pray that his dad's pain goes away and that he recovers fully. I know what it is like to be a partial caregiver and it is hard, but I pray that you make it easier on USMC87's mom to take care of his dad. I pray these things in Jesus's name, Amen.

06-28-2016, 07:05 PM
I've been very lucky with my back surgeries and the one on my neck. I pray God will bless your Dad and his whole family. I think quite a number of us have been where he now is. Keep the faith.

06-28-2016, 07:38 PM
Make this a fast recovery for USMC87's dad Lord . Please help the whole family . Restore him to the best he can be . Thank you . In your name I ask . Amen

07-01-2016, 08:26 AM
Thanks for all the prayers, My dad is doing better and is pain free in the areas that were so bad. He is sore and having manageable pain from surgery but that is something that will get better with time.

07-01-2016, 10:06 AM
God is soooo Good
Thank you for the update

Prairie Girl
07-01-2016, 10:15 AM
I am so glad to hear that he is doing better! God is great, and He shows his compassion and love toward us daily! I am glad that all of the prayers were answered! Hope he continues to get better!

07-01-2016, 10:22 AM
Praying for your Dad's full and complete recovery, in the Name of Jesus, Amen.

07-01-2016, 01:00 PM
Father, I am praying that USMC87's father continues to improve from his back surgery. I pray that his pain be minimal and his recovery maximum. Please guide the health providers (doctor, nurses, and therapists) toward a successful healing process. I would like to pray that his wife is able to care for her spouse and that they will be back to normal soon. AMEN

07-02-2016, 07:07 AM
Prayers sent

07-02-2016, 07:16 AM
Thank you Paul . Amen

07-02-2016, 08:16 AM
Glad he made it through the surgery OK.

Pine Baron
07-02-2016, 09:07 AM
Thanks Paul, Amen.

07-02-2016, 01:05 PM
Prayers continuing here. Been there, done that, got the tee shirt and the scars. If he's as tough to deal with in his "down time" as I tend to be, you've got your hands full. But it's all worth it. I just wish I still had my own Dad around to care for him. He was another one of those "one of a kind" types. I miss him still.

07-03-2016, 03:34 PM
Heavenly Father, we come through Jesus and ask for your blessing on USMC87's father. I also lift up his mother to you that you would guide her and give her the strength she needs to care for him and nurse him back to health. I pray for a speedy recovery and long comfortable life for his father. In Jesus name. Amen

07-03-2016, 10:32 PM
Prayers sent

07-03-2016, 10:37 PM
Prayers for a completely and speedy recovery.

07-04-2016, 07:03 AM
Lord thank you for being with this family . Continue to heal and guide . To you goes the glory of your love and concern . Stay with them all in this time of trial to strengthen guide them . Thank you Lord . Amen

07-04-2016, 07:21 AM
Heavenly Father, On the birthday of this great country, I come to You to ask that You continue to improve the health of USME87's father. Please help him control his pain and increase his mobility. Father all the praise is given to You from the guiding of the doctors through the surgery to the nurses that give him the post surgery care. Father thank You and please continue to improve his father and please watch over this family. AMEN