View Full Version : What do I have, and how did I make out?

06-25-2016, 09:56 PM
Was at a sale of a neighbor of mine that has passed on. I bought a 5 gallon bucket of various lead. On top were about 30-35 bars that said 63 37 electronics grade. Is that solder? I weighed it and have about 33 pounds of that. At the bottom there are app 40-50 lbs of wheel weights. I gave 32.50 for the bucket. If those bars are solder, what is it worth? I feel I made out pretty good. Also there was a chunk of lead that weighed probably between 20 and 30 lbs that I got for 7 bucks.

06-25-2016, 10:07 PM
Well you didn't loose any $$$$ on that deal.

06-25-2016, 10:26 PM
Good score!
63/37 @ rotometals is $13.10/lb. That's about $450 worth of solder alone!!!