View Full Version : Being a father ?

06-19-2016, 03:16 PM
I have raised My daughter alone . It was and still is hard at times being both father and mother . We live in a fallen world trying to build ethics , principles , right , wrong , creativity , appreciation , common sense , willingness , leadership , generosity , compassion , survival instinct , love not hate , etc . Teaching that the one true living GOD is the father of us all . That his word is our guide . That he paid our debt , suffered and died as a sacrifice that we could have eternal life . So so much to try to teach , time is so short with them before they are grown . It is hard .

You have the privilege to help shape them , lift them up . Guide and teach them . Inspire them through your own life . You get to love them and educate them . You see them learn , grow , mature .

Sometime they fail . Sometime you must let them fail . It's hard but you do it to teach many things . We all have failure in our lives , it's a learning exercise for our desires , pride , hard headedness , impulsiveness , sinful nature . I myself have had to learn much from 'experience' .

Last two weeks have been trying for me for one reason or another . Becky was gone all last week to a teen retreat in Eastern Oklahoma . Yep , I didn't have adult supervision for a whole week . She got in Friday evening , sunburned , completely worn out but filled with the sprit of our Lord . She talked about the retreat all the way to the shop . When we got there we sat in the truck for at least 30 min. as she tried to explain her recommitment to Jesus Christ . We both cried .
Today at church in the sanctuary during the invitation I walked over to the teen class where she was sitting and offered her my hand . We walked to the alter , knelt on our knees and prayed together .
Are kids worth it ? Heck yea ! Had a great Fathers Day .

Pine Baron
06-19-2016, 03:33 PM
All we (as parents) can do is set a good example. Words can just go in one ear and out the other, doesn't mean we stop teaching it just means sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Our hope is that we suffered through our experience so they won't have to.
Seems to be working for you. Keep at it, no matter their age, they always come back to Dad.
God bless you and Becky. Happy Father's day.

Preacher Jim
06-19-2016, 03:57 PM
And a child shall lead them

06-19-2016, 04:21 PM
Had father's day at my son's river house today. Venison, mashed potatoes, potato salad, squash caserole, and very thinly sliced fried squash and zucinni. Man! What a meal! The squash caerole had cheese, cream cheese and some GREAT seasoning in it! And those "squash chips" were simply awesome! So was the venison! It's been a very good day! I let them know that though it's Father's Day, the best gift they'll ever give me is simply them, themselves, and the pride and humility they inspire in me to have such a great son, daughter in law and grandsons.

The boys gave their Dad a card that said, "Raising kids is like golf." When he opened the inside, it said, "The ball doesn't listen to you either!" Everybody got a real kick out of that one, and his youngest is the one who presented it to him. What made it so funny is they'll argue, which is good since it lets my son know exactly what they're thinking and wanting, and because they always (almost consistently) do what they're told anyway.

It's a trust thing. They know they are free to say what they're thinking as long as they DO what he says. Just like we're supposed to do toward God. We get to say whatever we need to say, just like Moses and so many others did when receiving instructions from God. And God is patient, but only when we DO what HE says. Again, it's a matter of trust between the two parties.

Being able to take pride in one's offspring and their families is indeed, the greatest gift any parent will ever receive, any day of the year. Truly, I've been a richly blessed man!

To those who've had their sons or daghters go astray, don't lose heart. Keep your faith. And don't try to teach them. SHOW them what belief is, and why it's so crucial to all of us. God doesn't always work on OUR schedule, but if we'll simply keep the faith, keep praying, and demonstrating ourselves that what we say is true and really works, that will get to and through to them MUCH better than telling them everything we've ever heard, read and seen combined. It's what we DO when we're challenged that matters most.

And yeah, that's the hardest time to show courage, faith, assurance, belief and kindness, but .... it's SO worth it! A few will go bad, perhaps, but it's very few if we'll just do our job, even if we start late in the process. As Churchill said in WWII, "Never give up. Never, never, never, never, never ever give up!" And never lose your faith just because you're not getting what you ask for on YOUR schedule. Some things, many in fact, take a long time to work. It's just how all us humans work.

And thanks for the post, Boaz. My eldest grand, the baseball player, just got back from a Young Life camp in NC and wow! Was he happy about having been there. They had a great time, and got some great instruction, and it seems they actually heard it. I think I feel more blessed on this day than any other day of the year except maybe Christmas.

06-19-2016, 04:26 PM
We have two daughters of our own the youngest just graduated high school last week. We also have two boys we adopted and we are fostering three under the age of three.I feel the most important part of my job as a parent is to make sure they know the Lord. I pray that someday we will all be in heaven together. If that happens, I have done my job as a father.

06-19-2016, 05:18 PM
Boaz, Children are our most precious resources.....seems like Becky is going to be fine and what you taught her will guide her through her life....but realize that you both shape each other and depend on each other and with that said you should be beaming with pride for your daughter.....Paul

06-19-2016, 07:39 PM
Your right about affecting each other . As a parent it's not going to work with the do as I say theory . They are going to 'do' as you 'do' . Therefore ! You are forced to consider what you say and do . From the time they are born they are watching and listening to everything you do and say . You are their example . Works out good for everyone .

06-19-2016, 10:20 PM
Both boys took the wife and me out to my choice of places. Was going to RuthChris, but too far to drive in 118 degree weather! (5% RH!)

So I choose Stuart Anderson's Steak House. 12 oz ribeye, medium rare over wood fire....excellent...could cut it with a fork. And all the sides I love.

Got home. Two envelopes with a C note in each! Watched ZooTopia on BluRay/surround sound and had German Chocolate Dad's Cake with vanilla ice cream. Wife bought me 7 new dress shirts last week.

Nice day, even though you could fry an egg on the sidewalk.....a cool 75 inside.

Happy Dad's Day to all you fathers out there!


06-20-2016, 05:56 AM
Your right about affecting each other . As a parent it's not going to work with the do as I say theory . They are going to 'do' as you 'do' . Therefore ! You are forced to consider what you say and do . From the time they are born they are watching and listening to everything you do and say . You are their example . Works out good for everyone .

Yep. It's long been said with respect to raising children, that "More is caught than taught." The things we do are like a common cold. They're contagious!