View Full Version : Thank you for today

06-17-2016, 06:55 AM
Lord be with us today as we go about our daily lives . Guide us to make decisions with your guidance in all things . Help us overcome our own desires and failings to become acceptable to you . Forgive us and hold us up when we fail . Redirect us when we stumble . Guide us in helping those you send our way that are in need . Stay with us . In your name I pray . Amen

square butte
06-17-2016, 07:38 AM
Amen - Thank you Boaz for this good start to my day

Pine Baron
06-17-2016, 08:36 AM
Thanks, Boaz. Amen.

Clay M
06-17-2016, 10:35 AM
I have been through a time of testing. God has shown me my weaknesses and areas I need to change in my life.
I feel like I am coming out from under a storm.

I apologize to everyone out there for my failings and weakness during this time.

I am truly thankful for a new day ..


May God bless you all.

06-17-2016, 12:57 PM
Boaz, Thanks for the prayer.....so much has gone south the last few weeks that the prayer helped......Paul

06-17-2016, 02:56 PM
Amen, Charlie! If there's a better or more appropriate way to start a day, I have never found it, and doubt it exists. How could it?