View Full Version : New carry gun did I get taken for a ride?

06-17-2016, 01:45 AM
Okay, after buying my wife a 6in model 19 a few years ago, things have evolved. Since it is too big to reasonably carry concealed, we set out looking. She has arthritis, so the autos were limited in offerings, but I recently got a great deal on a sig p238, and she instantly loved it. So , fast forward a few months and a friend of mine is needing money and hits me up to buy his 640 smith for 350. Now, its been kind of a hard year for disposable income and I don't just go impulse buy but it seemed like a good deal, stainless/with the rosewood grips. SO I ASK THE WIFE, and she says buy it, I'VE always wanted one of those, and I'LL pay you back. Now, I'm thinking suuurre, so I offer to buy it and trade for the sig, and she jumps all over me! I think I kinda got the smelly end of the stick. What should I do? I really want a new Range officer, but can't afford it now.

06-17-2016, 06:01 AM
Well $350 for a Model 640 S&W sounds okay.

As for the rest, remember the old saying: "If Momma ain't happy, nobody is happy."


06-17-2016, 06:06 AM
If that S&W is in good shape, I'd figure out a way to make that deal.

06-17-2016, 07:10 AM
Well $350 for a Model 640 S&W sounds okay.

As for the rest, remember the old saying: "If Momma ain't happy, nobody is happy."


This ^^^^^^^^^^

06-17-2016, 11:28 AM
I think you did good on the price and for Mama

country gent
06-17-2016, 11:37 AM
I would keep the Sig along with purchasing the S&W. I have the sig 238 also and its a great carry piece with very good sights and trigger. Trading Mommas gun is always going to come back to haunt you at some point.

06-17-2016, 11:49 AM

06-17-2016, 02:30 PM
Whether you got "taken" or not depends upon how beat up it is. If it's in near new condition you didn't get swindled.

06-18-2016, 02:42 PM
I paid $500 used for my 640 (38 Spl version) years ago and was very happy with the purchase. An all steel 640 would have to be pretty beat up for me to pass it by for $350. 20 mins with some Flitz on a rag does wonders for stainless steel S&W's.

06-19-2016, 08:26 AM
Given how beat up some revolvers get from careless owners in amazingly short periods of time, the damage I've seen inflicted wouldn't get touched by Flitz.

Evidence they've been dropped, gouged, etc.

William Yanda
06-19-2016, 08:31 AM
New gun=X$
Mama happy=Priceless

06-19-2016, 09:02 AM
You've lost me here. Did you trade him the Sig and give him money or did you sell the Sig out right to get the money. I think $350. for that gun is a fair price. I might have traded the Sig for the Smith. But I would not have given him the Sig and money. Add the fact that Mama got upset because the Sig is gone and things are not good.

Now, I'm thinking suuurre, so I offer to buy it and trade for the sig, and she jumps all over me! I think I kinda got the smelly end of the stick. What should I do? I really want a new Range officer, but can't afford it now.

06-19-2016, 09:37 AM
The description of events is vague. I believe it went like this:

You bought her a Sig.
A 640 came up at a good price.
You talk to her and she says buy it, I want it, I'll pay you back.
You offer to buy it and trade for the Sig.
She declines that offer in strong terms.

So you didn't come to terms and no 640 gets bought. She keeps her Sig and doesn't get the revolver she always wanted. You are a bad guy because you didn't advance the $350 and buy the 640 for her like she requested.

Does that about sum it up?

Next time don't discuss. If you want it and can afford it then buy. If Her Majesty should become annoyed, at least you can go shoot your new gun while she cools off.

06-20-2016, 06:38 AM
That makes more sense.

The description of events is vague. I believe it went like this:

You bought her a Sig.
A 640 came up at a good price.
You talk to her and she says buy it, I want it, I'll pay you back.
You offer to buy it and trade for the Sig.
She declines that offer in strong terms.

So you didn't come to terms and no 640 gets bought. She keeps her Sig and doesn't get the revolver she always wanted. You are a bad guy because you didn't advance the $350 and buy the 640 for her like she requested.

Does that about sum it up?

Next time don't discuss. If you want it and can afford it then buy. If Her Majesty should become annoyed, at least you can go shoot your new gun while she cools off.

06-21-2016, 02:33 AM
She kept the sig, and I bought the 640. Sorry for the confusion, its in great shape.

06-21-2016, 07:45 AM
You're keeping HER 640? No wonder she's torqued up. :shock:

06-22-2016, 01:29 AM
BBBUUT, I really like the sig and the 640 fits my hand really well.

06-22-2016, 01:57 AM
Dude, at this point it ain't about you - it's about her and her perception of you.
You can get more money - you can buy more guns - but you only get one shot at happiness - No, really :groner:

06-22-2016, 06:22 AM
Dude, buy her anything that makes her happy and keep your mouth shut. I've learned after 44 years with the same woman that a happy woman is priceless and a pissed off one will haunt you for a long time. Simply put if she wants a new gun you smile and reach for your plastic and pay for it. If you happen to like the same model gun you simply order another one.

06-22-2016, 06:29 AM
Dude, buy her anything that makes her happy and keep your mouth shut. I've learned after 44 years with the same woman that a happy woman is priceless and a pissed off one will haunt you for a long time. Simply put if she wants a new gun you smile and reach for your plastic and pay for it. If you happen to like the same model gun you simply order another one.

Few truer words have ever graced this site's pages.

06-22-2016, 09:40 AM
All true gentleman, and after 22yrs I am thankful she is the way she is. I am very glad to have someone who enjoys shooting and supports it. Just having a little fun. Earlier in our relationship, we didn't have a bed, slept on a pallet, or a cookstove, used hot plates and toaster oven. Never a whimper about a purchase, so yeah its payback time.

06-22-2016, 09:57 AM
Dude, buy her anything that makes her happy and keep your mouth shut. I've learned after 44 years with the same woman that a happy woman is priceless and a pissed off one will haunt you for a long time. Simply put if she wants a new gun you smile and reach for your plastic and pay for it. If you happen to like the same model gun you simply order another one.

Now there is true wisdom indeed!

Over the years I have performed several hundred marriages and always tell the young and stupid guys the following:

"I had a Mother, a Grandmother, a Sister, a Daughter and two wives, plus thousands of women in numerous churches of which I have been a Pastor. Whatever a woman wants you to do that is not illegal, immoral or life threatening just do it and keep you mouth shut. Life will be far easier for you if you can learn this."

06-22-2016, 05:43 PM
$350 for a S&W Model 640 is a very fair price. Have a look at new-gun MSRP and auction site pricing for used examples, and I think you will see that you did very well.

charlie b
06-24-2016, 05:45 PM
I LOVE to buy my wife new guns. Why? Cause she lets me shoot them whenever I want. :) In return I reload enough ammo for both of us. And, yes, I let her shoot any of my guns as well.

Right now she is in a dilemma. She REALLY wants a Colt SAA in .32-20 But, even she does not want to spend the amount of money most of them go for. And, no, a Ruger or any other copy just won't do it. She is a Colt snob. The only gun of mine that she will shoot is the Python :)

06-26-2016, 12:08 AM
Just to briefly wander back to the original topic--Heck no, 350 is not a bad price. They listed for $408.00 in 1992. If it is still in decent condition, that is a very good price. I paid 350 for mine 3 years ago. It is my favorite snubby to shoot, due to the steel frame. (And no hilary hole either.):smile:

Plate plinker
06-26-2016, 05:27 PM
Well there will be more guns headed your way. Just be patient.

07-05-2016, 01:31 PM
Thanks everyone, Just to update. She decided to trade me her 19-2 6in 357 for the 640. I think it has the sweetest trigger on any revolver ever.