View Full Version : You remember that ammo I ended up with by wheelin' and dealin' ?

06-15-2016, 12:25 PM
Well, a friend of mine came over the other day, as I was dismantling the ammo... whackwhackwhack-a-mole style. He asked what the heck ? I gave him the story.... deal for a Security-Six, this came with the deal in a box of stuff, blahblah...
So, seeing as he's the kinda guy that can shoot straighter with a bigger gun than me (or anyone else for that matter), and he can handle more recoil, and his gun is shinier, and his wife is prettier, and his fire-engine is redder than yours, he decided he was gonna shoot that ammo.
Breaking it down is a waste, he sez.

Did I mention that some of my friends are idiots ?

So, we wander out back to the pistol-shooting range, and I stay back behind him a bit. I gotta watch this.
He loads up a cylinder in his SW-686. Fires 'em off, and says something like "Boy, that's a stiff load."
So he dumps the cylinder and we look at the brass -

A little bit of primer flow..... and some split brass.
He did say he was getting sprayed in the face when he pulled the trigger. And this looked to be brand new R-P brass on the cartridges I broke down.

He decided he'd had enough of that ammo. I called him a wimp.

Now I'm back to whackwhackwhack-a-mole....

06-15-2016, 01:34 PM
Lol Darwin Award. That casing is a great candidate for double loading. I did it one time. Thank god the ruger handled it like a champ

06-15-2016, 02:06 PM
Maybe they were meant for a contender?

Maybe it don't matter because shooting mystery ammo is always a bad idea?

06-15-2016, 02:24 PM
Prob would have split Ina contender too just probably

06-15-2016, 02:31 PM
Great reflection...I've known a few of these fellas over the years...nothing is more satisfying than to watch them make fools of themselves all the while running their big mouths and acting holier than thou.
Even after the incident, you can't reason or explain anything to them.

"How do these fellas survive themselves?"

06-15-2016, 02:35 PM
Redhawk loads? :)

06-15-2016, 04:14 PM
I know a guy like that. But I wouldn't have let him shoot the ammo. Sure I would want to watch him do it. But if something bad happened I could not live w/ myself.

06-15-2016, 05:54 PM
It would have been interesting to see what it clocked at velocity wise.

06-15-2016, 06:59 PM
I know a guy like that. But I wouldn't have let him shoot the ammo. Sure I would want to watch him do it. But if something bad happened I could not live w/ myself.

He's an adult, and responsible for his own actions. I expounded on the reasons why it was a bad idea. If the revolver had blown up, I would have taken whatever action was called for.
I wouldn't feel responsible in any way.

In the same vein, I've never understood why suicide was illegal. It's your life, do as you will with it.

06-15-2016, 07:12 PM
Our club has a fellow that sells reloads... so far he's blown up 1911, 2 glocks and one ar15. ... buying reloads is one thing (I would never but some do) but after the first one went boom I would the think again . Apparently he had a problem mixing rifle and pistol powders up in his progressive press.