View Full Version : Lyman small vs large handles question

Harry O
06-14-2016, 01:17 PM
I have collected a number of what were reported to be Lyman handles over the years. There are many detail differences, but they seem to fall in two general categories; (1) Parallel front ends, and (2) Pinched inward front ends. For the most part, both types of handles work with single and double cavity Lyman moulds.

I am wondering which are considered Large handles and which are considered Small handles. I ask, since I sold one here that I thought was a large handle some years back and the guy insisted it was a small handle. I was not able to prove anything one way or the other, so I refunded the money. Here are the pictures. Which ones are large and which ones are small?

170219170220 The first picture is what I consider are the parallel ones (and thought were large handles, but the guy disagreed) and the second picture are the pinched inward ones (that I thought were small handles). What say you?

06-14-2016, 04:02 PM
I'd be the same frame of mind as you.
the mold blocks are also different sizes and the 2 cavity molds are wider than the 1 cavity molds.

too many things
06-14-2016, 05:00 PM
longer length of the handles is most common way the single had smaller handles, and large , was about 2in longer and bigger for grip. . jaws were near same only on the big cals
I only have 2 small because they are on molds in box.
rest I got rid of when lee came out with the 6 banger. so I use them now
the handle size is what would change how they close

06-15-2016, 10:24 AM
My understanding of this is that large handles will take both single and 2 cav Lyman molds while the small handles only accommodate single cav Lyman molds.

Harry O
06-15-2016, 01:15 PM
It is said that large ones can handle both single and double cavity moulds. The small ones are supposed to ONLY work with single cavity mouds. That is not true. What I consider the small handles (pinched inward at the front) usually work with two cavity Lyman moulds. A few times, the mould won't quite close tight at the rear end. Very little filing forward of the hole in the handle would make them work.

The length of the handles is virtually identical for both of what I have. There is certainly not 2" difference between them. There is a different diameter on the wood part of the handle, but the different diameters seem to be randomly distributed.

Bent Ramrod
06-15-2016, 09:10 PM
A few of them had a tiny "L" or "S" stamping somewhere on the metal near the hinge, but generally, I can only tell the difference by actually trying a double cavity or large single cavity block in the handles. Sometimes it seems like the ones with a wider angle on the wood grips when closed are the "Large" ones, but many times they don't work on big blocks either. IME, the handles that almost touch each other when closed are small cavity handles.

I lucked out and found a "Large" and a "Small" set of handles, each in their original box. (Neither are marked with a letter on the metal, and they both look pretty much alike.) I make sure I return the handles to their boxes when I am done with them. The other loose handles I've accumulated are put on blocks that they fit on, and are left there.

06-16-2016, 12:39 AM
I have several of the Lyman handles, and I have no clue as to how to tell them apart. Some I have work with both large and small blocks, some only with one size.

I do prefer to use handles that lay close together when the blocks are closed; the ones that set about thirty degrees apart are a PITA to use for a long casting session.


06-16-2016, 08:29 PM
If you open the handles till the inside edges of the jaws are parallel it is quite obvious which are small and which are large. At least that's what I go by- has worked for me. DOWNWIND

06-21-2016, 09:46 AM
I tend to do what Bent Ramrod does. I have spent a lot of time trying to sort through which is which and agree there is a difference. It escapes me now which is which. During my search I found some molds like some handles better. When I find a handle that closes a mold nicely I tend label it for that mold. I live in the south so humidity is a concern. I take my handles off and oil my molds, wrap in plastic wrap and store in mold boxes. Handles are treated the same way. I put a piece of tape on the mold handle with the mold number on it. I was surprised how much better some molds work/align with certain handles.