View Full Version : Double set triggers

05-18-2008, 02:16 AM
I have a set of double set triggers and the origional magazine that they were installed on. But do not have the sear or knockoff that is used in place of the standard trigger. Does anyone know of a source for this item?. Have had them for quite a few years so don't remember wether or not I origionally had the sear, CRS strikes again. Thanks,Frank

Morgan Astorbilt
05-18-2008, 07:39 AM
Frank, "Magazine"? I don't understand. Do you mean "trigger plate"? What gun were they designed for?

Harry Eales
05-18-2008, 07:40 AM
I have a set of double set triggers and the origional magazine that they were installed on. But do not have the sear or knockoff that is used in place of the standard trigger. Does anyone know of a source for this item?. Have had them for quite a few years so don't remember wether or not I origionally had the sear, CRS strikes again. Thanks,Frank

I have tried to make sense of your post, but it has me baffled. DST's are usually installed on a tang, not a magazine.

What rifle were they supposed to fit? Can you post a picture of what you have? it may help others to assist you.


05-18-2008, 09:12 AM

Here's a nice set of triggers off of a European built Mauser. As you can see, they are part of the bottom metal assembly,which includes the magazine. Higher quality firearms are generally built in this configuration. Apparently Frank has parts from a pretty nice rifle. I believe you guys are thinking of trigger bar type set triggers, common to muzzleloaders, and BPCR's.

You may have to fabricate the part yourself. Finding spare parts for set triggers would be pretty tough, as they are few and far between. And, many were one of a kind triggers, built by the craftsman as the firearm was built.

05-18-2008, 11:50 AM
That is simply a gorgeous set of triggers Waksupi!:coffee:

05-18-2008, 12:25 PM
Try Brownell's!

They have a small selection of double triggers for Mauser? type rifles and I belive they list the part you need but it will have to be hardened after you fit it.

If you don't have the catalog go to their web address: www.brownells.com

05-18-2008, 07:05 PM
You will need the Mauser set-trigger sear to make these work. It is pinned to the action where the original trigger was hung. I got one from Brownells about ten years ago. They may still have them. Good luck

05-18-2008, 10:06 PM
Brownell's has the parts you need and one of the Kinks books has the shop drawings.

05-19-2008, 12:54 AM
Sorry for the misconfusion. The set triggers were mounted on a 98 mauser trigger guard/magazing assembly. They were held in place with two pins which went through both sides of the trigger guard. Was digging in my junk box and these items probably haven't seen the light of day in some years. The bit that is missing does indeed take the place of the standard trigger and if memory serves has a lobe on it so the trigger would swing up and hit it. And then fire the rifle. Thanks,Frank

05-22-2008, 07:13 PM
they have some parts for double set triggers...i have some myself...i also have diff ones not like brownells...ck yours to make sure its like theirs...

05-22-2008, 10:03 PM

Here's a nice set of triggers off of a European built Mauser. As you can see, they are part of the bottom metal assembly,which includes the magazine. Higher quality firearms are generally built in this configuration. Apparently Frank has parts from a pretty nice rifle. I believe you guys are thinking of trigger bar type set triggers, common to muzzleloaders, and BPCR's.

You may have to fabricate the part yourself. Finding spare parts for set triggers would be pretty tough, as they are few and far between. And, many were one of a kind triggers, built by the craftsman as the firearm was built.

I agree. I am envious! Beautiful trigger group.

05-23-2008, 06:10 AM
the high quality...that one sure is purdy...mine are not so...but you have to cut the twin slots in it and parts mount to it....so it is one piece..its the whole thingy...ive got some pics some where of mine...ill see if i can dig them out..got them off some guns i picked up..