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View Full Version : I sent some heirloom seeds to a member

06-09-2016, 10:26 PM
And I can not remember who, I'd like to know if they worked well for for you as in did they germinate, and to remind whom ever it was that the only requirement for the seeds was to save some and pass some on. We are in our 12 generation for some things more or less for others those seeds have never had chemicals on them and only natural fertilizer and pest prevention so please pass them on, in a year or two you will have quite a seed bank of your own, I recall the member was from PA, so we are in MI so similar seasons you should with a little care and luck do well with them....thank you.

06-10-2016, 01:18 PM
what were the seeds for, maybe I need to talk you out of some or do some "horse" trading.

06-10-2016, 08:54 PM
If it was the Aleppo pepper seeds they are in the garden going strong!

06-11-2016, 06:38 PM
Maryb, I do remember sending you some seeds, but the member I'm talking about was from pa, and brand new to gardening and seed saving, we sell seeds in the spring as part of our income, I hate selling them I'd rather give them away but by paying for them I hope it incentives folks to use them. Non gmo non hybrid, organic seeds need and the ability and knowledge to grow them needs to be a staple of any move to food independenceand sustainable living regime.
Our little farm is called Hard Luck Acres, and our vegetable/seed business is called Third Day Harvest....can anyone guess why?

06-11-2016, 10:49 PM
I have a friend who had a tumor removed from her brain. She has a huge garden every year but this year she has been in and out of the hospital. I have been giving her baskets of lettuce, kale, radishes(need to replant!) so she has some fresh healthy veg coming in. Gardens are for sharing!

06-12-2016, 10:21 PM
That how we see it as well, what we sell we sell cheap, we give much more way, and we've been trading eggs for honey. I can about double what we can store, makes great gifts .!

DerekP Houston
06-12-2016, 10:49 PM
If it was the Aleppo pepper seeds they are in the garden going strong!

You sent some to me, they germinated great but did not survive our terrible weather this year. I only used a handful (sq ft garden) so I'll let you know when I try em again next year. I shared some with a coworker as well who is into peppers.

06-12-2016, 11:26 PM
Hmmm I need to get in on these seeds,I've got a few that made the trip from Normandy I. The bottom of a canteen carrier after the war,papa land on D Day (June 6,1944) after getting off the beach they were heading inland alongside a rock wall we he crawled into a tomato patch he just picked two and put them in his shirt pocket for later,then when they stopped for chow that evening he said they were the best tomatoes he had ever tasted so he wrapped up some seeds,in a plastic wrap from a cigarette package and the rest is history, they produce a med to large tomato great for slicing or just pick and eat.they were passed down to me when papa passed on.(RIP Sir).

06-12-2016, 11:32 PM
nagantguy, we're attempting a bit more serious garden this year and are having our successes and failures. We too had a cooler early spring, which didn't do our tomatoes much good.

Hopefully, Mary won't chastise me as this isn't a buy & sell thread, but I'm interested in seeds and would like to perhaps get a list of you're offerings. If possible, can you PM or email that?

06-13-2016, 01:05 AM
I too would be interested in heirloom seeds of all kinds. Could we rig up a well/swap forum?

06-13-2016, 02:18 PM
if it's mostly a swapping/giving away thing with some very light [through pm's] sales.

I think we could make a sticky in the helping hands forum and the swaps and such could all be handled through the one thread.

give me a number of interested party's
post a yes i'll use it here in this thread and i'll get something going if there is enough interest.

06-13-2016, 03:07 PM
Yes ladies and gents, a small amount of seeds to a member I'll happily give away, remember this, write it down, in the late fall around harvest time is when I have the most seeds on hand, I'd be happy to help out a new/returning garden warrior or 5. It'll be my small way of giving back to this four which has given so much to me, for free!!!! Pm wish lists, since no money or swapping is taking place I think we are good as far as site rules. A small starter kit of seeds don't look like much but properly tended and cared for and saved in 3 to 5 seasons you could reseed every garden on your block, in 10 your state, in 25 your region. We counted the seeds in a large squash last year, one we let grow large for seeds, 872 hard white healthy seeds and hundreds more that were still soft or deformed. Nearly 1000 seeds in one vegetable. Tomatoes and peppers about the same I'd guess, natural defense against birds squirrels and bad weather. Keep them cool and dry and they will last for ever, I have hireloom seeds from an Egyptian tomb were reckoned to be over 1000 years old , in 1925 they germinated at about 75%, the type of squash and wheat I plant from those seeds still does about the same. And the gods are beautiful and quit large.

06-13-2016, 03:25 PM
Thanks runfiverun.

nagantguy, got it. Fall. Wish list.

DerekP Houston
06-13-2016, 03:25 PM
runfiverun I'm in for a "yes"

06-13-2016, 03:53 PM
Absolutely. Can't contribute yet, by would gladly pay it forward.

06-13-2016, 06:13 PM
okay I put it here it seemed to fit in with the other gardening threads.

06-14-2016, 09:33 AM
Runfiverun, thank you sir for taking a moment of your time to set up the seed sticky........it I fell will be a helpful resource to members.

06-14-2016, 11:20 AM
no problem.
I thought we had a place in the outdoor section for something like gardening but I didn't see one and after looking at the gardening threads in the cooking section that seemed a better fit.

[you could add a link and say something in your sig line to help spread the word or make it easier to find]