View Full Version : Verse of the day 6/9

06-09-2016, 06:42 AM
“You can enter God’s Kingdom only through the narrow gate. The highway to hell is broad, and its gate is wide for the many who choose that way.But the gateway to life is very narrow and the road is difficult, and only a few ever find it.Matthew 7:13-14 NLT (https://www.biblegateway.com/button/votd/bcv)

square butte
06-09-2016, 07:04 AM
Appreciate the verse RL - Mathew is one of my favorites

06-09-2016, 07:12 AM
Thanks again. We always need a reminder like this to keep us mindful of the price for reversion to our old, willful self-possessed ways, and the great pleasures of keeping the faith. Satan never ceases his temptations, but real faith overcomes even his best efforts. We constantly have a choice between God's love, and Satan's temptations. Verses like this help us keep our perspective.

06-09-2016, 08:33 AM
Thank you for a good verse today rl69 !

Pine Baron
06-09-2016, 09:17 AM
Amen, rl, AMEN.

06-09-2016, 03:43 PM
The only way to God and heaven is through our acceptance of Jesus as our savior....and I do! Thanks for the post.....Paul

Preacher Jim
06-09-2016, 04:28 PM
The easy way (world) or the path God laid out.the choice causes more agony
Great choice RL