View Full Version : Light our way Lord

06-09-2016, 05:53 AM
Psalm 119:105 Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.

Lord please help us and guide us today . Help us to not stumble and consider always your word in our thoughts in everything we do and say . We all have trouble Lord , help us make good decisions that affect ourselves and others . Show us how to help others grow in your name . Thank you for all you have given , thank you for your love for us . In Jesus name I pray . Amen

06-09-2016, 05:58 AM
Great way to start this day. Amen and thanks

square butte
06-09-2016, 07:12 AM
Amen and Thank you for the prayer Boaz

06-09-2016, 07:24 AM
Amen! Staying in the Light is hard when we're still willful and most susceptible to the temptations that surround us. As we get along in life, we condition ourselves to make the right or wrong choices. It's so warm and loving in the Light, and so cold and empty in the darkness, how could we miss the right choice? And yet, the more we stay in the Light, the greater our temptations become. But with strength and commitment, we CAN overcome them all. And it's so shameful when we don't, that a return to the Light is the most humbling thing that we can experience. Thank God it's always there for us if we'll simply accept it. Is our God a wonderful God, or what?

06-09-2016, 08:35 AM
Amen Charlie I could do nothing without GOD guiding my path!

Pine Baron
06-09-2016, 09:13 AM
Thanks so much Boaz. Amen

06-09-2016, 03:46 PM
Boaz, Thanks for the post and remember when we fail, God is there to pick us up and dust us off.....He walks with those that ask for Him to help them.....Paul

Preacher Jim
06-09-2016, 04:21 PM
Thank God for the light, how lost we would be without that light to guide us.