View Full Version : Thank you for today .

06-06-2016, 07:00 AM
Lord thank you for today . Guide my thoughts and actions through the day . Stay close and be with me . Show me what you would have me do and how to accomplish it . If I stray make me aware , without you I will fail . Thank you for loving me and helping me . In your name I ask it . Amen

square butte
06-06-2016, 07:41 AM
Amen and thanks Boaz

Pine Baron
06-06-2016, 08:44 AM
Amen, Thanks Boaz,
One thing for sure is, He always shows us the Way. I've said it before, when we stray He gives us a "nudge" to get back on the path. Sometimes we require a "shove", and sometimes it takes a "whuppin' upside the head with a 2x4". Too many times I've required that 2x4.

06-06-2016, 09:43 AM
When I stray he usually makes me aware... the hard way!

06-06-2016, 02:12 PM
Amen. Forgetting what a gift today is is probably the most common short-coming we typically display. We take it for granted ..... right up until the day we find ourselves NOT promised tomorrow! That's a big wake-up call! And yet, even then, many forget it. Those of us with conditions we have to deal with daily are really kind' lucky in a way, because we deal with our mortality in a real way every day. And that tends to at least help us maintain our appreciation for each and every day. I think it's a matter of focus? We just forget to focus on being thankful, and get caught up in the cares of the day. Truly, being human is a great challenge! And it takes real faith and trust to deal with it, and prosper and learn from it all. That's been my experience at least. YMMV?