View Full Version : A thanks and an apology.

06-05-2016, 11:28 AM
The last year has been a rough one for my clan. I appreciate all those who have tried to keep in touch and probably gave me more benefit of the doubt than I deserved at times. I am happy to say that my daughter's health has improved markedly and she is nearly caught up with school and will more than likely graduate on time. As for me, my health had taken a nasty turn and I had a problem with a pair of PE that laid me out. The depression that followed has meant that I really haven't wanted to interact. I am making my way back with the help of my wife and daughter and am trying to right my ship. I have answered a bunch of very old PMs regarding lights and will be glad to help with any parts or fixes I can, just bare with me. I also recently had to have a knee rebuilt so I am a bit slow moving. I may not be on every day, but I will make an effort to be on at least once a week to get things caught up.

My apologies, things just got the better of me and I chose to withdraw rather than fight.

William Yanda
06-05-2016, 11:33 AM
Best to you in your recovery. Your presence here is valued and missed.

06-05-2016, 11:34 AM
Praying for your ship to bob to the top and sail smoothly from now on.
Let us know what we can do to help.
Everytime I use one of the lights I got from you, I get a warm glow inside.

Pine Baron
06-05-2016, 11:49 AM
If you will allow me, I'd like to offer up a prayer for you, your daughter and your family. Please know there are those of us here that are more than willing to help pull you through this. We've all been there one time or another. Go in Peace my brother.

06-05-2016, 01:05 PM
Prayer sent, expect this was not in the Chapel by accident!


06-05-2016, 01:09 PM
If you will allow me, I'd like to offer up a prayer for you, your daughter and your family. Please know there are those of us here that are more than willing to help pull you through this. We've all been there one time or another. Go in Peace my brother.And amen. Wiljen, will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. Ken

06-05-2016, 01:15 PM
PE's aren't anything to take lightly, they can be as serious as a heart attack. STAY on your meds and religiously follow your doctors advice. Get well soon.

Preacher Jim
06-05-2016, 04:22 PM
Wilgen may the Lord be with you and your family. May his grace and healing be manifested upon you and your family. You are missed in our group and will be lifted up in prayer.

06-05-2016, 04:46 PM
Praying for you and your family Brother. When I get overwhelmed by life, I tend to withdraw and recuperate. Family first.

06-05-2016, 04:58 PM
Glad to hear things are improving

06-05-2016, 05:43 PM
You really don't owe an apology Wil.....life throws curves and it seems at time to throw a bunch of them at once as we age. For all you have done for the site a huge thanks is in order and I will say it's nice to hear from you and you are recovering and your life is changing for the better. Simple truth is many were worried about you and getting this news brings relief to them. Take care of your health and trust me I know when these things happen it can become a daily fight against depression. The last 9-12 months for me have been the worst in my life as far as health issues are concerned. One serious issue after another and just when you think it can get no worse the next shoe drops....I didn't know there were so many shoes. Hopefully my mending will start soon. So hang in there.....you're a pretty tough old guy so I have faith you'll rebound from all of this. When you feel up to it do keep us posted......we like you......smiles.

06-05-2016, 05:52 PM
[QUOTE=shooter93;3668765]You really don't owe an apology Wil.....life throws curves and it seems at time to throw a bunch of them at once as we age. For all you have done for the site a huge thanks is in order and I will say it's nice to hear from you and you are recovering and your life is changing for the better. Simple truth is many were worried about you and getting this news brings relief to them. Take care of your health and trust me I know when these things happen it can become a daily fight against depression. The last 9-12 months for me have been the worst in my life as far as health issues are concerned. One serious issue after another and just when you think it can get no worse the next shoe drops....I didn't know there were so many shoes. Hopefully my mending will start soon. So hang in there.....you're a pretty tough old guy so I have faith you'll rebound from all of this. When you feel upposted......we like you......smiles.[/QUOTE to it do keep us ]

06-05-2016, 05:53 PM
you're a pretty tough old guy so I have faith you'll rebound from all of this. When you feel upposted......we like you......smiles.[/QUOTE
in our prays

06-05-2016, 05:54 PM
It's always good to hear when one of us catches an updraft, hope everything gets better each day.

06-05-2016, 06:05 PM
I'm just glad your here .

06-05-2016, 06:50 PM
wiljen, there are not apoligies necessary. Sometimes life is so strained and you are so focused you just dont or cant deal with other issues that are around the periphery. With that said:

Father, Thank You for wiljen's restored health. Thank You for wiljen's knee replacement. Please lift the burden of all the strains that he, his wife, and his daughter has suffered. Wrap Your loving arms around them and elevate them out of the pit of despair and pain. In Your Name I pray. Amen

06-05-2016, 06:57 PM
wiljen, glad to hear you got yourself and family right side up. Take your time, there is nothing more important than your family and health. Prayers sent.

06-05-2016, 06:59 PM
Prayers for peace and physical recovery.

06-05-2016, 07:02 PM
Good to have you back. Keep improving my brother.

06-05-2016, 08:35 PM
Let me echo that you own nobody an apology. If it'd been willful, maybe, but sometimes things hit us and make us unABLE to fulfill our promises. Anyone who doesn't understand that isn't worth worrying about. Honest folks get struck down and find themselves unable, even when willing. Many of us here understand that better than we wish we did! Just glad you and your daughter are sorting it all out. In times of challenges to us, only the strong and faithful come out the other end better for the experience, so keep the faith and God bless. Many of us will be praying for you and your whole family. May the good Lord keep you all, and restore anything that has been lost in the process.

06-05-2016, 08:46 PM
Prayers for your family.

06-05-2016, 09:17 PM
Hey Wiljen you owe no apologies at all, I will be adding you and your family to our prayer list.

06-13-2016, 12:10 AM
Prayer sent for you.

06-13-2016, 01:47 AM
I'll keep you and your family in my prayers. Good to hear from you. You have a heavy burden but God will not allow more than you can bear.

06-21-2016, 09:47 PM
I am glad that you are on the mend and getting back to normal. In March of last year I wound up with sepsis and was in the hospital and nursing home for 3 months. It took several months after I got home to get back into Cast Boolits, and discovered that you seemed to be gone. I'm glad that you are not. If there is anything that I can do to help you in your recovery, please let me know. I miss the way chat was when Ken, you, Fishhawk and all the others were there. I guess it will never be the same again.
Take care and get better.