View Full Version : Prayers for Those in the Flood

Pine Baron
06-04-2016, 08:03 AM
Heavenly Father, please bring Mercy to our brothers and sisters who are suffering the ravages of the recent floods in Texas. Please bring comfort and strength. Please bring resolve in rebuilding their homes and lives. In Jesus Name. AMEN.
Please share your experience if your there now. Allow us to pray for the safety of you and yours.
Pine Baron

06-04-2016, 11:39 AM
Amen, PB. People who've never been caught in a strong current and heavy water have no idea how irresistably powerful it truly is, or what all it can really do. Imagine having everything you have being just swept away! Many love living near a river, and try to get as close as possible, but what used to be a high water mark in the past, has been surpassed in the last few years in many instances, taking many homes and other things away, gone like the wind. It basically does much of what a nuclear bomb can do, only without the radiation. These folks thought they were OK where many built, but of course, the weather simply proved them wrong. Here on the coastal plain where I live, floods are comparatively mild compared to hillier country, but even then, they can be awfully powerful. And they're never anything like what the folks in Texas, etc. are. They can't be. Our land just isn't set up the same way. And still, I've seen enough to at least know what they have to be going through. It's very humbling, and a literal tragedy for so many! They need our prayers very much.

06-04-2016, 03:16 PM
I'm in North Texas . Rain has been non stop or intermittent for three weeks or so , much more than normal . Lakes and everything that can hold water is running over . No flooding here to speak of but wouldn't take much more to flood . Down south and deep East Texas is really hit hard . Many will sustain a lot of damage , don't know how many have lost their lives the number keeps changing .

06-04-2016, 03:25 PM
One the news last night they said that enough rain fell in Texas during the month of May that it would completely cover the state with 8 inches of water....they also said how many trillions of gallons of water it was .... but is was a staggering one!

Father so many people in Texas and other states has suffered from the floods and the tornadoes that they need Your grace and comfort. Please come to their aid and protect them from these perils. Father, please help and comfort those displaced and had loved ones hurt or killed. AMEN

06-04-2016, 09:29 PM
Heavenly Father we come before You asking Your grace, Mercy and guidance for those affected by the floods. We come to You as You are our source of strength, We have nothing without You and are totally dependent on You. Father we come asking You to provide all the resources needed for this disaster and that we help as we can, In Jesus name, Amen!

06-05-2016, 11:10 AM
Amen to all the prayers above. Floods take away practically everything a person has. Imagine if you lost everything except the clothes on your back. My wife runs a Christian thrift store where folks who are burned out or suffer other catastrophes often come to replentish their needs as best as they can for the moment, and they always just give them what they need and what they have that fits them. You can't believe how much this means to them at that crucial time. It's VERY humbling to be able to say, "There but for the grace of God go I." And until you actually see folks in this situation, it's impossible to really realize the gravity of their plight. And they'll be needing prayer and support for a while, too. My wife sees some return a time after being given as much as they have to give them, and see them break down in simple thanks and appreciation for what was done when they so much needed it. It helped restore and reaffirm their whole faith, and in those situations, that's not a small thing.

In tough times, Christians always reach out their hands to the troubled. It's what we were instructed to do, and the natural and irresistable urge that's placed within us when we come to belief, and the Love of Christ. How could it not work that way?