View Full Version : Roller cam pin for the Dillon 650

05-31-2016, 10:57 PM
Has anyone purchased and installed the roller cam pin for the 650? This is the cam pin with the little bearing in the end that is supposed to stop the chatter and make the press stroke smooth. I purchased one and it does not seem to work for me. The bearing turns freely by using a finger but does not turn when in contact with the cam. Only the bearing is contacting the cam and there is no interference with any part of the cam touching the pin. I ran it dry, I ran it oiled, I ran it greased, I cleaned it and tried silicone lube. I tried a new cam from Dillon. I sanded and smoothed an old cam thinking there were ridges causing the chatter. I'm at a loss. Anyone got one to work?? Thank you, Rod

05-31-2016, 11:07 PM
If your talking about the case feeding cam, then yes I do have one of those. I have never had the chattering you speak of. I bought the roller bearing pin so the cam would not wear out as quickly. I still put a very light coat of grease on the cam though. The bearing does roll on the cam.

05-31-2016, 11:41 PM
Mine does not roll. I sent an email to the guy who makes them up in Alaska and will see what he thinks. Rod

06-01-2016, 12:13 AM
This one? http://www.ebay.com/itm/Dillon-XL-650-SL-900-performance-improvements-Roller-Cam-Follower-/321117491057

06-01-2016, 12:57 AM
Yes M-Tecs, that's the one. It looks like a great idea. But it vibrates the cam as it rides on it and makes a loud groaning noise. The bearing doesn't turn.

06-01-2016, 07:25 AM
I have one of those on my 650. I don't know if it's by the same folks but it's the same thing. Mine works peachy, with none of the antics you describe. Have no idea what could be causing your issues aside from a frozen, broken bearing and if you're operating a 650, you're obviously smart enough to figure that one out. It's just a rod with a roller bearing on the end of it so it's not like it has a lot of parts to go wrong.

May be more of a pain that it's wort but take a video of it with your phone and put it up on YouTube?

06-01-2016, 08:44 AM
Often what happens is some case cleaning compound gets in the feed casting.
Take the case feed top off, then remove the feed and clean out all the casting and bar.
Reassemble and be amazed

06-01-2016, 09:06 AM
i had one ...past tense.

when adjusting the pin to achieve the correct timing that the cam is activated you are limited by the roller bearing.
by this i mean the rolling action....suppose the the pin needed to be in such a position in order to work that the bearing was crossways?

i've gone back to the solid pin and use white grease on the cam.

now ....somebody is gonna type that the adjustment isn't that critical ...and it probably isn't...but cams are cheap and so is grease.

just one less thing to wear out ....and when you boil it all down its not really any smoother.

same goes for the detent ball and spring.

06-01-2016, 09:34 AM
I have yet to wear out one of the plastic cams with the factory rod, so I have never tried one but I did do the thrust washer under the shell plate bolt.

06-01-2016, 09:27 PM
My cam pin has worn grooves in the plastic cam several times since I bought the 650. I bought this machine the first year Dillon sold them. Dillon sends me a new cam every 10 years. The funny thing is that the bearing turns freely on my finger but just slides on the cam (dry or oiled). It was only $20 shipped so I won't be going to the poor house over it. Just another gimmick I guess. Rod

06-03-2016, 11:16 AM
I just put grease on the cam where the stock pin rides. I can't imagine how much you must load to wear one out. Mine easily has 30K reps on it and I don't see any wear at all.

06-03-2016, 06:12 PM
30k is all? That's pocket change. Some here have had their XL650's since the 80's. Not hard to wear out those plastic parts. But Dillon will replace them free of charge. I wore out the primer advance cam and Dillon replaced it for me.

06-03-2016, 06:34 PM
I like the little widgets like this cam bearing....seems to work for me. I'm no rocket surgeon but it seems simple enough.

06-04-2016, 09:09 AM
I just put grease on the cam where the stock pin rides. I can't imagine how much you must load to wear one out. Mine easily has 30K reps on it and I don't see any wear at all.

I do the same thing and have loaded hundreds of thousands on mine. I never had to change the plastic part but the return spring did break on one of them around 15 years in and Dillon sent me the entire assembly instead of just the spring. I guess if/when the stock push rod wears the original out I will put it to use.
