View Full Version : Chipmunks/Ground Squirrels

Ole Joe Clarke
05-28-2016, 08:50 AM
How do you guys and gals get rid if chipmunks, besides blasting their little brains out, (which is what I would like to do)? I can't shoot em in town, so I'm looking for some ideas.

I've tried live trapping with p-nut butter and sunflower seeds but they won't go in the trap.

Thanks for your input.

Have a blessed day,


05-28-2016, 08:57 AM
Pellet guns?

DerekP Houston
05-28-2016, 09:00 AM
my dad uses my old bb gun to get rid of squirrels inside city limits...

05-28-2016, 09:04 AM
Pump propane into their burrows and hook a spark plug up to a long lead of speaker wire shoved down the hole and touch it to a car battery :-)

05-28-2016, 09:22 AM
Water traps. In rare cases.
I live trap and release them in other peaples yards.
Be well

05-28-2016, 10:09 AM
I'm over run with them this year, time to select an appropriate handgun to deal with them. In city limits I'd try the pellet gun, if your neighbors won't call in the SWAT team if they see you with it that is.

05-28-2016, 10:14 AM
DeCon does't work,they won't eat it.They are smart,rat traps and peanut butter didn't work either.

What did work is a pellet rifle and a Redbone hound.I shoot'em,she gets'em,then they go in the garbage.

I sit on the back porch in the morning,have coffee and shoot them little buggers.Killed 17 last year,2 so far this year.

05-28-2016, 10:18 AM
Baking soda, and vinegar in the burrows. CO2 is heavier than air so it will stay below the surface. Make a mixing container with a hose leading to the hole, pack around the hole so it pushes out the clean air in the other holes. You could also place a hose from a vehicle muffler down the hole.

05-28-2016, 10:21 AM
This is a great post. I hope the PETA folks don't find it!

DerekP Houston
05-28-2016, 10:34 AM
Baking soda, and vinegar in the burrows. CO2 is heavier than air so it will stay below the surface. Make a mixing container with a hose leading to the hole, pack around the hole so it pushes out the clean air in the other holes. You could also place a hose from a vehicle muffler down the hole.

my second idea was the car exhaust piped to the burrow. I just didn't wanna be the first to mention it ;).

05-28-2016, 10:35 AM
jack peta and their boat too..

dry ice down their little holes and cover it up, if there ain't an exit hole stay away from the hole you just covered.
there seems to be a super huge abundance of free range rodents in the East, must be an election year.

05-28-2016, 10:45 AM
Fill a trash can with water, establish a balance ramp over it and install some bait. When they walk to the end of the board / yardstick / whatever, the board dumps them in the water and they drown

Ole Joe Clarke
05-28-2016, 11:06 AM
Thanks, I had thought of the balance board, shotgun, bb gun, etc. I have a tiny little bb gun, don't even know where I got it, that I can hardly hit the inside of a barn with. May have to try to ambush them. :-) Might have to invest in a better mouse trap...... er BB gun.

country gent
05-28-2016, 11:16 AM
We fought the chipmunks for years at my Grandmothers, destructive little critters. We did trap them with live traps. old style wire mesh box traps not the newer live traps. We tried bigger mouse rat traps and some smaller leg holds. The newer live traps, mouse rat traps and leg holds werent fast enough to catch them and most conibear traps are to big snaps around them not on them LOL. Her farm was just outside the city limits then and a light loaded shot charge worked good but one at a time was slow. Exhaust gass works if you can find all the openings. Red devil lye sprinkled in the holes runs works. There used to be poison peanuts available for this also. Blue marlin fly bait and coke is deadly on them if you can keep pets out of it and away from dead carcasuses. Simply flood in the runs with water will drive them out to shoot but again theres alot more than you think there.

Lloyd Smale
05-28-2016, 11:35 AM
I posted this in another thread. Ive been using a 38 spec model 15 with fine shot loaded in shot caps. That and rat traps. Took me a while to figure out the rat trap thing. If you just put peanut butter on top of the trigger they somehow eat it and don't set off the trap. Found if I put peanut butter on the top of the trigger and bottom an some around the wood in front and back of the trigger I get them about every time. Well at least one a day anyway.

05-28-2016, 12:02 PM
I got 7 in 2 days with an unbaited rat trap at the opening of one of my down spouts. Little ***** like to take shelter in the down spouts. I have an absolute plague of them this year. I have to find a more efficient way of killing them that won't leave poison available to my dog. I'm in the city so I have close neighbors so a BB gun will not be a good option.

05-28-2016, 01:01 PM
I got 7 in 2 days with an unbaited rat trap at the opening of one of my down spouts. Little ***** like to take shelter in the down spouts. I have an absolute plague of them this year. I have to find a more efficient way of killing them that won't leave poison available to my dog.
Out here in Montana, our problem is 'gophers' (Columbian Ground Squirrel).

The 'county weed control office' demonstrated a 'bait station' for us to use.

It is a 'Tee' made with plastic pipe.

Buy a 'T' fitting, enough pipe to make three legs, an end cap - and the glue to assemble the contraption.
(Pick a size the chipmunks can fit in comfortably, but not too roomy - maybe 2 to 3 inches. I would use 4-inch for gophers.)

The horizontal legs should be about a foot long, and the central 'T' can be any length (over a foot) that is comfortable for you.
Position the trap on a runway or near an entrance hole. Drive a tall stake in the ground to tie the 'T' to (to keep it upright).
Drop 'bait' down into the 'T' and put the end cap on to keep rain (etc.) out.

Dogs and cats can't get into the middle zone where the bait is.

05-28-2016, 01:55 PM
I used a Daisy pellet pistol to zap the Harris and Common ground squirrels we have. The little rascals eat the roots of the plants, tunneling underground - or so I've been told. A student who visited me expected to see little rib-cages scattered around my back yard, but No - hawks/buzzards/road runners take care of the remains shortly...

05-28-2016, 02:19 PM
5 gallon bucket 2/3 full of water. Cover top of water with sun flower seeds. Place next to stairs where the little buggers can look down and see the seeds. I average 2 to 3 drowned rats a day. Throw out water with rats into appropriate area. Refill bucket, repeat. Use lead for the ones where needed.

Geezer in NH
05-28-2016, 02:44 PM
Jack Russell Terrier, we got one 8 years ago NO More Chipmunks and squirrels pass by only overhead on our mini farm. She does her job well.

05-28-2016, 03:08 PM
The horizontal legs should be about a foot long, and the central 'T' can be any length (over a foot) that is comfortable for you.
Position the trap on a runway or near an entrance hole. Drive a tall stake in the ground to tie the 'T' to (to keep it upright).
Drop 'bait' down into the 'T' and put the end cap on to keep rain (etc.) out.

How does this work?


I'm guessing:
Leg C down with the bait and cap
Legs A and B open

Are fittings cemented?
Is bait poisoned or does chipmunk get trapped?
How high off the surface are the openings of legs A and B?

big bore 99
05-28-2016, 04:21 PM
A sling shot with some birdshot works good. I get a kick out of watching my German sheperd. He goes around the yard with his ear to the ground listening for ground squirells or moles. He then jams his big nose in the soft tunnel and comes out with one most of the time.

05-28-2016, 04:52 PM
Rat trap with piece of apple for bait. When peanut butter fails, apple works. For some reason, they can't resist it. Just be sure to stick the bait holder through some of the skin or they'll steal the bait. Caught 9 in three days last summer.

MT Chambers
05-28-2016, 04:56 PM
Best thing would be to check out the airgun forum on this site.

Alvarez Kelly
05-28-2016, 07:04 PM
How does this work?


I'm guessing:
Leg C down with the bait and cap
Legs A and B open

Are fittings cemented?
Is bait poisoned or does chipmunk get trapped?
How high off the surface are the openings of legs A and B?

You have it upside down. A and B are the runway. C is for dropping poison bait into the middle of the run. The cap on C is to keep out the rain.

05-28-2016, 08:27 PM
We have an owl who has taken residence in our neighborhood.I find sitting on a limb every now and then watching my yard.He is more then welcome.

Redtail hawks too,sitting on the fence. Yep,they are welcome too.

05-28-2016, 08:46 PM
Rat traps baited with piece of green apple. The can't resist.

05-28-2016, 09:32 PM
Friend poured gas down the holes and tossed in a flare... had fire shooting up all over the yard! got about half of them...

05-28-2016, 09:44 PM
My chipmunks (and rats too) succumbed to a product called "Just One Bite" about two weeks ago. I finally ran out of my stash of the now-banned D-Con pellets and had to switch products, as I was being overrun with vermin banging around the pipes as they practiced their trapeze acts under my crawl space and the 'munks made nonstop banging under the tub and behind the shower as they stashed away their hoard of acorns there. Only two bars of the bait got rid of them and it has been quiet as a ...... well... really quiet under there now! :grin:

I don't have any interest in this product, I only show the link for an example as to what I used. As no one can predict rodents or their behavior... YMMV. But my local vermin wouldn't touch any of the various green blocks that I put out. Apparently they wanted yellow ones.:roll:

05-28-2016, 09:52 PM
How does this work?


I'm guessing:
Leg C down with the bait and cap
Legs A and B open

Are fittings cemented?
Is bait poisoned or does chipmunk get trapped?
How high off the surface are the openings of legs A and B?
Alverez Kelly has it right ... the drawing is upside down.

I would advise cementing the parts together.

Iowa Fox
05-29-2016, 11:25 AM
Super Colibri, quieter than a pellet gun and perfect for small vermin. Plus lots of traps. We're over run with animals of all kinds.

Alvarez Kelly
05-29-2016, 12:03 PM
My neighbor still hears the Aguila Super Calibri. He is an understanding sort, so no problem. They are lots quieter, but can still be heard by neighbors. Proceed accordingly.

Ole Joe Clarke
05-29-2016, 02:04 PM
When I googled "Super Calibra" I got something about cars. Please explain, I don't get out much. :-)

05-29-2016, 04:42 PM
Colibri's - Use only primer to fire. Very quiet. Can take down a raccoon.

05-30-2016, 08:51 PM
Exhaust in the tunnels not only kills, but deterrs used of the tunnel by others for a good while.

05-31-2016, 02:23 AM
While our neighbors have had rat and squirrel (tree rat) problems, we've had none. We see the squirrels running the fence tops during the day, they've made no move toward our garden. Even though the strawberries are ripe and fragrant, peas, zucchinis and carrots are being harvested. No sign of rodent traffic in the garden.

We have a decoy owl on a post, security lights (LEDs) on all night and what we think might be making the biggest difference, Timber the wolf marks the yard in several places, several times a day. Wolf urine smells far more acrid than dog urine. WHEW!

05-31-2016, 12:03 PM
A hungry cat!

Alvarez Kelly
05-31-2016, 07:53 PM
When I googled "Super Calibra" I got something about cars. Please explain, I don't get out much. :-)

Try Aguila Super Calibri. Subsonic, relatively quiet 22 ammo.

06-01-2016, 08:51 AM
Do some searching on the internet - I don't know what it's called but a friend of my wife's has a device that looks like a miniature live trap - they go in and somehow get electrocuted. It seems to work pretty well for her and she is at a lake where the houses are too close to shoot even a pellet gun.

Bad Water Bill
06-01-2016, 06:49 PM
I wonder how "Just One Bite" would work on the millions of moles in my yard?

Any idea of what else to try?

06-01-2016, 09:03 PM
Don't use the family car exhaust... it's too efficient and the darn Catt convertor don't help....grab the gas suckling lawn mower

06-01-2016, 09:23 PM
A method that may sound absurd,but works extremely well. Place JuicyFruit chewing gum in known feeding areas. They WILL eat it & it kills them dead. Once they eat it they cant digest it ,or pass it. Binds up their exhaust system & no more chipmunk. learned it from an old timers wife i used to work for over summer vacation(school). Just unwrap it and toss the full sticks in flower gardens, around / under porches etc. .
the only down side may be some faint smelling if too many die somewhere they cant be found or gotten to for disposal. hope i helped ya out.

06-01-2016, 11:26 PM
Wrap white fly tying floss or unwaxed tooth floss on the rat trap bait station then add your peanut bitter. The floss gets in their teeth and when they try to get away they set the trap off and can't get away fast enough.

big bore 99
06-04-2016, 08:53 PM
Another good trick is to pour a little chewing tobacco down their holes. When they come up to spit, whack them with a baseball bat...

06-05-2016, 10:24 AM
Guilty of chicken feed theft, sentence deportation to undisclosed location.

Be well

Ole Joe Clarke
06-05-2016, 10:26 AM
Guilty of chicken feed theft, sentence deportation to undisclosed location.

Be well

My "undisclosed location" would be where I dumped the dead squirrel.

06-05-2016, 10:52 AM
I seen on a you tube video that some use to get the 13 stripe ground sq. ,is they take a MT gal jug of milk and fill it with water and then go to the hole and turn the jug upside down and dump the water in the hole keep the jug open over the hole and then the ground sq. to get out of the water gose in the gal. jug you got them after. As for what I do is just set a foothole trap over there hole upside down and then they come out of the hole they stick there head in the trap.

06-05-2016, 02:39 PM
5 gallon bucket 2/3 full of water. Cover top of water with sun flower seeds. Place next to stairs where the little buggers can look down and see the seeds. I average 2 to 3 drowned rats a day. Throw out water with rats into appropriate area. Refill bucket, repeat. Use lead for the ones where needed.

I do the same with a plank going up to the bucket with sunflower seeds sprinckled on it. Those chipmunk are greedy they drown with a mouth full of sunflower seeds.

06-05-2016, 06:48 PM
My wife complained the other day that she smelled something dead.I'm sure you do! My neighbor has 2,just wait til' them varmints cross the property line.:Fire:

06-05-2016, 07:26 PM
I seen on a you tube video that some use to get the 13 stripe ground sq. ,is they take a MT gal jug of milk and fill it with water and then go to the hole and turn the jug upside down and dump the water in the hole keep the jug open over the hole and then the ground sq. to get out of the water gose in the gal. jug you got them after. As for what I do is just set a foothole trap over there hole upside down and then they come out of the hole they stick there head in the trap.

My great grandfather taught me that leghold trap trick many years ago, works well.I had a 1 1/2 trap with a weak spring that would catch them by the neck and hold them alive.