View Full Version : they need some prayer

05-25-2016, 12:07 PM
We were at the zoo and a there was a couple there looked like zombies, like long dead zombies, sores everywhere, no teeth dirty and twitching, my brother told me to look closely at the lady, on her neck in big block letters it said METH. Your all in when you get method tattooed on your neck. These pole seem beyond help but I'm praying for their families, vivtims and everyone who comes in contact with them and I'm praying hard that they have no offspring cause every child deserves a better start than that!

Pine Baron
05-25-2016, 12:15 PM
So sad. Prayer sent. There, but for the Grace from God, go I.

05-25-2016, 12:23 PM
I just finished praying . Drugs are an epidemic . I have to watch myself because I could go into a rant on the subject . As usual may GOD help them and anyone they come in contact with .

05-25-2016, 01:29 PM
Thanks, Nagant. And like Boaz, I've seen WAY to much of the effects of drugs. And NOW, SOME people want to "decriminalize" them???? Truly, our modern world and the concepts in it have become so convoluted and twisted that it seems we will "justify" just about ANYTHING today. Look what's become of pornography after the Supreme Court found it "freedom of speech!" Amazing! Just amazing! Prayers up for them and their families. Drugs, over time, CAN actually hollow out the mind's functions enough to make it VERY unlikely that they'll respond themselves, but many like them have good, Christian families, who mourn for them daily and fear what their end will be. And with sound, rational reasons, too. They're really in need of our prayers, BIG time! When our young die in a wreck, we're shocked, but when some succumb to the temptations of drugs and many other things, we tend far too often to be judgmental, but being judgmental - unless they're waving a gun or knife in our face - surely doesn't help anyone or anything involved. And the problem is growing, too! Who's to say it wont' hit in one or more of our families here?

I think this is also one of those things that give us good reason and motivation to "study to show thyself approved." Parents today spend SO little time with our young, typically, that we're just a MINOR influence on them today. The secular progressive oriented schools and their peers there are much more influential than most of us are. Kudos to all those who break this modern pattern, but so many of us simply can't, or won't, and many just pursue their own interests and leave their kids to others' ministrations. Nothing shows our kids that we love them like our simple presence and authority over them. It makes them feel SO much more secure and wanted! Most turn out pretty good, anyway, in spite of us more than because of us. I guess that's also part of the real power of prayer and faith? Thanks for a very good and thoughtful post, Nagant. You have a really good heart, and there's nothing wrong with your perception abilities at all!

Preacher Jim
05-25-2016, 06:51 PM
Prayers sent.

05-25-2016, 10:27 PM
Oh yes I will be praying for them, I have saw first hand what drugs cause. My first cousin blowed most of his head off April 5 2004 with a 30-06 180 gr core lokt behind my Uncle's house.

05-26-2016, 08:08 AM
When I was a Parole Officer 99 out of every 100 paroled convicts had to go to NA and/or AA as a condition of parole. The war on drugs is lost.

With that said: Father, many of our young citizens are making very bad decisions when it comes to drug abuse and alcohol. Please whisper in their ears to look around and see what they are letting themselves into when they begin taking drugs or abuse alcohol. Please watch over them and help them turn from their path of destruction. Amen