View Full Version : stupid and might need a little prayer

05-23-2016, 07:35 PM
I was moving the bull today at the vets( he was in for his yearly physical) and have never had a problem with him being mean, in fact he likes scratches and to be hand fed apples. well long story short he pinned me to a wall and tossed me a few feet off the ground. got lucky and nothing broken as best I can tell but have one heck of a Charlie horse on both legs, so stove up I can't walk with out assistance. took some heavy pain meds and I am starting to get around but don't have any sick days at work and this time of year we need all the income we can get( lots of expenses with crops going in). I got 2 more days to recover before I am scheduled to work so just need a prayer that I heal quick and don't miss any days,---- and learn not to be stupid.

double sucks as my reloading bench is built for stand up working so I can't even do that:sad:

square butte
05-23-2016, 08:08 PM
Prayer sent up for your speedy recovery. I know what it's like to have that weight on your shoulders.

Preacher Jim
05-23-2016, 08:12 PM
Rancher get it checked out i am laid up for several weeks from getting tossed by a walk behind still can't stand or walk for vary long.
Lord help rancher to heal quickly guide him if he needs a doctor but we are asking you to touch his body and get him well

05-23-2016, 08:31 PM
Lord help rancher1913 to improve as quickly as possible . Take away the soreness and pain . Help him get back to normal and back to work . Be with him and help him and his family . In your name I ask it . Amen

country gent
05-23-2016, 08:42 PM
A bull is a big anilam when he wants to play and rough house. or just wants to be left alone LOL. Praying for quick healing and speedy recovery. growing up around steers I know how solid a bump from them can be. Take care soak ina warm tub for awhile and relax.

05-23-2016, 08:54 PM
Enjoy those two days, get some rest. The lord has a way of slowing us down. Prayers sent

by the way how's the bull. His head is bound to be sore.

05-23-2016, 09:19 PM
rancher1913, like you my wife and I have a ranch with a bunch of cows and bulls. All the bulls are fairly calm but the "pet" bulls are more dangerous than the ones that challenge you......they will hurt you when they are not trying to.....so be careful and best luck......

Father a special prayer for rancher1913. Father thank You for the non-life threatening injuries. Please walk with him through this most difficult injury and ease his pain. Heal him and take the strain and associated pain away. Father, ranchers need special help due the associated dangers posed by the cows and horses that they are associated with. AMEN

05-23-2016, 09:22 PM
Praying for you Brother, a complete restoration of your health and that you miss zero days of work.

05-23-2016, 09:35 PM
Lord, I have a brother in pain tonight. He needs some love, some healing, and some relief from pain.
Was not through any fault of his other than loving his critters. But a bull scrunched him up some at the Vets.
Anyway Lord I'd take it as a favor if you could send some love his way. Rancher1913 in the plains of Co, I'm sure you can track him down faster than I can.

As always not my will oh Lord but thine be done.

In the name of God the father, his son Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.


Got to watch them tame bulls.

05-23-2016, 10:00 PM
Prayer sent.

05-23-2016, 10:09 PM
Heavenly Father we ask You to give rancher some pain relief and a plan to get back to work, We ask that You will be praised and honored in our prayers, We ask You to give rancher a quick recovery and that he has no lasting effects from the accident, In Jesus name, Amen!

05-23-2016, 10:17 PM
Gramps had a bull he had raised from little calf. Gramps got to be 70 and the bull still wanted to play as always. Gramps 180 lb-bull 2200lb. Lord please help Rancher. An help the bull not to do it again.LOL

05-23-2016, 10:40 PM
thanks for the prayers, I think they are helping as I can hobble around now with out having to hold on to something. just had so much to get done on my "weekend" but guess that will wait.

big bore 99
05-23-2016, 10:42 PM
Prayers sent.

Pine Baron
05-24-2016, 08:55 AM
Heavenly Father, please send rancher1913 relief and healing from his injuries. Allow him the patience and perseverance to recover fully and return to his labors. In Jesus name. Amen.

05-24-2016, 09:44 AM
Prayers sent

05-24-2016, 10:16 AM
I pray for your relief and recovery. Philipians 4:13...... Christ will give you strength. Push past the pain and realize you are the victor and He is your deliverer.

05-24-2016, 10:32 AM
Rancher, I'm prayin' for ya.

05-24-2016, 01:53 PM
Rancher, you're in my prayers brother. One of my most beloved uncles was an old FL cowboy, and he and his sons all had stories like yours. People just think of cattle as big, inoffensive sources of our meats. But my uncle had a Brahma bull that was nearly 6' tall at the top of his hump, and he told me, with one of those looks he had that clearly indicated he was NOT being overly exaggerating, "You watch out for that bull, and stay away from him. He's a real killer!" They did redeo and I got to see my cousins ride bulls and broncs in one. It was a VERY humbling experience. Also have helped friends try to corral your std. moo-cows before, and found out just how hard you guys really work to keep us well fed. Thank you for what you and all the rest of the farmers and ranchers do, and you're in my prayers, brother. You guys seem to be made out of whit leather, but even that can get 'bruised' now and then. Thanks for letting us know so we can include you in our prayers.

05-24-2016, 05:09 PM
rancher1913 you are in my prayers also. Dealing with God's animals are a challenge....my wife got knocked into a feed trough a couple of weeks ago by a yearly bull.....glad the trough was not a concrete one.....

Father please walk with rancher1913 and continue to heal him. Take the aches and pain away and allow him to rest in comfort. Be with him and watch out for him in his daily interaction with his cows and bulls. Amen