View Full Version : New rifles

05-14-2008, 07:26 PM
I got five rifles in a trade, , got a #4 MK1 Longbranch, a sporterized #4 M47 Enfield both 303, a 7.65 sporterized Argie, a sporterized Arasaka type 99 and Mossburg bolt action.
Here are the two Enfields haven't got around to pictures yet of the others.

05-15-2008, 01:33 PM
I would lke to know what you gave in the trade?????
They look fine from here

05-15-2008, 03:03 PM
Well! I made him an offer for all five as the shop I work for doesn't handle military guns or ammo. This man came in with a 1858 44 cal BP pistol, a Auto Ordnance 45 1911 and these five rifles well the owner bought the two pistols and said make him an offer so I poped off $250 for all five, fully expecting him to say I was crazy, no he said fine "sold". Well I had an unexpected bill that came up last week and had spent my mad money. I told the wife I was going to write a ck for the $250 and pay the household money back at the first of the mo. She said fine and I went home to get the ck and another man called and ask if I had a K31 extra, not wanting to sell it I said yes $250 "sold" he said so I paid that money for the rifles.

05-16-2008, 09:33 AM
Excellent. I have dreamed of a deal like that. Someday it may happen to me. Good find my friend.

05-16-2008, 09:45 AM
It actually walked through the door, he had inhearted them and the way he talked and handled the guns he was a "anti" and just wanted to be rid of them. The boss said had I offered a$100 I would have got them, but who knows.
Where he lives is a "GUN FREE ZONE" and he was driving a Mercedies sports car, the law enforcement here says the "GUN FREE ZONE " is a joke as there is a high number of burgerlies in the area. of course the houses are $500,000 up and exclusive background cks. to buy them. They are shown by apointment only with a gate to get in. I do not know if they are safe or prisoners I guess it is how you precieve things. I myself refuse to let the bad guys take my freedom or run my life with fear.
I had rather die free than live a prisoner to my fear!

05-16-2008, 09:53 AM
Still $50.00 per is a good bargin. And you got the funds right back and showed your wife how good a deal you made.