View Full Version : Are there Angels among us

05-22-2016, 09:29 PM
Are there Angels among us

Do I believe in Angels, yes I do, but there are people who are not honest and delusional. God will judge those folks.

A few years after Vietnam I was working with a black light in a darken out booth in a very hot factory.Joe and I take a break. We are sitting drinking our cokes and the conversation changes to Vietnam.I ask a question Joe says “I don’t want to talk about it” So I stopped. Few minutes pass and we are talking about Nam again. I ask a question, Joe says “I don’t want to talk about it” So I stopped again!The next thing I know he is giving me graphic details while he is crying.

I prayed to God to give me the words to give Joe some peace. He broke down and cried like a baby. I kept praying to god for guidance I look up and I see an AURORA just like after when a flash goes off. I figured it was the heat and stress. I say to Joe do you go to church he says yes in fact I am playing Golf with the pastor in the morning. I laughed and well it sure won’t be Sunday the pastor will be busy. Joes say I haven’t told anyone this and it been over 5yrs. I smiled and said talk to your pastor he will help you find the peace you seek.

Monday we meet in the shop. I said Joe what did your pastor say Joes says he gave me some bible verses to read, one was Ecclesiastes 3:1 To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:I look at Joe with total disbelief.

I said wait a minute. As I am pulling out my wallet I say to Joe. I have carried that verse in my wallet for over 10 years you mean to tell me I had the answer the whole time. What are the odds of that? I told him of the AURORA I saw when we were sitting there.

Was it an ANGEL, The HOLY SPIRIT or what.

WE were touched by GOD that day. Joes gift of peace and my gift was, that GOD does work in mysterious ways and my faith cannot be shaken. When I struggle I remember that day. Then I thank GOD for his wonderful gifts.

I still carry this verse in my wallet to this very day, over 45 years now. On the 2ndone now, after the wife washed my wallet.

Ecclesiastes 3:1 To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:

Vaya con DIOS

05-22-2016, 11:30 PM
Thank you for sharing.

05-23-2016, 01:10 AM
Yes, there are angels among us. Sometimes they work through us. From time to time I'm compelled to commit what some folks would call a "random act of kindness". As time passes I've learned they may not be random. Now and then I miss an opportunity, one in particular is particularly troublesome.
When you feel the urge and have the opportunity to do something nice for a perfect stranger, do it without hesitation and move on. It's a wonderful feeling. Thank God and the angel that guided you for giving you the opportunity. God does indeed work in mysterious ways. We'll probably never know why we're compelled to do these things and the opportunity doesn't come along often.

square butte
05-23-2016, 07:12 AM
Well - Maybe a different kind of Angel - But I happen to think I am married to one. She was a Nurse/Nurse Practitioner/Nursing Professor for just about 35 years. Some of the things I have seen her do for other folks have been near incomprehensible to me. On another note - The day before my mother passed away, She kept looking a the the corner of the room she was in - Laughed a bit and said there were some Angels that were getting awfully friendly with here. She passed that night.

05-23-2016, 07:40 AM
Heb 13:2 Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.

Pine Baron
05-23-2016, 08:48 AM
Thank you, DCP. Yes!

Preacher Jim
05-23-2016, 11:29 AM
Great reminder that God is looking out for us

05-23-2016, 11:44 AM
Many deny the existence of angels just so they can continue to hold onto their disbeliefs. But we're told they exist, and if we pay attention, we can realize their presence.

My Mom was in hospice care when she passed. Shortly before she crossed over, I stopped in to see her, and she was sitting up on the foot of her bed, smiling a very sweet and satisfied smile. I said hello, and asked her what she was smiling so big about. She said "Mama came to visit me. She had the most gorgeous white wings!" And she looked me dead in the eye with the most totally complacent look I think I've ever seen.

You see, she was orphaned at the age of 15 in 1932, one of the worst years of the Great Depression. She hadn't seen her Mom in 65 years! Was it all her imagination, the brain dying, or what? I think she saw just what she described. How does that work? I don't know. But I don't HAVE to know. I just have to accept.

Somewhere in the Bible, and I can't remember chapter and verse, it says that if we truly believe, God will make it so. I simply believe Mom's vision of her Mama was a simple gift from God for her. She'd been an awfully faithful and good woman, mother, etc., and I suspect she prayed for one advance picture of what her next life was to be like, and God simply granted it. And it's NOT my job to prove this at all. God has all sorts of ways and means with which to act in this world on our behalf. His simple will is enough to accomplish anything. After all, that's probably all he used to create all we know and have ever known in our realm. Why not a simple vision granted to a good woman who was asking from the depth of her heart and her whole being?

Mom was never terribly brave. She could be absolutely skittish at times, once her fear was piqued. I suspect, but can't verify, that she became concerned about her crossing over. It's the most human of things to consider when one's death is imminent and one knows it. All I can really certify is from that experience above forward, there wasn't the least hint of ANY sort of reluctance or fear of death in her. Was this God's way of compensating her for her faithfulness and the tough life she had early on? I don't know. I quit trying to explain or delve the mind of God some time ago. All I can really verify is that she had absolutely zero reluctance of dying and zero fear of death. It was not her Master. God was. And I simply believe that God granted her this last boon before her crossing over.

I'll always be grateful for God's mercy toward her in that. It was truly amazing the difference it made in her at that critical time. God can do anything he wants any way he wants to. Why and how he chooses as he does, I do not and probably CAN not know. I'm just satisfied with that. When He's ready to reveal more to me, He'll do it. Until then, I've quit chasing my own tail trying to figure out something far above my level of comprehension. Just made sense to me to do that.

05-23-2016, 12:14 PM
Pre-flood artifacts and mega-building projects (where there is a razor thin space between 40 ton asymmetrical stones) are historical artifacts of what the fallen angels were up to prior to Noah's sailing adventure.

05-23-2016, 12:41 PM
In a word...yes.

05-23-2016, 11:25 PM
my two youngest children saw one at the same time. ive seen them from God and some from the dark side(fallen ones)one sat with my mother in law for a 1/2 hour to 45 min. explaining her recovery before surgery. my friends youngest son saw the same one at bed time for about a year. recently in the other church my pastor preaches in on sunday one was up front above the pastor while he preached. several saw it. i heard one sing once. of course they are real, good ones and bad ones. i would rather see the good ones than the bad ones. when your in deep prayer and you sense a victory and then can finish praying that is when you see the bad ones as they are leaveing, they are not happy at that moment.

05-24-2016, 01:34 AM
my two youngest children saw one at the same time. ive seen them from God and some from the dark side(fallen ones)one sat with my mother in law for a 1/2 hour to 45 min. explaining her recovery before surgery. my friends youngest son saw the same one at bed time for about a year. recently in the other church my pastor preaches in on sunday one was up front above the pastor while he preached. several saw it. i heard one sing once. of course they are real, good ones and bad ones. i would rather see the good ones than the bad ones. when your in deep prayer and you sense a victory and then can finish praying that is when you see the bad ones as they are leaveing, they are not happy at that moment.

Could you describe the features of the best sighting you ever saw? Height, colors, eyes, appearance etc.?


05-24-2016, 02:40 AM
Yep they are here everywhere my wife believes she has seen one couple of times. I was gone for long enough for the doctors to notify my wife and family during a brain aneurysm surgery back in 09 then I set up while waiting for the trip to cold storage,so they closed up my head and moved me into recovery,then ICU where I had a stroke that lasted almost a week,I was in guarded condition,when my nurse stepped into the restroom,I tried to get up,from the recliner they had me in so fluids won't pool up in the brain. I fall over a trash /waste basket and broke my left hip,I was still at peace with my Angel who I'd seen number of times that week,despite the fact I was a Hemiplegic, didn't even worry me,all I can really remember is a foggy area,and being told it's God's will.
When the fear of death leaves you it replaced with a totally different feeling of peace, that was my second time in my life,that I was gone and come back,everyone tells me God has a plan for me,it's his will I just wish he would clue me in on it. So yes there is Angels at least that is my belief anyhow..

05-24-2016, 05:27 AM
Many deny the existence of angels just so they can continue to hold onto their disbeliefs.

I mean to cause no offence, but I cannot let that statement pass without comment. turn it around and try it out then. "Many claim the existence of angels just so they can continue to hold on to their beliefs."

Yes, I am an atheist. That is a belief system also, BTW. In 22 years of police service I have seen utter evil and great goodness from people and in neither case has the existence of a God been an influencing factor.

Perhaps I'm more of an agnostic for I am prepared for the possibility that when I die I may meet a God that made everything. If that happens I will not be afraid to look him/her/it in the eye and say that he rigged the game utterly and I cannot be held responsible for losing in a rigged game.

05-24-2016, 06:17 AM
Well, UK, if you're an atheist, what in the devil (literally?) are you doing here in The Chapel???? Nobody here has been aggressive in any way towards you. But you came here just to be aggressive and disruptive toward us, didn't you? Why? What's your purpose? What's your goal? Do you even have one that you can explain?

05-24-2016, 08:01 AM
I truly feel sorry for the few that come here with little to no faith and only seen to disrupt this thread and forum.

I wonder if they would enter a Church building during service and do the same?

Pine Baron
05-24-2016, 08:30 AM
Try this simple exercise. Substitute the word God with Life. Then substitute the word Jesus with Love. Can you see it now?
You cannot deny that a "Life" without "Love" is anything but meaningless. This can be the first step toward faith, understanding and redemption.
Go in peace, my brother.

05-24-2016, 08:33 AM
Well, UK, if you're an atheist, what in the devil (literally?) are you doing here in The Chapel???? Nobody here has been aggressive in any way towards you. But you came here just to be aggressive and disruptive toward us, didn't you? Why? What's your purpose? What's your goal? Do you even have one that you can explain?

My mistake. I was checking out the new posts and didn't see the Chapel heading. With that in mind I can only offer my post as self explanatory. I do not consider that I am either being aggressive (I most certainly am not) and I wonder how my query can be considered disruptive to anyone with faith. Perhaps you will just forgive my trespassing here.

05-24-2016, 08:52 AM
I mean to cause no offence, but I cannot let that statement pass without comment. turn it around and try it out then. "Many claim the existence of angels just so they can continue to hold on to their beliefs."

Yes, I am an atheist. That is a belief system also, BTW. In 22 years of police service I have seen utter evil and great goodness from people and in neither case has the existence of a God been an influencing factor.

Perhaps I'm more of an agnostic for I am prepared for the possibility that when I die I may meet a God that made everything. If that happens I will not be afraid to look him/her/it in the eye and say that he rigged the game utterly and I cannot be held responsible for losing in a rigged game.

"Let me say this to you and I'll drop it as I'm no evangelist to the 'non's'…

The information is out there. All you have to do is 'let it in'!"


05-24-2016, 02:17 PM
I mean to cause no offence, but I cannot let that statement pass without comment. turn it around and try it out then. "Many claim the existence of angels just so they can continue to hold on to their beliefs."

Yes, I am an atheist. That is a belief system also, BTW. In 22 years of police service I have seen utter evil and great goodness from people and in neither case has the existence of a God been an influencing factor.

Perhaps I'm more of an agnostic for I am prepared for the possibility that when I die I may meet a God that made everything. If that happens I will not be afraid to look him/her/it in the eye and say that he rigged the game utterly and I cannot be held responsible for losing in a rigged game.

UK, in that case, one I'd never considered, I apologize for my rather stern response to you. We've had some interlopers here who've obviously come here with the clear purpose of merely trying to disrupt what we have and do here, and I wrongly assumed you were merely another one of those. So please accept my apology, as its honest and sincere. I'm sending you a PM apology in case you don't see this one, but thought I needed to apologize publicly since I responded initially in public. Thanks for any understanding you can cast my way. I sincerely appreciate it.

05-24-2016, 03:42 PM
No worries. Buy me a beer and we'll call it quits.

05-24-2016, 05:26 PM
Thanks, UK. I'd love to share one with you. I've never learned anything from people who think just like I do, and it's certainly a fascinating and many-faceted subject. I've actually had a number of pretty cordial, though serious, conversations with atheists and other forms of non-Christian belief. Understanding is something none of us will ever have a complete handle on in this life, but it's in the search for real truth that I think we learn the most and best. If it was easy, we'd probably forget it and move on. Only that which we win through diligent effort seems to last and be valued by any of us, no matter what side one sits on with respect to our beliefs. And if you ever get it ALL figured out, please explain it all to me. Maybe we'll all get to know those answers one day with finality and fullness. As in the line from the movie, "Gladiator," "Not yet .... not yet." And frankly, I'm not that anxious to learn it all .... just yet.

Thanks for your understanding. You're a man I sense I'd enjoy talking with one day.

05-30-2016, 03:32 PM
This is a wonderful thread. I, like many others need a constant reminder of reality. What is of most importance is that we believe in a higher being regardless of religious denomination.

05-30-2016, 04:49 PM
we are going back where it should be with out the arguments from those who dont belive or just want to throw dust in the air and not contribute. our pastor shared with the church yesterday sunday how he came to be a minister when he was a successful rancher. in his mid 40/s on three different occasions when out checking cattle in remote pastures miles apart he saw an angle up in the sky holding something its hand. the angel was the same one every time and what it was holding in its hand was a cowboy on a horse. the cowboy was him, our pastor. our pastor said he had felt a calling to be a minister before this but would not take it serious. after the third vision he said he got down on his knees and accepted Christ as his savior, had a huge sale. paid off what he owed and went to a methodist seminary for 5 years. he is now a very happy cowboy methodist pastor. he also has the gift of healing and is doing alot of that with real healings. their you are a angel story that changed a life and now other lives.

05-30-2016, 05:57 PM
Never saw one, know people who have, but if I ever do…I'm going to give Him a danged good look over so as I'll never forget!

05-30-2016, 06:11 PM
I don't go to church,never really have.But I believe in God,Jesus Christ and Angels.I have called on Him twice and with all sincerity,He came and He helped. I have no doubts.

05-30-2016, 07:49 PM
Taylor, FWIW, I have 2 or 3 friends that seldom if ever go to church, but just as you say, believe the whole ball of wax. How does God deal with these folks? I don't know, but I'd have a VERY hard time believing they'd be lost. I just can't be made to add up unless one uses Old Testament rules for determining New Testament times and people. And that just can't add up to me. I know they display much more Christian behavior than some church goers who seem to always be there ever time the church door is opened. Should they seek out a church that suits them more? Possibly, but I leave that between them and God. They don't do any prosteletyzing, but do we have to? They've raised good, God fearing families, have good, solid basically God fearing friends. I see through the glass WAY too darkly to stand in judgment over them. That's not my job. I DO mention church and God sometimes, but no real prosteletyzing to them. Should I? I don't think so, but I could be wrong. I doubt it, though.

If the good thief who died on the cross beside Christ was saved, and we have it on the very best authority that he was - Christ himself - then maybe all that concentration on the church was for other reasons, more than on scriptures? Yeah, the scriptures DO in fact say that we're to regularly attend groups of like-minded people, and a lot of other stuff, but when I get to where I can obey ALL those things, maybe THEN I'll have some basis for standing in judgment over others. I'm just not anywhere near that just now. Arguing among ourseles, or making assessments of others on the basis of what they display is not "judging" them as so many try to claim these days. It's very much distinct from "judgment" as used in the Bible. This is where those darned semantics come into play in our discussions, and even in our reading of the Bible.

It's taken me a long time to realize I need to read each Bible verse about 10 times before much of its content seems to really sink in. The illusions about its content abound, and are VERY EASY to find. Ain't it funny how that works? Almost like it was planned that way to separate the wheat from the chaff. And then there's those who willfully and intentionally misinterpret and skew the words and meanings in the Bible, but they were never reading it for content to start with - only as a target to direct their slings and arrows at. And they think they's SO smart in that! HAR! Like most couldn't spot thier purposes from a mile off! It's kind'a funny how that works, too, isn't it?

06-06-2016, 10:45 PM
Thank you gentlemen. Your words give me comfort during a really hard time.

06-07-2016, 06:48 AM
Joe, we'll be praying for you, whatever your challenge might be right now. Keep the faith, and you'll come out the other end stronger and better and wiser for it. Challenges will always come to us. How else can we show our devotion and belief? They're not fun, but they surely do edify us, lest we fall into worldliness by default. God bless you and yours.