View Full Version : Where do you pray ? How do you pray ?

05-16-2016, 09:38 PM
We all have habits . Sometime adding to one or taking away takes..........Change . Change can be hard or easy as the result of it takes time to evaluate . At a time I only felt comfortable praying in familiar places like my home , church and the like . At times prayer was needed in uncomfortable places such as in the hospital with the family of a dying family member . Circumstances or situations like this demand prayer if you believe . Praying for the injured on the location of the event as an auto accident , on the job injury , and the like . There are happier occasions such as wedding , births , graduations , anniversary's . Different prayer......different circumstances and different locations .
I really don't practice or plan many prayers . Mine are usually short and to the point but I enjoy eloquent prayer if it is honest and not just pretty words and has meaningful content .

I pray early in the mourning I get up around 4 am and before bed the most usually . I pray many short prayers during the day at work or idle time waiting . There is never a lack of situations or people to pray for . Heck I guess when you think about it prayer should be almost endless . I pray for myself a LOT more now than I use to ( I refer to the topic I put up wanting to be half the man I once was) mainly for guidance .

I pray for all members here ......yea the atheists too . Individuals here that ask for prayer the most though , if prayer is requested how can you not ?

How and where do you pray ?

05-16-2016, 10:28 PM
as the spirit moves in many different ways and many different times. sometimes by my self and sometime in the spirit. when it gets serious and to move mountains, with another christian in agreement in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the finger of the right hand of God the father. their are many different kinds of prayers for many different kinds of situations.

05-16-2016, 10:39 PM
had some of my best hart to harts laying on a hay bale out in a field looking at the stars. I don't think you have to be in a religious place to talk to god.

05-16-2016, 10:44 PM
Simple prayer for a simple man:
I have one prayer..I say it every morning and every evening.
God, thank you for what you have given me
Thank you for what you have taken away and
mostly thank you for what you have left me with.

If I see or hear of someone that is in trouble my prayer is to have my God talk to their God for the answers.

05-16-2016, 10:46 PM
Anywhere & anytime I need it.

05-17-2016, 07:15 AM
The movie War Room not too long ago awoke many to the need of prayer . I thought it was a great inspiration and reminder to all that saw it . When I look around there is prayer needed everywhere .

Preacher Jim
05-17-2016, 08:31 AM
Looking out across the valley out my bedroom window as I start my day. Bible reading, prayer and coffee start my journey. Then everytime I have a decision to make. The Father is smarter about what I need to do than me.

05-17-2016, 08:38 AM
I can pray anytime, anywhere, but I've found I pray better if I'm in a place with no distractions. One of the best was the day I stopped my motorcycle and n a hilltop road. No one around for a mile or three, just me and God.

When I'm feeling in need for serious prayer, I go where I can be alone.

05-17-2016, 08:47 AM
One of my most common prayer times is when in traffic. Right now I'm sitting with my shooting buddy as the cancer ravages his body so I'm praying more often than not. He last ate on the 1st, and this week he has slacked off on his fluid intake as well. Sometimes we have a bright spot and he recognizes us, funny but it's usually old friends he hasn't seen for a while and not those of us he's sees regular.

05-17-2016, 08:59 AM
For me, it's mostly when I'm alone, but there are exceptions to any response I could make here. I just pray whenever and wherever I happen to be when I just want to have a little talk with God or make a request of Him. He's always there, wherever and whenever we happen to be, so .... I just try to talk with him like I would with any truly good friend. I never quite succeed, but I try to keep mindful of His presence all through the day. Helps keep me straight when I do that.

05-17-2016, 09:28 AM
Not near as often as I should, I feel his presence most when I'm in my garden, already on my knees conveniently, I know he's everywhere but with my ands in the dirt, caring for seedlings, pulling weeds, trimming plants, that's when I feel I can almost comprehend .1% of His ways and His love.....I'm reminded of John the Baptist warning that He is coming with he wing ax and threshing fork to hand and all that don't bear good fruit shall be hew down from the root and thrown on the fire. I think of the third day when He called forth all the erb yielding grass and fruit bearing tree with a seed of it's own kind inside itself and called it Good! I think of us as seeds a hards shell, needing soil and water and sun and nutrients to grow and bear good fruit, we need to shed our shell of sin and weakness to grow, the soil, nutrients and water are His words, Love and guidance and forgiveness an mercy. And the sun we need is the SON!

05-18-2016, 05:00 AM
Any time any where ,

05-18-2016, 05:32 AM
I'm the first to arrive at work each day and normally pray and give thanks.

05-18-2016, 05:44 AM
Usually this time of morning,looking out the window by my desk.I thank the Lord for one more day and ask for guidance and forgiveness.
I fear my country and family will need all the faith we can muster here very soon.May God help us all to change our direction.

05-18-2016, 07:03 AM
I start my day with a prayer and end it with a prayer asking God to bless all.

Pine Baron
05-18-2016, 08:32 AM
I'm praying right now!

05-18-2016, 09:01 AM
I try to remember what the apostle Paul said, "pray without ceasing."
Some days I succeed, some days I fail miserably. Thankfully by the grace of God He understands.
Thanks for the reminder Boaz.
May God bless everyone here today beyond your needs for His glory.

05-18-2016, 09:11 AM
In the fields, in the timber, in the mountains, with my dog, with my horses.

05-18-2016, 11:25 PM
Been a trying few weeks, money and time and patients pushed to the breaking point, had a catastrophic truck break down , in heavy traffic on the highway at rush hour, but what really upset me was missing my daughters choir concert, she took it like a lady but I promised I'd be there, the tow truck got there the same time the concert started.....called the wife to pick me up, guess what he truck was over heating and she was broke down about a mile from our driveway. ....got three jobs that are done and I haven't been paid on yet, supposed to be tomorrow on all three...we just had a large one time bill that was more than we thought.....all that extra money I'd saved from working 6 days a week gone in an afternoon. ....then yesterday the wife finally won our long term argument/discussion about getting a new vehicle so we were at the dealership with our down payment and they pulled the old , "oh no down payment is X, not Y" and then pulled the famous, no that's not the monthly payment, who told you that, that's only for GM employees, this is your monthly payment, $250 more a month, before I could explode my wife said in her school teacher voice " sorry then gents for wasting everyone's time, we will just go spend our money some place where they can count and tell the truth." I love my feisty Red head!!!!! Anyhow we've been sending serious "knee mail" and you know what, we've handled it all pretty well and we know we will be alright, warm house filled with love and a full belly. Thank you Jesus for all my blessings!!!!!

05-19-2016, 10:49 AM
Nagantguy, it's these needlessly nagging things that so often get to us, and you did REAL good keeping your cool and resolving it all as you did. And you're right, the results of that DO make a difference. We may be IN the world, but we don't have to be OF the world. Ya' done good, brother. REAL good. And your wife's a real pearl. You ARE a lucky man!

05-19-2016, 10:51 AM
Nagantguy, it's these needlessly nagging things that so often get to us, and you did REAL good keeping your cool and resolving it all as you did. And you're right, the results of that DO make a difference. We may be IN the world, but we don't have to be OF the world. Ya' done good, brother. REAL good. And your wife's a real pearl. You ARE a lucky man!

05-20-2016, 10:21 AM
I pray as I go to bed, and when I get in my vehicle to head out in the morning. I like to let the Good Lord know, that I know, I am a member of His family, and a soldier in His army. And as others have said, "Anywhere, any time."

Oft times when I see a person in dire straights, or an older person who looks in need, I say a quick "Jesus help them" prayer. I always thought of these as my "quick draw" prayers. (If there is something I can do personally to aid or assist, I will stop and offer help.)

The Bible tells us, "Some have entertained angels unawares." Hebrews 13: 1-2

05-20-2016, 05:00 PM
I say a lot of on the spot prayer too . You don't have to look far for a need . Praying gets to be kind of automatic after a while .

Pine Baron
05-21-2016, 08:25 AM
I say a lot of on the spot prayer too . You don't have to look far for a need . Praying gets to be kind of automatic after a while .
Spot on.