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View Full Version : Shooting in KS High School Graducation

05-16-2016, 12:49 AM

Authorities say two people have been wounded at a high school graduation ceremony in southern Kansas (http://abcnews.go.com/topics/news/kansas.htm) after a man with a concealed weapon permit adjusted a sock he had stuffed a pistol into.

Augusta Police Chief Tyler Brewer said Sunday afternoon that the shooting was accidental and described it as a "knucklehead situation." The bullet went through the man's foot and traveled about another 50 feet before striking a woman in her calf. The woman has been released from a Wichita hospital, while the man has been admitted with an injury that's not life-threatening.

Brewer says the Augusta High School commencement continued after the shooting, with most people unaware of what happened. Brewer says he plans to present the case to prosecutors because it's illegal to carry a firearm on school grounds.

If you have enough money for a handgun and ammo, have enough for a proper holster.

Bad Water Bill
05-16-2016, 03:03 AM
Also keep in mind that there are insurance policies for concealed carriers covering you IF you unfortunately have to shoot someone.

2A lawyers,bail bond and many other expenses you never thought about are covered.

DerekP Houston
05-16-2016, 09:39 AM
Also keep in mind that there are insurance policies for concealed carriers covering you IF you unfortunately have to shoot someone.

2A lawyers,bail bond and many other expenses you never thought about are covered.

This was brought up during my 2 ccw courses, for less than $100 a year I have Texas Law Shield. Not promoting them or anything I just figured it was better to have it and not need it. Also....sock? A cheap uncle mike holster would've secured it better than that. At least here in Texas schools/school functions are off limits, not sure why he tried to sneak it in.

05-16-2016, 10:23 AM
Likely the insurance would not pay since he knowingly violated the law. I'm not saying I agree with it but most places it is illegal to have a gun on school property.

05-16-2016, 10:34 AM


Whatta maroon.....

05-16-2016, 12:15 PM
It would appear that the 'carrier' has learned a couple of lessons the hard way.

I guess that if you are being educated at the same time you are being graduated ... that could be called a 'graducation'.

05-16-2016, 12:38 PM
Probably another of those idiots with a striker fired handgun that doesn't have a safety. If you insist on carrying that type of handgun, you *must* add an "external safety" to it (e.g. Kydex holster to cover the trigger).

05-16-2016, 12:45 PM
Probably another of those idiots with a striker fired handgun that doesn't have a safety. If you insist on carrying that type of handgun, you *must* add an "external safety" to it (e.g. Kydex holster to cover the trigger).

With this obvious failure of the "organic" safety (between the ears) no amount of "external" or "mechanical" safety would have helped. Stoopit people do stoopit things.

05-16-2016, 02:47 PM
This happened in Augusta, KS, which is literally about 5 miles from where I live, however I didn't go to school there. I'm sure this idiot was attempting to emulate billy bad@ss and tote a gun around wherever he sees fit. What a Jackwagon... This is a prime reason to castrate this dingus so he can't pollute the gene pool. Almost as bad as the guy about a year ago or so that pocket carried into a church and shot himself in the groin because he carried without a holster. At least that idiot didn't hurt anyone else.

05-16-2016, 02:58 PM
Anyone know what kind of gun it was? I carry a DA/SA (S&W 3914 9mm) with one in the chamber and hammer down. DA first shot and SA for all after that.
THAT is a safe carry, not cocked and locked or a stupid design striker fired gun.

mold maker
05-16-2016, 03:08 PM
The firing system is immaterial. It's the computer between the ears that makes any gun safe.
Keep your finger off the trigger.

05-16-2016, 03:28 PM
The firing system is immaterial. It's the computer between the ears that makes any gun safe.
Keep your finger off the trigger.

Or in this case, keep your sock off the trigger... :)

05-16-2016, 03:38 PM
This happened in Augusta, KS, which is literally about 5 miles from where I live, however I didn't go to school there. I'm sure this idiot was attempting to emulate billy bad@ss and tote a gun around wherever he sees fit. What a Jackwagon... This is a prime reason to castrate this dingus so he can't pollute the gene pool. Almost as bad as the guy about a year ago or so that pocket carried into a church and shot himself in the groin because he carried without a holster. At least that idiot didn't hurt anyone else.

Nothing wrong with carrying a firearm wherever you want as far as I'm concerned. Remember that little phrase, "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED" in the 2nd Amendment? He screwed up a couple of ways... He was carrying it in an ankle carry in just his sock... He did not have a proper holster that covered the trigger with a hard shell... He was probably carrying a striker fired handgun with no external safety... And on top of that, he apparently crossed his legs. How else would he have managed to shoot through both his own foot and the calf of someone 50 ft away? Depending upon the caliber, I'm not sure exactly *how* unforgiving I would be if someone shot me through the calf. I'm thinking that at the very least, my "un-forgiveness" would start out at the level of baseball bat and numerous broken ribs and go up from there.

05-16-2016, 04:09 PM
It is a shame that some gun owners are idiots.

05-16-2016, 04:18 PM
Nothing wrong with carrying a firearm wherever you want as far as I'm concerned. Remember that little phrase, "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED" in the 2nd Amendment? He screwed up a couple of ways... He was carrying it in an ankle carry in just his sock... He did not have a proper holster that covered the trigger with a hard shell... He was probably carrying a striker fired handgun with no external safety... And on top of that, he apparently crossed his legs. How else would he have managed to shoot through both his own foot and the calf of someone 50 ft away? Depending upon the caliber, I'm not sure exactly *how* unforgiving I would be if someone shot me through the calf. I'm thinking that at the very least, my "un-forgiveness" would start out at the level of baseball bat and numerous broken ribs and go up from there.

I don't disagree a bit. I carry just about everywhere minus the places that could get me in legal hot water like city buildings, schools, post offices, etc. Most of these places I could get away with it but not worth the risk. Regular public places that slap the "no guns" decal on the door don't get consideration. Legally, it isn't illegal to do so but the place of business can ask you to leave and press trespassing if you refuse to leave. What they don't know, won't hurt them so I will continue to cover my ____. I do carry a "safetyless" striker fired gun, an M&P 9C but it also resides in a firm custom kydex holster that completely shrouds the entire gun minus the portion of the grip below the trigger guard. As long as it remains holstered, nothing to worry about. I don't jack with it or play around with it. Obviously this retard in the plot here didn't have a properly secured weapon and doesn't paint the picture of responsible gun owner. Schools are certainly a place that gets attacked and I feel there should be armed personnel on staff but not the majority of the students. Some kids would be trustworthy enough to carry a gun, most would not. I went to a rural school and before Columbine happened, it was common to guns in the pickup truck window racks back then. Many of us took time off for hunting season during the year. We had a lot of us students that would be plenty capable of being trustworthy enough to carry. Today.... schools expel elementary kid for chewing their sandwich into a gun shape and the students can't spell gun let alone handle one.

In all seriousness, if I had been shot through negligence by some dummy in public, there is a chance I could have drawn and fired in response to a perceived threat. I'm not one to be jumpy or trigger happy but actual gunfire in close proximity to me is likely to have me drawing my own. An idiot move like that could have easily ended up in returned fire. A knuckle sandwich would have been on special for sure.

05-16-2016, 04:30 PM
In all seriousness, if I had been shot through negligence by some dummy in public, there is a chance I could have drawn and fired in response to a perceived threat. I'm not one to be jumpy or trigger happy but actual gunfire in close proximity to me is likely to have me drawing my own. An idiot move like that could have easily ended up in returned fire. A knuckle sandwich would have been on special for sure.

But, you're scanning around looking for who shot you and all you see is some guy jumping around with a hole in his foot... You're *probably* not going to be thinking that someone shot you with *their foot*. :) If he had kept his feet on the floor, no one else would have probably been injured. The noise in a lot of these graduations is such that most people will not even hear the gunshot or if they do, figure it is some highschooler with a firecracker or "party popper".

05-17-2016, 01:30 AM
But, you're scanning around looking for who shot you and all you see is some guy jumping around with a hole in his foot... You're *probably* not going to be thinking that someone shot you with *their foot*. :) If he had kept his feet on the floor, no one else would have probably been injured. The noise in a lot of these graduations is such that most people will not even hear the gunshot or if they do, figure it is some highschooler with a firecracker or "party popper".

You have a point, lol. With a negligent discharge, the idiot probably will be flailing around and screaming for help but ya never know... It is the general public and I don't trust people I don't know in some way, shape or form.

05-17-2016, 02:26 AM
You have a point, lol. With a negligent discharge, the idiot probably will be flailing around and screaming for help but ya never know... It is the general public and I don't trust people I don't know in some way, shape or form.

Awh, 'ell... I don't trust the people that I *do* know...

05-17-2016, 06:18 AM
Simple solution... Keep the chamber empty.

Practice drawing and cocking. Or cocking while drawing.

Or better yet, get a revolver. And a real holster.

Thanks, moron, for giving the antis more arguments to use against us.

05-17-2016, 12:19 PM

AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — Officials say a University of Texas (http://www.chron.com/search/?action=search&channel=news%2Ftexas&inlineLink=1&searchindex=gsa&query=%22University+of+Texas%22) police officer accidentally shot himself outside of the campus police department.

UT police department spokeswoman Cindy Posey (http://www.chron.com/search/?action=search&channel=news%2Ftexas&inlineLink=1&searchindex=gsa&query=%22Cindy+Posey%22) says the officer was taken to the hospital Tuesday morning with injuries that were not life-threatening. She did not know where the officer was shot.
Posey says weapon was unintentionally discharged in a secure outdoor area outside of the department headquarters where officers do weapons checks. She did not know what the officer was doing at the time of the incident.

Austin-Travis County EMS told the Austin American-Statesman (http://atxne.ws/23W07uF ) that paramedics were called to the scene and took a man with injuries to the hospital.
UT police are investigating the incident.

Caca pasa...

05-18-2016, 01:12 AM
If You are dead you don't know that Your dead because You are dead........ it's the same if You are Stupid !

Good Shooting


05-18-2016, 09:20 AM
Through the years I have had several accidental discharges but was lucky the no one was hit or injured and all of them could have been contrived as to being my fault.I never pointed the weapons at any one it was mostly my not paying attention to what I was doing at the time.

05-18-2016, 09:33 AM
Sounds like the knuckle head that discharged his ccw weapon in the movie theater a couple of years ago here in Sparks NV. He had it in the side pocket of his shorts and was playing with it. It fell out, went under his seat and he shot himself in the tail feathers.
He then apologized and walked out.
The rub, there were two unarmed off duty LEO's in there with him.
Guess who got yelled at when they went back to work?
After the Colorado theater shooting I ignore all no firearms signs that won't land me in legal trouble. Go ahead and ask me to leave. I will happily do so, but I refuse to be unarmed.
People ask me why I carry and I tell them it's because a police officer is to heavy to carry. :-)

05-18-2016, 09:39 AM
Semi- local news ....yesterday they were exploring possible stronger alternative charges ...today they state no charges - at least at the local level,state or fed may yet step in/up