View Full Version : Prayer for direction

05-11-2016, 10:00 PM
I was in the truck with Brandon Monday when he had his wreck.

There was a women there who was doing her best to get me to go to the hospital. She stayed by my side the whole time I'm was pacing around trying to regain my composer. It turns out I had met her once before at a comunity feed or church had done a few years back.

Its late its late it been a tough weak I'm going to finish this tomorrow

05-11-2016, 11:07 PM
Prayer sent

Teddy (punchie)
05-12-2016, 12:39 AM
praying for, take care!!

05-12-2016, 06:57 AM
Father, rl69 needs some help with confusion after a motor vehicle wreck. Please help him to see clearly the right thing to do and lift the veil that results after this traumatic incident. If rl69 is injured, guide him to his doctor, allow him to see clearly what he needs to do. Amen

square butte
05-12-2016, 07:09 AM
You have my prayers. The Good Lord knows your needs

05-12-2016, 08:18 AM
RL69 you are on my prayer list!

05-12-2016, 08:37 AM
Lord, I lift up rl69 in the name of Jesus.

Pine Baron
05-12-2016, 10:06 AM
Father, rl69 needs some help with confusion after a motor vehicle wreck. Please help him to see clearly the right thing to do and lift the veil that results after this traumatic incident. If rl69 is injured, guide him to his doctor, allow him to see clearly what he needs to do. Amen

Preacher Jim
05-12-2016, 10:47 AM
RL as we have told boaz and others, get thee to the doctor.
praying for you and your healing.

05-12-2016, 12:45 PM
You have my prayers, but like Jim says, you need a doc. I've played the guessing game before too many times, and wishful thinking always enters in way too often, so go get some professional help. They're not perfect, but their batting average is WAY above our own! Still praying for Brandon as well. If you were in the truck with him, you both were shaken up about as bad as one can be shaken, without ending up in the hospital. People have died due to being stubborn and not going to see a doctor after that kind of extreme shakeups. Sometimes things can be hidden for a while after such an incident. You've heard of "shaken baby syndrome" before. Essentially, the brain bounces around inside the skull, and that never does anything good. You've been through a similar thing, and there could be hidden factors involve that haven't manifested themselves in a serious way yet. GO SEE THE DOC! And we'll be praying for both of you. You mean too much to us to not do that.

05-12-2016, 09:06 PM
Slowdown guys your getting ahead of me. I had a old horse bust me up more then this. I'm just tired between church work and the rodeo I haven't had time to sit down

so where was I.this woman robin, had been hurt by a church. We did our best to get her to come join our church, but she said she couldn't go threw that agin. I hadn't seen her again until Monday. I told her "I know you" she told me who her husband was I told her " no I know you " that's when I realized who she was.

So what do I need to do ? Should I leave her alone should I go talk with her? I have a great opening. I need to thank her for keeping me grounded . I just fill the lord put us back together for a reason. What say you?

05-12-2016, 09:10 PM
By the way I took tonight off! I had too work today. but I didn't go to the rodeo

05-12-2016, 09:15 PM
This is the truck we where in

05-12-2016, 10:48 PM
Gee whiz, Ronnie! You were LUCKY! And/or blessed by God! And I don't care WHAT you've been through in the past, the human body can't take that kind of jostling about without some possibly serous ramifications. Get thee to a doc, friend! You seem to be as stubborn as I am, and THAT ain't GOOD! I can give a lot better advice than I can take.

As to the lady, God indeed works in mysterious ways, and I think it'd be good to approach her again, if for nothing else but to thank her. It's a shame to see a church hurt people, but it happens. And it's not God's doings, but that of folks who SHOULD know better. Maybe you're to be her 2nd chance? Can't hurt to give her an invitation. If you're sincere and earnest, it'll come across. We humans have a LOT of ability to discern just how earnest and honest people are. We just don't often use it. Folks who've been hurt before tend to use these facilities more and better than those who've always had it fairly easy. Go for it, is my recommendation.

05-13-2016, 08:05 AM
Amen. Thank the good Lord for His protection.

As to the lady, "Cast your bread upon the waters...."

05-13-2016, 08:16 AM
rl69 You are right in asking for direction. This lady needs the truth spoken to her. So ask what to speak to her from the Bible. Because it is the truth, and God's word will not return to Him void but will accomplish what he pleases and will prosper in the thing it was sent to. The Holy Spirit will tell you what to say.

Pine Baron
05-13-2016, 08:28 AM
Dang, Ron, some duct tape and that truck will be good as new. :kidding:.
Thank God for His protection. As for your lady friend, maybe you just need to listen and offer support. The rest will follow.

05-13-2016, 02:58 PM
God said to plant them seeds....and He will allow them to grow....sometimes it just takes time and let them come round to the logical solution. God will work through You and others who care for her and want her to be at peace. rl69 you are doing right and I appreciate the great work that you do....

country gent
05-13-2016, 03:46 PM
I read in one of your posts above that she was married. Yes by all means Make arrangements t stop in and Thank Her for her help and caring during the accident. But also include the husband in this. Dont put yourself in a questionable position. A donuts, pastries, cake or pie as a thank-you gift may be appropriate.

05-13-2016, 03:59 PM
I would say, send her a small arrangement of flowers of thanks and ask one of the ladies in your church to deliver it.

p.s. Where is the rest of the truck??

05-14-2016, 05:09 PM
This is where I'm at. well first let me say thank you for your prayers and comments I'm in compleat agreement with all of y'all

im going to give her two Sunday's before the wife and I go see her. that way she has the opertunity to make the first move. Change is hard. After that is lol bring her a cake and invite her to help us cook on Wednesday. She said she loved doing stuff like that. I beleave that will be our careoky night we have a lot more fellowship happening on that night. It's going to be a long two weeks I hate waiting when I know there is somthing I need to do

05-15-2016, 07:53 AM
It seems vague but follow your heart and pray . Let the Lord guide you . There is seldom immediate success . It takes time . for you and her . You are planting seed , it may take a while to grow . You are doing good work , it takes time .

05-16-2016, 12:44 PM
Sometimes, RL, the Lord leads us to try something that we're not completely comfortable with, or don't completely understand enough to really develop a pre-action plan. These times seem to require some real deliberation and thought before our action, which is exactly what you're doing, and shows how committed you are to following through on it. It's at these times that our faith simply has to be put into play. "Just do it," as Nike says. Just make it casual and friendly and appreciative, and no matter how it might try to go off course, if you persist with that attitude, it's very likely to bring the best results possible. Still, though, some just simply refuse to come to belief, and since God gave them that right or power, there's simply nothing we can do to change that. All we can do is simply accept it. But persistence, without nagging, sometimes works.

Sometimes, it's all about catching them at the right moment, and when they're in the right frame of mind. If she seems to be in a worried or other state of mind that tends to seem to want to block out your efforts, just give her the cake and come back later. Sometimes, it's best to hold our piece and wait for a more amenable moment to deliver it. A smile and some genuine appreciation always helps at those times, too. We all need our days brightened sometimes, and frequently, a gift and a smile is all it takes to bring about a change in attitude.

The big thing is that we simply provide God with an opportunity to give us just the right words. We ARE his "strong right arm," and if we sit idle, little CAN be achieved. But we also can't go off willy nilly and expect good results either. Christ kind'a modeled deliberation, thoughtfulness and calm for us, and I think that was supposed to be our guide, especially when we're uncertain, afraid, or troubled by things. Calm, genuine appreciation is rarely turned away. Good luck. I hope you find the best words possible for her.